- A study of the toxicity of the ozonation products of phenols and chlorophenols by daphnia magna testTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena23rd Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1997 / p. 152
- Advanced oxidation processes : how much they cost?Munter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Goi, Annae-proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Environmental Applications of AOP : Crete, Chania, September 7-9, 20062006 / p. 284-292
- Advanced oxidation processes and ozone treatment of anthracene in aqueous solutionsMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaEesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Keemia1994 / 2, lk. 61-67: ill
- Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) : water treatment technology for the Twenty-first CenturyMunter, Rein; Preis, Sergei; Kallas, Juha; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaKemia-kemi2001 / 5, p. 354-362 : ill
- Advanced oxidation processes as an opportunity for purification of waste water from Estonian oil shale industryTrapido, Marina; Munter, Rein; Veressinina, JelenaRegional Conference on Ozone Generation and Application to Water and Waste Water Treatment : ECWATECH-98, Moscow, Russia, 26-28 May, 1998 : proceedings1998 / p. 519-534: ill
- Advanced oxidation processes for degradation of 2,4-dichlo- and 2,4-dimethylphenolTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinJournal of environmental engineering1998 / 8, p. 690-694: ill
- Advanced oxidation processes of xylenols in aqueous solutionsTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry1995 / 1, p. 21-31: ill
- Aeration, oxidation and filtration for natural pollutants removal from groundwaterMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Lumiste, LiieE-proceedings of International Conference of IOA-EA3G : Ozone and Related Oxidants for Emerging Pollutants of Concern to the Water and the Environment : April 28-30, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland2010 / p. 5.5-1 - 5.5-11
- Application of advanced oxidation technologies for propoxycarbazone-sodium degradationDulov, Aleksandr; Dulova, Niina; Veressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina20th IOA World Congress - 6th IUVA World Congress : Ozone and UV Leading-Edge Science and Technologies : Paris, France, 23-27 May 2011 : proceedings2011 / p. I.6.15-1 - I.6.15-8
- Application of catalyst for intensification of ozonation of some resistant compoundsTrapido, Marina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinThird International Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment - Special Topic: AOP's for Recycling and Reuse : 18-22 May 2003, Goslar, Germany2003 / p. 711-716
- Application of ozonation, UV photolysis, Fenton treatment and other related processes for degradation of ibuprofen and sulfamethoxazole in different aqueous matricesEpold, Irina; Dulova, Niina; Veressinina, Jelena; Trapido, MarinaJournal of advanced oxidation technologies2012 / p. 354-364 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263695119_Application_of_Ozonation_UV_Photolysis_Fenton_Treatment_and_other_Related_Processes_for_Degradation_of_Ibuprofen_and_Sulfamethoxazole_in_Different_Aqueous_Matrices
- Catalytic filtration for the improvement of drinking water qualityVeressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina; Ahelik, Viktor; Munter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2000 / 3, p. 168-179 : ill
- Catalytic ozonation as a means for degradation of resistant compoundsTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinAbstracts of the International Conference "Eco-Balt 2004"2004 / p. 15-16
- Catalytic ozonation of m-dinitrobenzeneTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, Rein; Kallas, JuhaAdvances in Science and Engineering for Industrial Applications of Ozone and Related Oxidants : International Conference : Barcelona, Spain, March 10-12, 2004 : proceedings2004 / p. I.1.6-1 - I.1.6-6 : ill
- Catalytic ozonation of m-dinitrobenzeneTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, Rein; Kallas, JuhaOzone : science and engineering2005 / 5, p. 359-363 : ill
- Chemical oxidation of ferrous iron in aqueous solutions and groundwater samplesMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Kallas, JuhaProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry1999 / 4, p. 174-181: ill
- Combination of ozonation and Fenton processes for landfill leachate treatment : evaluation of treatment efficiencyGoi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Trapido, MarinaOzone & Related Oxidants in : Advanced Treatment of Water for Human Health and Environment Protection : IOA International Conference Brussels, Belgium, May 15-16, 20082008 / p. 6.1.2-1 - 6.1.2.-12 : ill https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01919510802582011
- Combination of ozonation and the Fenton processes for landfill leachate treatment : evaluation of treatment efficiencyGoi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Trapido, MarinaOzone : science & engineering2009 / 1, p. 28-36 : ill
- Combined chemical treatment of pharmaceutical effluents from medical ointment productionKulik, Niina; Trapido, Marina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinChemosphere2008 / 8, p. 1525-1531 : ill https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17897701/
- Combined treatment of pharmaceutical effluents from medical ointment productionKulik, Niina; Trapido, Marina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, Rein2007 World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet Technologies : August 27-29, 2007, Los Angeles, California USA2007 / p. Abs.61 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17897701/
- Comparative studies of AOP for aromatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons destructionMunter, Rein; Kallas, Juha; Preis, Sergei; Kamenev, Sven; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena12th Ozone World Congress, May 15th to 18th, 1995, Lille, France : proceedings. Vol. 11995 / p. 395-406: ill
- Cost effectiveness of ozonation and AOPs for aromatic compounds removal from waterMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaProceedings of the 17th International Ozone Association World Congress and Exhibition "Ozone and Related Oxidants. Innovative and Current Technologies" : Strasbourg, France, August 22-25, 2005. Session IV. Part 32005 / p. 1-9
- Cost effectiveness of ozonation and AOPs for aromatic compounds removal from water : a preliminary studyMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Goi, AnnaOzone : science and engineering2006 / 5, p. 287-293 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01919510600893875
- Degradation of aqueous nitrophenols by ozone combined with UV-radiation and hydrogen peroxideTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Kallas, JuhaOzone : science & engineering2001 / 4, p. 333-342 : ill
- Degradation of emerging pharmaceuticals in water/wastewater matrix with advanced oxidation processes : a comparative studyEpold, Irina; Barajeva, Polina; Veressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina20th IOA World Congress - 6th IUVA World Congress : Ozone and UV Leading-Edge Science and Technologies : Paris, France, 23-27 May 2011 : proceedings2011 / p. VIII.2.6-1 - VIII.2.6-10
- Degradation of nitrophenols by ozone combined with UV-radiation and hydrogen peroxideTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Kallas, JuhaProceedings of the International Conference on Applications of Ozone and also on UV and Related Ozone Technologies (in conjuction with IUVA) : AT Wasser Berlin 2000 : October 23-262000 / p. 421-435
- Degradation of propoxycarbazone-sodium with advanced oxidation processesDulov, Aleksandr; Dulova, Niina; Veressinina, Jelena; Trapido, MarinaWater science & technology : water supply2011 / p. 129-134
- Degradation of salicylic acid by Fenton and modified Fenton treatmentGoi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Trapido, MarinaChemical engineering journal2008 / [9] p. : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1385894708000302
- Degradation of salicylic acid by means of ozonation and advanced oxidation processesGoi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Dzitsjuk, I.; Trapido, Marina2007 World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet Technologies : August 27-29, 2007, Los Angeles, California USA2007 / p. Abs.126
- Destruction of toxic and carcinogenic aromatic compounds by advanced oxidation processesTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Kallas, Juha; Hautaniemi, Marjaana; Munter, ReinThe 1998 European Workshop on Water and Air Treatment by Advanced Oxidation Technologies : Innovative and Commercial Applications, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 11-14, 1998 : abstracts1998 / p. 46
- Detoxification of oil-shale wastes by advanced oxidationVeressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina; Kulik, Niina; Munter, ReinChemicals, Human & Environment : programme & abstracts : Joint Conference of Estonian Society of Toxicology & Scandinavian Society of Cell Toxicology : Toila, Estonia, October 20-23, 20052005 / p. 84
- Enhanced degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls in soil by hydrogen peroxide, persulfate and ozoneViisimaa, Marika; Veressinina, Jelena; Goi, Anna20th IOA World Congress - 6th IUVA World Congress : Ozone and UV Leading-Edge Science and Technologies : Paris, France, 23-27 May 2011 : proceedings2011 / p. I.5.10-1 - I.5.10-10
- Ergosterooli muundamine 9,11-secosteroolide saamiseksJäälaid, Raissa; Veressinina, Jelena; Järving, Ivar; Pehk, Tõnis; Lille, ÜloXXIII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid1997 / lk. 37
- Esilekerkivate ravimite lagundamine süvaoksüdatsiooniprotsessidega vees/reovees : võrdlev uuringEpold, Irina; Veressinina, Jelena; Trapido, MarinaXXXII Eesti Keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid2011 / lk. 21
- Estonian ground water : quality problems and possible technology for improvementVeressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina; Munter, Rein4th International Congress and Trade Fair "Water : Ecology and Technology" : ECWATECH-2000 : Moscow, 30 May - 2 June 2000 : abstracts2000 / p. 208-209
- Estonian ground water : quality problems and possible technology for improvementMunter, Rein; Kallas, Juha; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Loorits, HiljaEcoBalt '2000 : starptautiska konference = international conference : Riga, 2000. gada 26.-27. maija. I2000 / p. I-17 - I-27
- Estonian ground water: quality problems and technology for improvementMunter, Rein; Kallas, Juha; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Loorits, HiljaKemia-Kemi1999 / 7, p. 552-556
- Fenoolide ning klorofenoolide osoonimise produktide toksilisuse uurimine Daphnia magna testigaTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaXXIII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid1997 / lk. 140
- Fenton process for landfill leachate treatment : evaluation of biodegradability and toxicityGoi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Trapido, MarinaJournal of environmental engineering2010 / 1, p. 46-53 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/245300997_Fenton_Process_for_Landfill_Leachate_Treatment_Evaluation_of_Biodegradability_and_Toxicity
- Fenton treatment as an environmental friendly technique for decontamination of soil and wastewaterKulik, Niina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina; Munter, ReinConference on Knowledge-based Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Chemistry : 1-5 June 2005, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2005 / p. 96
- Fenton treatment efficacy for the purification of different kinds of wastewaterTrapido, Marina; Kulik, Niina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinWater science and technology2009 / 7, p. 1795-1801 : ill
- Fenton-protsessi efektiivsus tööstusreovete puhastammiselTrapido, Marina; Dulova, Niina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinXXXI Eesti keemiapäevad : [28. aprill 2010, Tallinn] : teaduskonverentsi teesid = 31st Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2010 / lk. 76
- Filtrimine joogivee kvaliteedi parandamiseksVeressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina; Ahelik, Viktor; Munter, ReinXXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 26th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2000 / lk. 158-159
- Fluoride in drinking water : the problem and its possible solutionsVeressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina; Ahelik, Viktor; Munter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2001 / 2, p. 81-88
- Heitvee puhastamine masuudistMakarova, Olga; Veressinina, Jelena; Aleksandrova, J.XXIX Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete teesid = 29th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2005 / lk. 62-63
- Iron removal from groundwaterMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Kallas, Juha; Overby, JohnProceedings of the International Conference on Applications of Ozone and also on UV and Related Ozone Technologies (in conjuction with IUVA) : AT Wasser Berlin 2000 : October: 23-262000 / p. 599-614
- Katalüütiline osoonimine orgaaniliste saasteainete lagundamiseksDello, Ave; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaXXVII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 27th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2001 / lk. 20-21
- Kinetics of ferrous iron oxidation in groundwaterMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Kamenev, Sven24th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1998 / p. 46
- Kohtla-Järve tuhamägede heitvees sisalduvate toksiliste ja kantserogeensete ühendite kahjutustamise võimalusiMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Preis, Sergei; Pikkov, LuiKaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Alalhoidlik areng ja looduskeskne elulaad : Eesti VI ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid, Tartu, 24.-26. aprill 19941994 / lk. 199-203
- Modelling advanced oxidation treatment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsHautaniemi, Marjaana; Kallas, Juha; Munter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry1999 / p. 80-95 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072099*est
- Oil shale semicoke leachate pre-treatment by means of advanced oxidationKulik, Niina; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinWasser Berlin 2006 : International Conference Ozone and UV : Sustainable Solutions for Industry and the Environment : conference proceedings : April 3, 20062006 / p. 41-46 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266067911_Oil_Shale_Semicoke_Leachate_Pre-treatment_by_means_of_Advanced_Oxidation
- Oil shale semicoke leachate treatment using ozonation and the Fenton oxidationTrapido, Marina; Munter, Rein; Veressinina, Jelena; Kulik, NiinaEnvironmental technology2006 / p. 307-315 : ill https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09593332708618644
- Osoonimine kolmefaasilises süsteemisVeressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinXXVIII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete teesid = 28th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2002 / lk. 159-160
- Ozonation and advanced oxidation - a novel technology for water and wastewater treatmentGoi, Anna; Trapido, Marina; Munter, Rein; Veressinina, Jelena; Dello, AnnaFirst Baltic Symposium on Environmental Chemistry : 26-29 September 2001, Tartu, Estonia : abstracts2001 / p. 63-64
- Ozonation and advanced oxidation for degradation of phenols and phenols containing wastewaterTrapido, Marina; Munter, Rein; Veressinina, Jelena; Goi, AnnaEcoBalt '2000 : starptautiska konference = international conference : Riga, 2000. gada 26.-27. maija. I2000 / p. I-36 - I-41 : ill
- Ozonation and advanced oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - mathematical modellingHautaniemi, Marjaana; Kallas, Juha; Munter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena1997
- Ozonation and advanced oxidation processes (AOP) for destruction of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and substituted phenolsTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinInternational Workshop on Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization, 23-24 May, 1995, Lappeenranta, Finland1995 / p. 38-40
- Ozonation and advanced oxidation processes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - mathematical modellingKallas, Juha; Hautaniemi, Marjaana; Munter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaRegional Conference on Ozone, Ultraviolet Light, Advanced Oxidation Processes in Water Treatment, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 24-26 September 19961996 / p. 395-409: ill
- Ozonation and advanced oxidation processes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous solutions : a kinetic studyTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinEnvironmental technology1995 / p. 729-740: ill
- Ozonation and AOP treatment of phenanthrene in aqueous solutionsTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinOzone : science & engineering1994 / p. 475-485 : ill https://doi.org/10.1080/01919512.1994.10555755
- Ozonation and AOPs for oil shale industry's wastewater treatment : an overviewMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Kallas, Juha; Kamenev, Sven; Preis, Sergei; Viiroja, Andres; Kamenev, Inna; Järvik, Oliver; Kulik, Niina; Veressinina, JelenaOzone news2009 / 4, p. 17-22
- Ozonation and AOPs for oil shale industry's wastewater treatment : an overviewMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Kallas, Juha; Kamenev, Sven; Preis, Sergei; Viiroja, Andres; Kamenev, Inna; Järvik, Oliver; Kulik, Niina; Veressinina, JelenaExecutive summaries : 5th International Conference. 10th IOA-EA3G Berlin Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment : Berlin, Germany, March 30 - April 2, 20092009 / p. 14/PC25(1-8)
- Ozonation and the Fenton reagent for the degradation of nitroaromatic compoundsGoi, Anna; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Kallas, Juha; Munter, ReinInternational Conference on Ozone in Global Water Sanitation, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 1st to October 3rd 2002 : proceedings2002 / p. IV-2-1 - IV-2-16
- Ozonation as a method for destruction of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and substituted phenolsTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinDownUnder'96, February 11-15, 1995 : Ozone and its Applications : proceedings of the First Australasian Conference of the International Ozone Association in conjunction with Sydney University Chemical Engineering Association. Vol. 21996 / p. III 3-III 10
- Ozonation of phenols and chlorophenols in aqueous solutions - efficiency and toxicityTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinInternational Conference on Ozonation and Related Oxidation Processes in Water and Liquid Waste Treatment1997 / p. IV.6.1-IV.6.15
- Ozonation of phenols containing in wastewaters from oil shale chemical treatmentTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinEnvironmental technology1994 / p. 233-241: ill
- Ozonation, ozone/UV and UV destruction of some environmental pollutants - a comparative studyTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinEnvironmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Technologies : Second International Symposium, February 28 - March 1, 1996, San Francisco, California : Technology Overviews and Abstracts1996 / p. 76-77
- Ozonation, ozone/UV and UV destruction of some environmental pollutants : a comparative studyTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinEnvironmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Technologies : proceedings of the Second International Symposium. Conference papers and posters1997 / p. 4-90 - 4-101: ill
- Ozonation, ozone/UV and UV/H2O2 degradation of chlorophenolsTrapido, Marina; Hirvonen, Arja; Veressinina, Jelena; Hentunen, Johanna; Munter, ReinOzone : science & engineering1997 / 1, p. 75-96: ill
- Oxidative decomposition of benzoic acid in the presence of metal ionic catalystsMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2005 / 1, p. 16-23 : ill
- Polüklooritud bifenüülidega saastatud pinnase töötlemine vesinikperoksiidi, persulfaadi ja osoonigaViisimaa, Marika; Veressinina, Jelena; Goi, AnnaXXXII Eesti Keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi teesid2011 / lk. 112
- Raua eraldamine põhjaveestMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaXXV Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 25th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1999 / lk. 102-103
- A study on the Fenton treatment efficacy for the purification of different kind of wastewaterTrapido, Marina; Kulik, Niina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinExecutive summaries : 5th International Conference. 10th IOA-EA3G Berlin Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment : Berlin, Germany, March 30 - April 2, 20092009 / p. 44/PC26(1-8)
- A study on three-phase ozonationMunter, Rein; Veressinina, JelenaProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2003 / p. 83-90 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b2035846*est
- A study the toxicity of the ozonation products of phenols and cholorophenols by Daphnia magna testTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry1997 / p. 130-139: ill
- The application of ozonation and advanced oxidation processes for degradation and detoxication of phenolic compoundsTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinProceedings of the 14th Ozone World Congress : Dearborn, Michigan, USA, 1999 : oral presentations. Vol. 11999 / p. 235-247 : ill
- The Fenton chemistry as an effective tool for treatment of wastewater generated by different processesKulik, Niina; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Goi, Anna; Munter, ReinICERT 08 : proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology 2008 : Penang, Malaysia, 28-30 May 2008 : Environmental Technology for a Greener Tomorrow2008 / p. 811-815 : ill
- Transformation of ergosterol towards 9,11-secosterolsJäälaid, Raissa; Veressinina, Jelena; Järving, Ivar; Pehk, Tõnis; Lille, Ülo23rd Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1997 / p. 42
- Treatment of Aroclor 1016 contaminated soil by hydrogen peroxide: laboratory column studyViisimaa, Marika; Veressinina, Jelena; Goi, AnnaEnvironmental technology2012 / p. 2041-2048 : ill https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09593330.2012.660640
- Treatment of surfactant stabilized oil-in-water emulsions by means of chemical oxidation and coagulationKulik, Niina; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinEnvironmental technology2007 / 12, p. 1345-1355
- Täiustatud oksüdatsiooniprotsessid aromaatsete ja polüaromaatsete süsivesinike lagundamiseks : kineetika ja reaktsiooniproduktidTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 16th Estonian chemistry days : abstracts of scientific conference1995 / lk. 137-139
- Which process to prefer : ozonation versus typical AOPsMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Goi, Anna; Kulik, Niina2007 World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet Technologies : August 27-29, 2007, Los Angeles, California USA2007 / p. Abs.195
- Влияние УФ-облучения на процесс озонирования водыVeressinina, Jelena; Siirde, EnnoПроцессы и аппараты химической технологии. 21988 / с. 53-61
- Комбинированные процессы окисления как возможность очистки сточных вод сланцевой промышленности ЭстонииTrapido, Marina; Munter, Rein; Veressinina, JelenaТретий международный конгресс "Вода: экология и технология" : "ЭКВАТЭК-98", Москва, 25-30 мая 1998 г. : тезисы докладов1998 / с. 466-467
- Озонирование растворов органических веществVeressinina, JelenaПроцессы и аппараты химической технологии. 21988 / с. 62-70
- Проблема качества подземных вод в Эстонии и возможные технологические решенияVeressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina; Munter, ReinЧетверты международный конгресс "Вода : экология и технология" : ЭКВАТЕК-2000 : Москва, 30 мая - 2 июня 2000 : тезисы докладов2000 / с. 221-222
- Процессы и аппараты химической технологииFeldmann, Liia; Bakalova, M.O.; Kallas, Juha; Reile, Rein; Viiroja, Andres; Preis, Sergei; Munter, Rein; Siirde, Enno; Sarv, Laur; PIkkov, Lui; Veressinina, Jelena1988 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2191189*est