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- About the operation of social networks in Estonian economyVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloEuroopa Liiduga liitumise mõju Eesti majanduspoliitikale : X teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid : (Tartu - Värska, 27.-29. juuni 2002)2002 / lk. 592-599
- Adaptiivsed statistilised mudelid ja nende kasutamine : õppevahendVensel, Vello1985 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1248065*est
- Aegridade spektraalanalüüs : metoodiline materjal1981 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1309381*est
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- After two banking crises: Estonian banking system performance analysis, 1994-2002Vensel, VelloIntegration of financial sectors of Baltic States into the European Union: challenge and experience : collection of papers2004 / p. [291]-314
- Aktiivne struktuuripoliitika ja tööviljakusVensel, VelloTehnika ja Tootmine1974 / lk. 173-174 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1073047*est
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- Bank financial analysis : methodology and empiricsVensel, VelloAccounting and companies' performance management : proceedings of the conference : October 25-26, 2002, Tartu2002 / p. 205-213
- Bank performance and efficiency in a small open economy on the threshold of the European UnionJaamu, Viljar; Vensel, VelloEuropean culture in a changing world : between nationalism and globalism2004 / p. 56-66
- Bank performance and efficiency in a small open economy on the threshold of the European Union [Electronic resource]Jaamu, Viljar; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the ISSEI the 8th International Conference "European Culture in a Changing World : between Nationalism and Globalism" : 22-27 July, 2002, Aberystwyth, Wales2003 / [11] p. [CD-ROM]
- Bank-customer relationships development in majority foreign owned banking systemAarma, August; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 5th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe : The Impact of Foreign Banks' Entry : 26-27 April 2002, Tallinn2002 / p. 3-20
- Banking sector development in EstoniaVensel, VelloBancni vestnik2002 / 7/8, p. 41-49
- Banking system development in EstoniaVensel, VelloFinancial reform in emerging market economies : quantitative and institutional issues1997 / p. 141-164
- Banking system reform in EstoniaVensel, VelloEesti üleminekul turumajandusele : Eesti Vabariigi 75. aastapäevale pühendatud teadusliku konverentsi teesid1993 / lk. 85-87
- Bankruptcy procedures, corporate governance and banks' credit policy in Estonia, and Poland: first resultsKowalski, Tadeusz; Kraft, Evan; Mullineux, Andrew; Vensel, Vello; Wihlborg, ClasPapers of the 5th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe : The Impact of Foreign Banks' Entry : 26-27 April 2002, Tallinn2002 / p. 171-176
- Banks' internationalization: Estonian and Russian banks' expansion to the foreign marketsJumpponen, Jari; Liuhto, Kari; Sõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloPapers of the Congress of Political Economists (COPE) 14th Annual International Conference presented by Estonian participants : 12-19 July 2003, Mexico City2004 / TUTWPE(BFE) No. 04/109, p. 79-102
- Banks performance in emerging market economiesVensel, VelloCongress of Political Economists International COPE : the proceedings of the ninth annual conference : Barbados, July 14-19, 19981999 / p. 70-88
- Banks' retail customer satisfaction and development of bank-customer relationshipsAarma, August; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [85]-106 : ill
- Bureaucracy and ethics : is there influence on a transitional economy?Vensel, VelloAbstracts of the V Conference "European Culture", 28-31 October 1998, Pamplona1998 / p. 328
- Bureaucracy and ethics : is there influence on a transitional economy?Vensel, VelloActas del V Congreso "Cultura Europea" : Pamplona, 28 al 31 de octubre de 19982000 / p. 1059-1069
- Bureucracy, law making and law enforcement mechanism: empirical results from the Baltic Sea Region countriesPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloМировая экономика и бизнес-администрирование2004 / с. 8-12
- Bureucracy, law making and law mechanism : Empirical Evidence from the Baltic sea Region Countries [Electronic resource]Põlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Vello; Karma, TarmoInternational Conference : Enlargement of the European Union : What are the Stakes and Potential : Lille, (France), 9-10 December 20042004 / 30 p. [CD-ROM]
- Business environment influencing foreign firms' entry strategies into Baltic States marketsVensel, VelloEntry and management behavior in Central and Eastern Europe1997 / p. 10-25
- Business environment quality and entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea RegionPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloProceedings of international scientific conference : Problems of the Economy Development in the Russian Enclave. Kaliningrad Region as a Pilot Region of Cross-Border Co-operation of Russia, the Baltic States, and Eastern Europe. Experience and perspectives2004 / p. 198-202
- Business supporting social networks : evidence from an EU candidate countryVensel, VelloProceedings of the COPE 2003 : "Global Business: Economic, Political, Social, and Cultural Issues" : Congress of Political Economists (COPE) International Conference : the Fourteenth Annual International Conference : July 12-19, 2003 : Mexico City, Mexico. Volume 22004 / p. 325-337
- The changing landscape of financial intermediation : overview of literature and Estonian experienceVensel, VelloThe Future of Retail Banking and Gustomer Relations : a report from the first workshop of The Göran Collert Research Foundation, September 13-14, 20012001 / p. 71-72 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4905982*est
- Congress of Political Economists (COPE), International : proceedings of the tenth annual conference : Tallinn, Estonia, July 13-18, 19991999 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1358048*est
- Consolidation and internationalization in the financial service sector: the comparative empirical evidenceSõrg, Mart; Uiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloPapers of the Estonian-Finnish Joint Seminar on Economic Integration and the European Union Enlargement : 22-23 November 2002, Tallinn2003 / TTUWPE 03/99, p. 151-170 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1015949*est
- Corporate governance and bankruptcy procedures in Croatia, Poland and EstoniaVensel, VelloFinance in EU accession countries : experiences and solutions : VI International Scientific Conference : Tartu, 17-18 October 2003 : proceedings. Volume 2, Panel B: Financial markets and institutions2003 / p. [389]-402
- Covernment agencies' behavior and their influence on the quality of business environmentPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloEmerging markets : social, political, and economic challenges. Volume 22004 / p. 331-356
- Covernment agencies' behaviour influencing business decisionsVensel, Vello; Põlajeva, TatjanaActas del VI Congreso "Cultura Europea", Pamplona, 25 al 28 de octubre de 20002002 / p. 837-848
- Credibility of the economic policy : results of a comparative analysisPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloHarmoniseerimine ja vabadus Eesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitikas integreerumisel Euroopa Liiduga : IX teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid : (Tartu - Värska, 28.-30. juuni 2001)2001 / p. 140-147
- Currency board in Estonia : past experience and future prospectsSõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloVI World Congress for Central and East European Studies : 29 July - 3 August Tampere, Finland : abstracts2000 / p. 408
- Department of Economic Theory and MethodologyMereste, Uno; Vensel, Vello; Kerem, Kaie; Täht, ToomasResearch activities / Tallinn Technical University1993 / p. 96-98 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1053754*est
- Devalveerimise miinused, devalveerimise plussidVensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 1. okt., lk. 2-3
- Development of financial contractual relations in Estonia : empirical results of firms interview studyTammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloConference on Financial Reforms in EMEs, 20-21 January 1996, Poznan1996 / [18] p
- Development of financial contractual relationships in Estonian economyTeearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [207]-222
- Development of the bank performance analysis methodologyVensel, VelloArvestuse ja maksunduse aktuaalsed probleemid : konverents1997 / lk. 191-198 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1293554*est
- Development of the banking system under the Estonian currency boardSõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 51st International Atlantic Economic Conference presented by Estonian participants : Athens, Greece2001 / TTUWPE 42/2001, p. 51-59
- Development of the banking system under the Estonian currency boardSõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloInternational advances in economic research2002 / 1, p. 35-48
- Development of the business environment : precondition for Baltic States integrationVensel, VelloNotes of the Conference on International Economic Relations and Integration of Baltic States, Riga, 6-7 June 19971997 / p. 56-57
- Development of the business environment in Baltic Sea region : a comparative empirical evidence [Electronic resource]Liuhto, Kari; Sõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloThe 3rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business : 18-21 June 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii2003 / [22] p. [CD-ROM]
- Development of the business environment in EstoniaVensel, VelloMaterials of the Seminar on the Estonian Economy (American Baltic Capital), Tallinn, 29-31 July 19971997 / [11] p
- Development of the business environment in Estonia from the viewpoint of future internationalizationVensel, Vello3rd Workshop in International Business, 26-28 August 1996, Vaasa1996 / [16] p
- Development of the economic environment and FDI into EstoniaVensel, VelloProceedings of the Congress of Political Economists : August 6-12, 2000, Imperial College London, England2000 / p. 55-76
- Development of the economic environment influencing the stability and performance of firmsVensel, Vello; Kukrus, AntsEntry and marketing strategies into and from Central and Eastern Europe2002 / p. 13-34
- Development of the Estonian banking system, 1994-1998Aarma, August; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the ACE/PHARE Conference on Building Financial Institutions in Transition Economies : Poznan, Poland, 14-15 May, 19991999 / [19] p
- Development of the financial relationships : empirical results of the year 1997 interview studyTammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 4th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, 24-26 April 1998, Tallinn. Vol. 11998 / p. 187-206
- Development of the legal and institutional framework influencing firms' decisionsVensel, VelloProceedings of the ACE/PHARE Conference on Building Financial Institutions in Transition Economies : Poznan, Poland, 14-15 May, 19991999 / [15] p
- Development of the legal environment in a transition countryVensel, VelloInternational advances in economic research2000 / 1, p. 123
- Development of the legal environment in Estonia : results of an empirical studyVensel, VelloPapers of the 4th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, 24-26 April 1998, Tallinn. Vol. 11998 / p. 207-219
- Development of the regulation mechanism influencing a firm's operating and expansion decisionsVensel, VelloInternational advances in economic research2000 / 3, p. 593
- Development of the regulatory environment and foreign direct investment into EstoniaVensel, VelloRecent studies in transition and operation in Central and Eastern Europe2000 / p. 85-102
- E-banking in Estonia : development, driving factors and effectsKerem, Katri; Lustsik, O.; Sõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Marketing and Business Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe : 5-7 December, 2002, Vienna2002 / p. 293-312
- Economic aspects of sustainability: internationalisation of the financial services sector in BalticsVensel, VelloIntegrative approaches towards sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region2004 / p. 393
- Economic policy and operating of the disputes resolution mechanismsVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloEesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitika tulemuslikkus ja Euroopa Liit : VIII teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid : (Tartu-Värska, 29. juuni - 1. juuli 2000)2000 / lk. 489-495
- Economic policy outcomes : development of the regulation mechanismVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloEesti Vabariigi integreerumine Euroopa Liiduga - majanduspoliitika eesmärgid ja abinõud : VI teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid, (Tartu - Värska, 25.-27. juuni 1998)1998 / lk. 410-417
- Economic policy outcomes influencing economic agents decisionsVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloEesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitika ja Euroopa Liit : VII teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid, (Tartu - Värska, 25.-27. juuni 1999)1999 / lk. 415-423
- Eesti krooni tervis on heaVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 3. mai, lk. 30 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1725280*est
- Eesti lonkav kohtusüsteemVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 6. dets., lk. 34: portr
- Eesti Panga uus kaardivägiVensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 13. okt., lk. 30
- Eesti pangandus tõusuteelVensel, VelloÄrielu1996 / 4, lk. 27-28
- Empirical research of the development of bank-customer relationships : an Estonian caseVensel, VelloProceedings of the 9th Annual Conference on Marketing and Business Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe, December 5-7, 2001, Vienna, Austria2001 / p. 218-237 : ill
- Empirical results of monitoring Estonian firms' financial environmentVensel, VelloMaterials of the Workshop on the Competitiveness of the Estonian Economy, Tallinn, 12 December 19971997 / [17] p
- Enterprise restructuring and changes in the business environment in EstoniaTammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloEconomic performance and financial sector reform in Central and Eastern Europe : capital flows, bank and enterprise restructuring1999 / p. 47-73
- Esmatasandi kohaliku omavalitsuse rahanduse probleemidVensel, VelloVabariiklik teaduslik-praktiline konverents "Isemajandamise arenguprobleeme" : ettekannete teesid, 17.-18. okt. 1990. a1990 / lk. 70-72
- Estonia in the globalizing world : experience of a successful privatizationVensel, VelloProceedings of the COPE 2002 "Globalization, Connections and Diversity" : Congress of Political Economists (COPE) the Thirteenth Annual International Conference : July 14-21, 2002, Lisbon, Portugal. 12003 / p. 1-18
- Estonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papersVensel, Vello; Wihlborg, Clas2001 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1576990*est
- Estonian and Russian banks' expansion to the foreign marketsJumpponen, Jari; Liuhto, Kari; Sõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the COPE 2003 : "Global Business: Economic, Political, Social, and Cultural Issues" : Congress of Political Economists (COPE) International Conference : the Fourteenth Annual International Conference : July 12-19, 2003 : Mexico City, Mexico. Volume 22004 / p. 303-324
- Estonian banking on the threshold of joining the European UnionVensel, VelloHaridus ja majandus 2004 : rahvusvahelise teaduskonverentsi materjalid : [6. mai 2004, Tallinn]2004 / p. 154-156
- Estonian banking sector performance analysis using Malmquist indexes and DuPont financial ratio analysisKirikal, Ly; Sõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloInternational business and economics research journal2004 / 12, p. 21-36
- Estonian banking system development, 1994-1997Aarma, August; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 4th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, 24-26 April 1998, Tallinn. Vol. 11998 / p. 9-27
- Estonian banking system development, 1994-2002Aarma, August; Vainu, Jaan; Vensel, VelloThe business review, Cambridge2004 / 2, p. 56-62
- Estonian banking system performance, 1994-2000Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [23]-43
- Estonian banks' entry in the foreign market and some comparisons with Russian banks [Electronic resource]Jumpponen, Jari; Liuhto, Kari; Sõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloThe 3rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business : 18-21 June 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii2003 / [24] p. [CD-ROM]
- Estonian currency board arrangement - the cornerstone of economic stabilisationSõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [3]-22
- Estonian monetary policy from the viewpoint of European monetary integrationVensel, VelloMonetary and Fiscal Policy in the Baltic States : proceedings of the 30 Baltic Conference of Teachers of Economic Theory, Shiauliai, May 30-31, 19961996 / p. 56-58
- Estrangement from politics in a transitional country : an Estonian caseVensel, VelloLo Straniero1998 / 13 (27), p. 15-16
- Ettevõtjad väldivad kohtuskäiku : [vestlus Vello Venseliga TTÜs tehtud uuringust]Piirsalu, Jaanus; Vensel, VelloEesti Päevaleht1999 / 13. sept., lk. 1
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- Ettevõttesõbraliku majanduskeskkonna kujunemine : [valdkondliku arutelu ettekanne]Vensel, VelloTallinna Tehnikaülikooli kaheksakümnes aastapäev2000 / lk. 89-95
- Euro kasutuselevõtu lühiajaluguVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 13. sept., lk. 9
- Euro vaevaline tõus maailmarahaksVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 20. dets., lk. 7
- Euroopa rahaliidu peidetud vastuoludVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 8. nov., lk. 7 https://www.aripaev.ee/uudised/1999/11/07/euroopa-rahaliidu-peidetud-vastuolud-2
- Evidence on the evolution of corporate financial relationships during enterprise restructuring in EstoniaMurinde, Victor; Tammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the ACE/PHARE Conference on Building Financial Institutions in Transition Economies : Poznan, Poland, 14-15 May, 19991999 / [32] p
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- Factors influencing foreign direct investment to a transition country : an Estonian case [Electronic resource]Vensel, Vello; Vensel, LiaThe 6th EACES conference : Globalisation and European Integration2002 / p. 585-605, [CD-ROM]
- Factors influencing foreign direct investments to a transition country : an Estonian caseVensel, Lia; Vensel, Vello6th EACES conference : Globalisation and European Integration : Barcelona, September 7th to 9th 2000 : book of abstracts2000 / p. 165
- FDI into banking sectors of some EC candidate countries : comparative empirical evidenceVensel, VelloEuropean research on foreign direct investment and international human resource management2004 / p.131-150
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- Financial analysis of banks is methodology and the Estonian caseAarma, August; Vensel, VelloProceedings of international scientific conference : Problems of the Economy Development in the Russian Enclave. Kaliningrad Region as a Pilot Region of Cross-Border Co-operation of Russia, the Baltic States, and Eastern Europe. Experience and perspectives2004 / p. 12-17
- Financial conditions and constraints on entrepreneurship in Estonian manufacturing sectorVensel, Vello; Wihlborg, ClasConference on Financial Reforms in EMEs, 20-21 January 1996, Poznan1996 / [16] p
- Financial constraints on entrepreneurship in EstoniaVensel, Vello; Wihlborg, ClasMicrolevel Studies of the Transition in the Baltic States, SSE Riga, 16.-18. August, 19951995
- Financial constraints on entrepreneurship in EstoniaVensel, Vello; Wihlborg, ClasFinancial sector reform and privatization in transition economies1998 / p. 35-67
- Financial constraints on entrepreneurship in EstoniaVensel, Vello; Wihlborg, ClasFinancial sector reform and privatisation in transition economies1997 / p. 33-65
- Financial constraints on firms' investment and financing decisionsVensel, Vello; Wihlborg, ClasPapers of the Conference on Economic Performance and Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe1996 / p. 195-210
- Financial sector reform in emerging market economies : Baltic progress and critical issue : summary of conference in Laulasmaa and Tallinn, August 23-24 1993Vensel, Vello; Wihlborg, Clas; Willett, Thomas D.1993
- Financial services development in EstoniaVensel, VelloInternational Conference "Economics and Management - 2003". Volume 3, Section "Financial Management Trends - 2003" : 25-26 April 2003, Kaunas2003 / p. 75-77
- A firm and Estonian economic policy : empirical relations and outcomesVensel, VelloAktuaalsed majanduspoliitika küsimused Euroopa Liidu riikides ja Eesti Vabariigis : teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid (Tartu-Värska-Tartu, 28.-29. juuni 1996). 2. osa1996 / lk. 385-392: ill
- Firm's behaviour and management in a transition country : an Estonian caseVensel, VelloProceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on Marketing Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe : December 13-15, 2000, Vienna, Austria2000 / p. 222-241
- Firms financial decisions and business environment development in a transition country : an Estonian caseVensel, VelloEuropean Financial Management Association 1996 Annual Meeting, 27-29 June 1996, Innsbruck1996 / [22] p
- Firms financing and investment policy decisions in EstoniaVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloEesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitika ja integreerumine Euroopa Liiduga : teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid, (Tartu-Värska, 26.-28. juuni 1997)1997 / lk. 349-356
- A firm's performance and behavior in a transition economyVensel, VelloInternational advances in economic research2001 / p. 168-169
- Foreign banks and economic transition : papers in progressKowalski, Tadeusz; Lensink, Robert; Vensel, Vello2002
- Foreign banks entry into the Estonian market : motives and impactUiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloForeign banks and economic transition : papers in progress2002 / p. 179-193
- From adoption to relationships : Internet banking in EstoniaKerem, Katri2003
- Government agencies behaviour and operation of the enforcement mechanismPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [309]-328
- Government agencies' behaviour impact on business decisions [Electronic resource]Põlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Vello7th Nordic-Baltic Conference in Regional Science "Regional Integration and Transition in the Baltic Rim" : 2-5 October 2002, Ystad, Stockholm2003 / [15] p. [CD-ROM]
- Government agencies' behaviour influencing business decisionsPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloVI Congreso Cultura Europea : 25-28 octubre 2000 : resumenes2000 / [1] p
- Hard way to market economy : Estonian experienceVensel, VelloTheoretical aspects of the transitioning economy : proceedings of the 29th Baltic Conference of Teachers of Economic Theory, Tallinn, May 19-20, 19941994 / p. 52-54
- How are banks doing in a transition economy : an Estonian caseAarma, August; Vensel, VelloEconomies in transition and the variety of capitalisms : features, changes, convergence : proceedings of the 5th biannual conference of the EACES : Varna, Bulgaria, 1998, September 10-121999 / p. 265-280
- How are banks doing in a transition economy : an Estonian caseAarma, August; Vensel, VelloAbstracts of the 5th Conference of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies, 10-12 September 1998, Varna1998 / p. 65 https://www.econbiz.de/Record/how-are-banks-doing-in-a-transition-economy-an-estonian-case-aarma-august/10001620526
- How has Estonian banking system performed? : methodology and empirical analysisVensel, VelloTopical Financial Problems in Transition Economies : IV International Scientific Conference : Tartu, 9-10 November 2001 : [ettekannete kogumik]2001 / lk. 155-165
- Impact of foreign banks' entry into the CEE banking market: comparative empirical evidenceDubauskas, Gediminas; Kowalski, Tadeusz; Uiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloIntegration of financial sectors of Baltic States into the European Union: challenge and experience : collection of papers2004 / p. [337]-361 : ill
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- Korrelatsioon- ja regressioonanalüüs : teooria maatriksalgebra alustegaVensel, Vello1978 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1183721*est
- Korruptsiooniga saab võideldaVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 26. juuli, lk. 26
- Kuidas elukaaslast valida?Vensel, VelloHorisont1986 / lk. 10-11 : foto https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/70138
- Kuidas keskmist arvutada?Vensel, VelloHorisont1987 / lk. 19-20 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/69813
- Kuidas kihlvedu võita?Vensel, VelloHorisont1986 / lk. 16-17 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/70149
- Kuidas loteriil võita?Vensel, VelloHorisont1987 / lk. 10-12 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/69814
- Kuidas mõjutab SEB ja Swedbanki ühinemine Eesti pangaturgu?Vensel, VelloPostimees2001 / 23. veebr., lk. 2. (Küsitlus)
- Kuidas paradoksi lahendada?Vensel, VelloHorisont1988 / lk. 14-15 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/69825
- Kuidas pokkerit mängida?Vensel, VelloHorisont1988 / lk. 15-16 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/69819
- Kuidas statistikasse suhtuda?Vensel, VelloHorisont1986 / lk. 21-23 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/70129
- Kuidas vedamist oodata?Vensel, VelloHorisont1987 / lk. 23-25 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/69807
- Kuidas väärarusaamu vältida?Vensel, VelloHorisont1987 / lk. 15-16 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/69815
- Kuidas õiglaselt hinnata?Vensel, VelloHorisont1987 / lk. 12-13 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/69811
- Laenujuhtimine. I osaHlebnikova, Jelena; Kumar, Erlike; Vensel, Vello2000 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1426027*est
- LC KeilaVensel, VelloKümme Lions-aastat Eestis : 1989-19991999 / lk. 28-29
- Maatrikskontseptsiooni rakendamine tööjõu kasutamise efektiivsuse uurimiselVensel, VelloElutarbelise teeninduse arenguperspektiivid : vabariikliku teaduslik-praktilise konverentsi ettekannete teesid (Tallinn, 17. aprill 1985.a.)1985 / lk. 104-106 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1251305*est
- Maatriksmodelleerimine ja omavalitsuse tegevuse tulemuste analüüsimineVensel, VelloEesti konkurentsivõime hindamine : Teadlaste Ümarlaua 2001 materjale2001 / lk. 78-90
- Maatriksmodelleerimine ja prognoosimineVensel, VelloInfotehnoloogia ja täppismajandusteadus = Инфотехнология и точная экономическая наука = Infotechnology and exact economics : vabariikliku teaduslik-praktilise seminari (Tallinn, 3. september 1988.a.) teeside kogumik. 21988 / lk. 195-201 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1249871*est
- Majandus : [teadusuuringud TTÜs]Vensel, Vello75 aastat Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli1994 / lk. 83-86 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1066846*est
- Majandus ja majandusteadusVensel, VelloHarju Elu1992 / 14. jaan., lk. 4: ill
- Majandusanalüüsi metodoloogia täiustamineMereste, Uno; Vensel, Vello; Straž, SalmanTehnikauuringute areng Eesti NSV-s : vabariikliku konverentsi ettekannete teesid Tallinn, 15.-16. oktoober 19861986 / lk. 9-12 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1258828*est
- Majanduskeskkonna arengu alased empiirilised uuringud Eestis, 1994-1998Vensel, VelloIV Välis-Eesti kongress, 29.-30. juunil 1999. a. Tallinnas : ettekannete kokkuvõtted1999 / lk. 109-111
- Majanduspoliitika ja Eesti ettevõtluskeskkonna areng : empiirilised järelmidVensel, VelloEesti teadlaste kongress, 11.-15. augustini 1996. a. Tallinnas : ettekannete kokkuvõtted1996 / lk. 128 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1052731*est
- Majanduspoliitika ja -statistika: kas nad on omavahel seotud?Vensel, VelloEesti majanduspoliitilised perspektiivid Euroopa Liidus : XII teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid : (Tartu-Värska, 1.-3. juuli 2004)2004 / lk. 115-122
- Majanduspoliitika pole mänguasiVensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 2. dets., lk. 30
- MajandusteaduskondLeimann, Jaak; Jalakas, Merylin; Vensel, Vello; Kolbre, Ene; Hololei, HenrikMente et Manu. Uudistaja : sisseastuja erileht2003 / kevad, lk. 5 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est
- Making the banking rulesVensel, VelloThe Baltic review1995 / Winter, p. 31-33: ill
- Makroökonoomika baasteooriaBrown, William; Lüll, T.; Vensel, Vello1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1137203*est
- Makroökonoomika baasteooriaBrown, William; Vensel, Vello; Lüll, T.; Sepp, Urmas; Tepandi, J.; Vainu, Jaan1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1192497*est
- Mees metsast tõuseb esipankuriks : Enno Tammeri intervjuu Eesti Panga presidendiks valitud Vello VenseligaTammer, Enno; Vensel, VelloEesti Päevaleht2000 / 4. apr., lk. 4 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1648220*est
- Mikro- ja makroökonoomikaPekkarinen, Jukka; Sutela, Pekka1995 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1069178*est
- Mikro- ja makroökonoomikaPekkarinen, Jukka; Sutela, Pekka1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1195185*est
- Mikro- ja makroökonoomikaPekkarinen, Jukka; Sutela, Pekka1992 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1062725*est
- Mikroökonoomika alusteooriad1996 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1056664*est
- Mikroökonoomika baasteooria1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1203347*est
- Mikroökonoomika baasteooria. 1 osaFreeman III, A.Myrick1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1221593*est
- Mikroökonoomika baasteooria. 2. osaFreeman III, A.Myrick1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1063150*est
- Mikroökonoomika baasteooria. 3. osaFreeman III, A.Myrick1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1062839*est
- Mikroökonoomika baasteooria. 4Freeman III, A.Myrick1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1063609*est
- Mikroökonoomika baasteooria. 4Freeman III, A.Myrick1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1063151*est
- Miks loobusin Eesti Panga presidendi kohast : selgitusVensel, VelloPostimees2000 / 28. apr., lk. 2 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1675102*est
- Milliseks kujuneb majandus aastal 2000? : [vastab Vello Vensel]Vensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 28. sept., lk. 31: ill
- Mis saab Hansapanga aktsiast? : [vastavad ... Vello Vensel]Vensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 30. sept., lk. 31
- Modeling flow of funds for EstoniaTammeraid, Tuuli2002 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1715438*est
- Motives and impact of foreign banks' entry in CEE countries : comparative empirical study [Electronic resource]Sõrg, Mart; Uiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloThe 2004 International Applied Business Research Conference : San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 15-19, 20042004 / [CD-ROM]
- Motives and impact of foreign banks entry into the Estonian marketUiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [71]- 84
- Motives of foreign banks' entry into the transitional economies: the comparative empirical evidence from Estonia and PolandKowalski, Tadeusz; Uiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 5th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe : The Impact of Foreign Banks' Entry : 26-27 April 2002, Tallinn2002 / p. 177-190 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265510471_Motives_of_Foreign_Banks%27_Entry_into_the_Transitional_Economies_The_Comparative_Empirical_Evidence_from_Estonia_and_Poland
- Mõnda hasartmängija enesepettestVensel, VelloMajandus, 1985 : [kogumik]1986 / lk. 96-98 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1248206*est
- Mõned tähelepanekud majanduse liberaliseerimisest EestisVensel, VelloMajanduspoliitika teooria ja praktika Eesti Vabariigis : artiklid ja ettekannete teesid, (Tartu-Värska-Tartu, 25.-26. august 1995)1995 / lk. 197-201
- New banks operating in emerging market economies : an Estonian case [Electronic resource]Aarma, August; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the Sixth Conference of the ISSEI "Twentith Century European Narratives : Tradition and Innovation" : 16 -21 August 1998, Haifa University2001 / ? p. [CD-ROM]
- New banks' performance : a comparative analysisVensel, Vello; Aarma, August6th EACES conference : Globalisation and European Integration : Barcelona, September 7th to 9th 2000 : book of abstracts2000 / p. 166
- New banks' performance : a comparative analysis [Electronic resource]Aarma, August; Vensel, VelloThe 6th EACES conference : Globalisation and European Integration2002 / p. 607-634, [CD-ROM]
- Oligopoliteooria ja -mudelidKonkurents, turg ja turundus : (teaduslik-referatiivne kogumik). 1. osa1991 / lk. 163-223: ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1185898*est
- Operation of business supporting networks: evidence from an EU candidate countryVensel, VelloPapers of the Congress of Political Economists (COPE) 14th Annual International Conference presented by Estonian participants : 12-19 July 2003, Mexico City2004 / TUTWPE(BFE) No. 04/117, p. 221-234
- Operation of business supporting networks: theory and empirics [Electronic resource]Kerem, Kaie; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the 4th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business : June 21-24, 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii2004 / p. ? [CD-ROM]
- Operation of social networks : a country-specific caseVensel, VelloVII Congreso "Cultura Europea" = VII conference "European Culture", Pamplona, 23-26 octubre 2002 : abstracts2002 / [1] p
- Operation of the conflict resolution mechanism and business supporting servicesVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [257]-274
- Operation of the regulation mechanism in a transition country : an Estonia[n] caseLutsoja, Kaja; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 51st International Atlantic Economic Conference presented by Estonian participants : Athens, Greece2001 / TTUWPE 39/2001, p. 23-32 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2125267*est
- Operation of the regulation mechanism in a transition country : an Estonian caseLutsoja, Kaja; Vensel, VelloInternational advances in economic research2002 / 1, p. 80
- Operational efficiency of Polish and Estonian banks in 1994-1997Wihlborg, Clas; Aarma, August; Kowalski, Tadeusz; Staniszewska, Danuta; Vensel, Vello2000
- Optimistlike ootustega uude majandusaastasseVensel, VelloÄripäev2000 / 18. jaan., lk. 26 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1671812*est
- Output and labour market characteristics, corporate control and development of the infrastructureVainu, Jaan; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [223]-237
- Paha korruptsioonVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 8. juuni, lk. 26
- Panga analüüs ja finantsjuhtimineVensel, Vello1997 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1059885*est
- Panga analüüs ja finantsjuhtimine. IVensel, Vello2001 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1482441*est
- Pangakriisi tegijadVensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 12. nov., lk. 30
- Pangandus - kas häda ja viletsus?Vensel, VelloPostimees1998 / 5. nov., lk. 9
- Panganduse pilvitus : kolm spetsi ja võhik pangandusest : [vestlusringis Vello Vensel, Heldur Meerits, Margus Uudam, Andres Langemets]Vensel, Vello; Meerits, Heldur; Uudam, Margus; Langemets, Andres; Soon, TiinaLuup1998 / 12, lk. 36-39: ill
- Panganduse roll ja käekäik tulevikusVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 22. nov., lk. 30: portr
- Papers of the 4th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, 24-26 April 1998, TallinnVensel, Vello1998 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1053778*est
- Papers of the 4th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, 24-26 April 1998, Tallinn1998 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1219610*est
- Papers of the 5th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe : The Impact of Foreign Banks' Entry : 26-27 April 2002, Tallinn2002 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1667077*est
- Papers of the Conference on Economic Performance and Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern EuropeVensel, Vello1996 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1053779*est
- Papers of the Congress of Political Economists (COPE) 14th Annual International Conference presented by Estonian patrticipants, 12-19 July 2003, Mexico CityKerem, Kaie; Vensel, Vello2004 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1880342*est
- Papers of the Estonian-Finnish Joint Seminar on Economic Integration and the European Union Enlargement : 22-23 November 2002, TallinnVartiainen, Hannu; Vensel, Vello; Purju, Alari2003 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1779575*est
- Poliitökonoomiline pamflett ja teisi teksteEnnuste, Ülo; Kilvits, Kaarel; Vensel, Vello; Purju, Alari2002 http://www.ester.ee/record=b1655716*est
- Preliminary results of interview studies of firms financial contractual relations in EMEs (Estonia) : an overviewLiikane, Karin; Tammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloInternational Conference : Financial Sector Reform in Emerging Market Economics : Baltic Progress and Critical Issues, Tallinn, August 23-24, 19931993 / 13 p
- Preliminary results of interview studies of firms' financial contractual relations in EMEs (Estonia) : an overviewVensel, Vello; Liikane, Karin; Tammeraid, Aita; Teearu, AstaFinancial sector reform in emerging market economies : Baltic progress and critical issues : summary of conference in Laulasmaa and Tallinn, August 23-24 19931993 / 13 p.
- Preliminary results of the year 1997 Estonian firms interview studyVensel, VelloMaterials of the ACE Workshop on Financial Restructuring in Transition Economies, Poznan, 29-30 September 19971997 / [24] p
- Productivity, the Malmquist index and the empirical study of banks in Estonia = Tootlikkus ja Malmquisti indeks Eesti pankade näitel / Ly KirikalKirikal, Ly2005 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2089091*est
- Professor Vello Vensel: Panganduses nagu kala vees : [Eesti majandusest ja pangandusest : vestlus Vello Venseliga, 17.04.2000]Vensel, Vello; Reinap, Aivar; Ernits, PeeterLuup2000 / 9, lk. 16-18 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2092383*est
- Rahvusvaheline majandusSalvatore, Dominick; Kerem, Kaie; Kuura, M.; Lüll, T.; Soidra, Ivo-Aat; Tammark, M.; Vensel, Vello1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1062353*est
- Rahvusvaheline majandusSalvatore, Dominick; Kerem, Kaie; Kuura, M.; Lüll, T.; Soidra, Ivo-Aat; Tammark, Mare; Vensel, Vello1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1062354*est
- Rahvusvaheline majandusSalvatore, Dominick; Kerem, Kaie; Kuura, M.; Lüll, T.; Soidra, Ivo-Aat; Tammark, M.; Vensel, Vello1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1063357*est
- Rahvusvaheline majandusSalvatore, Dominick1991 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1159713*est
- Reaaltulu ja inflatsiooni hindamise teoreetilised põhimõtted : õppevahendSepp, Urmas; Vensel, Vello1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1207152*est
- Reformid tehtud?Vensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 3. veebr., lk. 30
- Regulation verms deregulation of economy : choice before countries in transitionVensel, VelloWorkshop on liberalizing economics at Georgetown University, Washington DC, April 22-23, 19941994
- Regulation versus deregulation : a dilemma for economics in transitionVensel, VelloWorkshop "Transition Issues in EMEs", USA, Los Angeles, April 25-26, 19951995
- Results of Estonian commercial banks performance analysisVensel, VelloPapers of the Conference on Economic Performance and Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe1996 / p. 171-193
- Results of firms interview study about the development of financial relationshipsTammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloPapers of the Conference on Economic Performance and Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe1996 / p. 151-169: ill
- Results of firms interview study of the development of financial contractual relationshipsTammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloMaterials of the Workshop on Coping Financial Reform in EMEs, Groningen, 3-4 April 19971997 / [19] p
- Retail banking services in Estonia and in Poland: a comparative empirical studyJanc, Alfred; Krymaryz-Balcerzak, Agnieszka; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 5th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe : The Impact of Foreign Banks' Entry : 26-27 April 2002, Tallinn2002 / p. 143-158
- Retail banking services in Poland and Estonia : a comparative empirical studyJanc, Alfred; Krymaryz-Balcercak, Agnieszka; Vensel, VelloBusiness in Poland : experience of Finnish companies in doing business in the largest eastern EU candidate country2002 / p. 131-151
- Riigivalitsemine pole naljaasiVensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 17. dets., lk. 30
- Riik - röövel või abistaja?Vensel, VelloÄripäev1998 / 28. okt., lk. 38
- Rozwoj stosunkow umownych w Estonii : wyniki badan ankietowychTammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vensel, VelloReformy finansowe w krajach tworzacych gospodarke rynkowa : modele i badania empiryczne1996 / s. 107-126
- Russian corporations expand abroad - International activities of Russian banks, energy and metal companies [Electronic resource]Liuhto, Kari; Jumpponen, Jari; Sõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloThe proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Marketing and Development : Globalization, Transformation and Quality of Life : 4-7 January 2003, Bangkok2003 / p. 507-523. [CD-ROM]
- Satisfaction with bank services and development of bank-customer relationships - an Estonian caseAarma, August; Vensel, VelloThe Future of Retail Banking and Gustomer Relations : a report from the first workshop of The Göran Collert Research Foundation, September 13-14, 20012001 / p. 68-70 https://www.ester.ee/record=b4905982*est
- Segmented analysis of bank customers and banking information : the Estonian caseAarma, August2001 http://www.ester.ee/record=b1569927*est
- Some banks' corporate covernance issues: the case of Croatia, Estonia and PolandVensel, VelloEkonomiczne i spoleczne problemy nadzoru korporacyjnego2004 / p. 487-504
- Some empirical developments of the Estonian legal environmentVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloAbstracts of the 5th Conference of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies, 10-12 September 1998, Varna1998 / p. 73
- Some empirical developments of the Estonian legal environmentVensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloEconomies in transition and the variety of capitalisms: features, changes, convergence : proceedings of the 5th biannual conference of the EACES : Varna, Bulgaria, 1998, September 10-121999 / p. 125-138
- Some investments, output and labour market characteristics : an Estonian caseVensel, VelloProceedings of the Fourth SMESME International Conference on Stimulating Manufacturing Excellence in Small & Medium Enterprices2001 / p. 351-359
- Some results of banking sector reform in Estonia : introductory remarksVensel, VelloFinancial sector reform in emerging market economies : Baltic progress and critical issues : summary of conference in Laulasmaa and Tallinn, August 23-24 19931993 / [6] p.
- Some results of Estonian banking system performance analysis : (1994-1996)Vensel, VelloMaterials of the Workshop on Coping Financial Reform in EMEs, Groningen, 3-4 April 19971997 / [22] p
- Some results of transition process and financial sector reform in small countryVensel, VelloEuropean Economic Association Ninth Annual Congress, Maastricht, September 3-5, 1994 : book of abstracts1994 / p. 13
- Some results of transition process in small country : Estonian caseVensel, VelloInternational Conference : Financial Sector Reform in Emerging Market Economies : Baltic Progress and Critical Issues, Tallinn, August 23-24, 19931993 / 27 p
- Sotsiaal- ja majandusstatistika kursuse programm majandusteaduskonna üliõpilastele1982 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2603697*est
- Sotsiaal- ja majandusstatistika praktikum1988 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1204723*est
- Sotsiaal- ja majandusstatistika programm majandusteaduskonna üliõpilastele1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1720709*est
- Statistika osa ühiskonnas ja majandusesVensel, VelloÄriilm1994 / 1, lk. 53-58: ill
- Statistika teooria põhikursusAarma, August; Vensel, Vello2005 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1994671*est
- Statistika teooria põhikursus : [õpik]Aarma, August; Vensel, Vello1996 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1056679*est
- Statistika teooria (TES 4020) kursuse programm : TTÜ majandusteaduskonna üliõpilastele1995 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1069398*est
- Statistika üldteooria kursuse programm : TTÜ majandusteaduskonna üliõpilastele1992 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1063343*est
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- Statistilise mõtlemisviisi kujundamisestVensel, VelloRakendusmajandusteaduste õpetamise metoodika arvuti kasutamise tingimusis : teaduslik-metoodilise seminarnõupidamise teeside kogumik1986 / lk. 102-104 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1222316*est
- Struktuurinihked ja keskmine tööviljakusVensel, VelloTehnika ja Tootmine1972 / lk. 14-15 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1073047*est
- Successful experience of operating the currency board arrangement in EstoniaSõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloHarmonisation with the Western economics : Estonian economic developments and related conceptual and methodological frameworks : collection of papers1999 / p. 11-39
- Tabelpesadega indeksmaatriksid sidusanalüüsisVensel, Vello; Lüll, ToivoSotsiosünergeetika ja informaatika : vabariikliku teaduslik-praktilise seminari (Tallinn, 17. veebruar 1989. a.) teeside kogumik = Sociosynergetics and informatics : proceedings of the Republican Scientific Seminar held in Tallinn on Feb. 17., 1989 = Социосинергетика и информатика : сборник тезисов республиканского научно-практического семинара (Таллинн, 17 февраля 1989 г.)1989 / lk. 107-113 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1204331*est
- Teadustöö on kollektiivne töö : [intervjuu EV teaduspreemia kandidaadiga sotsiaalteaduste valdkonnas Vello Venseliga]Vensel, Vello; Matteus, DorisLääne-Harju Ekspress2000 / 29. jaan., lk. 5: fot
- Teenindamissfääri juhtimine ja majandusmehhanism IME tingimustes : konverentsi ettekannete teesidVensel, Vello1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1209628*est
- Teenindamissfääri sotsiaalse efektiivsuse mõistestVensel, VelloTeenindamissfääri juhtimine ja majandusmehhanism IME tingimustes : konverentsi ettekannete teesid1990 / lk. 16-18
- Teoreetilise majandusteaduse ja -metodoloogia instituutVensel, VelloTeadustegevus / TTÜ1993 / lk. 103-106
- The changing institutional environment : development of the law making and law enforcement mechanismsPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Vello; Karma, TarmoThe Third International Conference on International Business in Transition Economies2006 / p. 26-48
- The changing institutional environment: development of the law making and law enforcement mechanisms [Electronic resource]Karma, Tarmo; Põlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the 3rd International Conference : International Business in Transition Economics : International Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness in the Transforming and Enlarging Europe : September 9-11, 2004, Stockholm Scool of Economics in Riga2004 / 31 p. [CD-ROM]
- The choise in general method for investment and performance evaluationKarilaid, Ivo2002 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1715410*est
- The comparative analysis of markets' attractivenessPõlajeva, Tatjana2001 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1570018*est
- The currency board in EstoniaSõrg, Mart; Vensel, VelloEconomic policy in Eastern Europe : were currency boards a solution?2000 / p. 113-143
- The economic environment in Estonia : its effect on enterprisesVensel, VelloThe Baltic review1998 / p. 23-26
- The Estonian currency board : a case for fiscal discipline and monetary bondageDillon, Patricia; Vensel, Vello1996
- The impact of foreign banks entry into Estonian banking market: survey resultsUiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloPapers of the 5th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe : The Impact of Foreign Banks' Entry : 26-27 April 2002, Tallinn2002 / p. 239-249
- The impact of foreign banks' entry into the European Union candidate countries [Electronic resource]Uiboupin, Janek; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the ISSEI the 8th International Conference "European Culture in a Changing World : between Nationalism and Globalism" : 22-27 July, 2002, Aberystwyth, Wales2003 / [11] p. [CD-ROM]
- The internationalization of Estonian banks : inward versus outward penetrationSõrg, Mart; Uiboupin, Janek; Varblane, Urmas; Vensel, VelloFinancial markets in Central and Eastern Europe : stability and efficiency perspectives2004 / p. 251-290 : ill
- The matrix approach for bank performance analysis : an Estonian case studyVensel, VelloInternational advances in economic research1998 / 4, p. 452
- The methods and instruments for solving the banking crisis and the development of the banking sector in EstoniaJaamu, Viljar2003
- The political economy of macroeconomic developments, central bank and tax system reform in EstoniaVensel, Vello1996
- The PPP deviations between Estonia and non-transitional countriesRaim, Jaanus2006 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2125497*est
- The quality of banking services and relationships development in foreign owned Estonian banksVensel, VelloForeign banks and economic transition : papers in progress2002 / p. 195-217
- The role of foreign banks in corporate governance in Central and East European Countries. The case of Croatia, Estonia and PolandKowalski, Tadeusz; Kraft, Evan; Mullineux, Andrew; Vensel, Vello; Wihlborg, ClasPapers of the 5th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe : The Impact of Foreign Banks' Entry : 26-27 April 2002, Tallinn2002 / p. 159-170
- The role of the state in transitional economy : the invisible hand or the grabbing hand [Electronic resource]Tammeraid, Aita; Teearu, Asta; Vainu, Jaan; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the Sixth Conference of the ISSEI "Twentith Century European Narratives : Tradition and Innovation" : 16 -21 August 1998, Haifa University2001 / ? p. [CD-ROM]
- The usage of the matrix model for banks performance analysisVensel, VelloWorkshop on Modelling the Economies of the Baltic Republics, 12-13 September, Vilnius1996 / [24] p
- The usage of the matrix model for Estonian Banks performance analysisVensel, VelloMaterials of the Workshop on Modelling the Economies of the Baltic Republics, Antwerpen, 29-31 January 19971997 / [24] p
- Theory and empirical evidence of business support networksKerem, Kaie; Vensel, VelloWorking papers in economics. Vol. 16 (TUTWPE No 129-132)2005 / TUTWPE No. 129, p. 5-20 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1019771*est
- TPI majandusuuringute suund ja tulemusedTamberg, Jaak; Vensel, VelloTehnikauuringute areng Eesti NSV-s : vabariikliku konverentsi ettekannete teesid Tallinn, 15.-16. oktoober 19861986 / lk. 22-25 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1258828*est
- Trends and visions of the future of retail bankingVensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [137]-159
- Tulekul Euraasia Ühendriigid? : [Euroopa Liidu laienemisest]Vensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / lk. 30: ill
- Turg ja selle funktsioneerimise tingimusedVensel, VelloHarju Elu1992 / 28. jaan., lk. 4
- TurustruktuuridVensel, VelloHarju Elu1992 / 11. veebr., lk. 4
- Tänapäeva majandusstatistika probleemeVensel, VelloStatistika majanduses ja majandusteaduses2004 / lk. 7-15
- TööturgVensel, VelloHarju Elu1992 / 18. veebr., lk. 4: ill
- Tööviljakuse ja palga vahekorrastVensel, VelloTehnika ja Tootmine1970 / lk. 518-519 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1073047*est
- Usalduseta ERA Pank sooritab tagurpidisaltot : [vestlus Vello Venseliga]Vensel, Vello; Niitra, NilsPostimees1999 / 15. märts, lk. 12 : fot
- Uue majanduse võiduteeVensel, VelloÄripäev2000 / 7. märts, lk. 26 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1673298*est
- Uwarunkowania finansowe dzialalnosci przedsiebiorstw produkcyjnych w EstoniiVensel, Vello; Wihlborg, ClasReformy finansowe w krajach tworzacych gospodarke rynkowa : modele i badania empiryczne1996 / s. 83-102
- Vahevõrrandite kasutamisest majandusprobleemide modelleerimiselVensel, VelloPõllumajanduse ökonoomika ja organiseerimine1977 / lk. 70-75 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1294104*est
- Vello Vensel selgitab tagamaid : [Eesti Panga presidendikohast loobumise kohta]Vensel, VelloEesti Päevaleht2000 / 28. apr., lk. 1
- Vello Venseli pankaminek ripub poliitikutest : [vestlus]Vensel, Vello; Ideon, ArgoPostimees1998 / 7. mai, lk. 2: ill
- Vensel : Hansapank surus arvutifirma Pennu nurka : Pennu võis maksta Venselile keskpanga presidendi koha : [arvutifirma Pennu probleemidest ja Eesti pangandusest Vello Venseli sõnul]Vensel, Vello; Reinap, AivarPostimees2000 / 26. apr., lk. 8 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1675026*est
- Vensel loodab suurendada konkurentsi : statistikaprofessor ja tulevne Eesti Panga president rakendab keskpanga töötajaid teadustööle : [intervjuu Vello Venseliga]Vensel, Vello; Erilaid, Erkki; Lõhmus, PeterPostimees2000 / 1. aprill, lk. 2 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1674161*est
- Vensel muudab keskpanga avalikuks ja viib poliitikasse : Eesti Panga nõukogu eelistas Vahur Kraftile statistikaprofessor Vello Venselit : [intervjuu Vello Venseliga]Joosu, Tiina; Vensel, VelloEesti Päevaleht2000 / 31. märts, lk. 13 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1648138*est
- What makes bankruptcy law work? Foreign bankers' perceptions in Croatia, Estonia and PolandKowalski, Tadeusz; Kraft, Evan; Mullineux, Andy; Vensel, Vello; Wihlborg, ClasIntegration of financial sectors of Baltic States into the European Union: challenge and experience : collection of papers2004 / p. [317]-335
- Võidujooks ToompealeVensel, VelloVõrumaa Teataja1999 / 27. jaan., lk. 2
- VõidujooksulVensel, VelloÄripäev1999 / 26. jaan., lk. 30 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1721126*est
- Väike inglise-eesti ja eesti-inglise majandussõnastikSepp, Urmas; Vensel, Vello1992 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1051489*est
- Ühe väikeriigi üleminekumajanduse mured ja rõõmudVensel, VelloMajandusteadus ja majanduspoliitika Eesti Vabariigis : ettekannete teesid ja artiklid (Tartu-Värska-Tartu, 27.-28. mail 1994)1994 / lk. 97-102
- Ühisturg kasuks kaubanduspartnereileVensel, VelloÄripäev2000 / 22. veebr., lk. 27 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1672907*est
- Üliõpilane ja õppejõud : kõne Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli 77. aastapäevale pühendatud pidulikul nõukogu istungil 17. septembril 1995 Glehni lossisVensel, VelloTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 19951996 / lk. 168-172
- Üliõpilane ja õppejõud Tallinna TehnikaülikoolisVensel, VelloTehnikaülikool1995 / 11. okt., lk. 4-5 https://www.ester.ee/record=b5309277*est
- Üliõpilaste iseseisva töö korraldamisest statistika õpetamiselVensel, VelloRakendusmajandusteaduste õpetamise metoodika uutes majandamistingimustes : Eesti NSV kõrgkoolide teaduslik-metoodiline konverents (Tallinn, 22. mai 1987) : ettekannete teesid1987 / lk. 10-11 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1237089*est
- Алгоритм последовательной кластеризации, базирующейся на минимизации приращения внутригрупповой суммы квадратовVensel, VelloПотребление и уровень жизни населения1979 / с. 145-159 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1283598*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/dc1f8294-d89f-4f2c-83c0-fb2a5613bace
- Анализ некоторых качественных и количественных показателей промышленности Эстонской ССР (1955-1968) : автореферат ... кандидата экономических наук (08.594)Vensel, Vello1971 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1390149*est
- Влияние изменения числа работающих промышленности Эстонской ССР на динамику других количественных показателейVensel, VelloАктуальные проблемы воспроизводства и рационального использования рабочей силы : тезисы научной конференции : (с 24 по 26 ноября 1971 года)1971 / с. 86-88 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1414363*est
- Возможности применения корреляционного и регрессионного анализа рядов динамикиVensel, VelloЭкономический анализ, эффективность производства и инженерного труда : материалы республиканской научной конференции (28-30 октября 1976 г.) Тарту-Кяэрику. Часть II1976 / с. 21-23 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1350008*est
- Возможности применения производственных функций в экономико-географических исследованияхVensel, VelloГеография и математика : материалы к третьему всесоюзному межведомственному совещанию "Математические методы в географии"1974 / с. 161-163 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1300682*est
- Возможности статистического исследования динамики эффективности с помощью стандартных интегральных регрессионных моделейVensel, VelloИзучение эффективности производства1981 / с. 67-76
- Измерение динамики экономической эффективности производства по матричной моделиVensel, VelloМатричное моделирование и комплексный анализ результатов хозяйствования1985 / с. 63-72
- Изучение взаимного воздействия экономических явлений при помощи факторных индексовVensel, VelloИсследования экономического факультета. 91972 / с. 69-80 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2267602*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/6d1b3d3d-a96e-4c89-8fe1-5f19093e8199
- Изучение влияния структурных сдвигов при помощи индексного методаVensel, VelloИсследования экономического факультета. 91972 / с. 59-68 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2267602*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/6d1b3d3d-a96e-4c89-8fe1-5f19093e8199
- Интегральная регрессия и корреляция : статистическое моделирование рядов динамикиVensel, Vello1983 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1441088*est
- Комплексное прогнозирование эффективности производстваVensel, VelloИнтенсификация и эффективизация производства1989 / с. 7-17
- Коррелирование рядов динамики, содержащих линейные тенденцииVensel, VelloТруды экономического факультета. 211976 / с. 3-10 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2190760*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/33a02516-553b-4694-80ee-ce7d54bcb38f
- Корригирование оценок параметров регрессионного уравненияVensel, VelloМетодологические проблемы изучения экономической эффективности производства1978 / с. 145-155 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1314950*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/2fb593d9-3346-46a7-91ed-cae6e8c3038b
- Математико-статистическое исследование временных рядов с помощью интегральных регрессионных уравнений (на примере ЭССР) : автореферат ... доктора экономических наук (08.00.13)Vensel, Vello1983 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1541818*est
- Межвузовский сборник научных работ по статистикеMereste, Uno; Kudrjavtseva, Alevtina; Müür, H.; Hagelberg, R.; Linnaks, Erik; Piho, H.; Otsason, Rein; Root, Andres; Kull, Eduard; Vensel, Vello; Mutšnik, I.; Õunapuu, Enn; Pavelson, Henno; Eigi, K.; Karpova, M.; Malmsaar, Rainer; Mikkov, Uno; Kalle, Eedo; Rajangu, Väino; Kivistik, J.; Sarv, Henn; Sepp, J.1981 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1292917*est
- Межвузовский сборник научных работ по статистикеMereste, Uno; Kudrjavtseva, Alevtina; Vensel, Vello; Root, Andres; Kats, J.A.; Straž, Salman; Eigi, K.; Raudjärv, Matti; Malmsaar, Rainer; Pesti, Eedi; Udam, V.; Kipper, Endel; Kull, Eduard; Mikkov, Uno1983 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1270499*est
- Межвузовский сборник научных работ по статистикеMereste, Uno; Kudrjavtseva, Alevtina; Fleiderviš, Mihhail; Vensel, Vello; Vainu, Jaan; Rooma, Ülo; Kats, J.A.; Mikkov, Uno; Orvet, M.; Laas, Kaljo; Ross, A.; Rajangu, Väino; Kull, Eduard; Luks, T.; Pettai, Iris; Malmsaar, Rainer; Kivistik, J.1984 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1315659*est
- Межвузовский сборник научных работ по статистикеMereste, Uno; Kissina, Galina; Linnaks, Erik; Hagelberg, R.; Müür, H.; Kudrjavtseva, Alevtina; Luur, H.; Gorodetskaja, T.; Malõhhin, V.; Mihhailov, A.; Vensel, Vello; Butnik-Siverski, A.B.; Saarepera, Maimu; Orvet, M.; Root, Andres; Tinits, Margus; Fleiderviš, Mihhail; Jürviste, Helvi1985 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1301824*est
- Межвузовский сборник научных работ по статистикеMereste, Uno; Kudrjavtseva, Alevtina; Kissina, Galina; Linnaks, Erik; Hagelberg, R.; Müür, H.; Vensel, Vello; Saarepera, Maimu; Luur, H.; Root, Andres; Orvet, M.; Jevstignejev, S.S.; Krastinš, O.; Jelissejeva, I.I.; Zvidrinš, P.; Bergman, J.; Randla, Riina; Alver, Jaan; Vernitskaja, L.A.; Liias, Roode; Malmsaar, Rainer; Lambing, G.1987 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1218797*est
- Межвузовский сборник научных работ по статистикеMereste, Uno; Kissina, Galina; Linnaks, Erik; Hagelberg, R.; Müür, H.; Kudrjavtseva, Alevtina; Vensel, Vello; Luur, H.; Duša, I.; Vaninski, A.J.; Root, Andres; Alver, Jaan; Pavlova, G.; Teearu, Asta; Purga, Ü.; Malmsaar, Rainer; Kalle, Eedo; Semjonov, V.; Karpova, M.1989 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1287069*est
- Методологические основы построения пространства эффективностиVensel, VelloМетодологические проблемы современной статистики1987 / с. 3-11
- Методологические проблемы определения индекса цен потребленияVensel, VelloЭкономическая самостоятельность региона и модели экономических механизмов. Часть 2. = Regional economic autonomy and models of economic mechanisms = Regiooni majanduslik iseseisvus ja majandusmehhanismi mudelid : сборник тезисов республиканского научно-практического семинара (Таллинн, 31 августа - 1 сентября 1989 года)1989 / с. 252-257 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1227302*est
- Многомерный статистический анализ рядов динамикиVensel, VelloМетодологические проблемы изучения экономической эффективности производства1978 / с. 167-176 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1314950*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/2fb593d9-3346-46a7-91ed-cae6e8c3038b
- Направления и результаты экономических исследований в ТПИTamberg, Jaak; Vensel, VelloРазвитие научных исследований в области технических наук в Эстонской ССР : тезисы республиканской конференции, Таллин, 15-16 октября 1986 г.1986 / с. 21-25 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1231513*est
- Некоторые возможности применения матричной концепции для анализа хозяйственной деятельностиVensel, VelloПроблемы методики преподавания бухгалтерского учета и анализа хозяйственной деятельности : тезисы докладов республиканской научно-методической конференции, 26 апреля 1984 г1984 / с. 10-12 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1298018*est
- Некоторые проблемы прогнозирования демографических процессов по данным рядов динамикиVensel, VelloНародонаселение и рабочая сила1981 / с. 155-162 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1339371*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/e9975fb2-c39e-4b2c-a6be-67edd8578afd
- Некоторые проблемы статистического анализа рядов динамикиVensel, VelloТезисы конференции "Теоретические и прикладные вопросы математики" : 11-12 сентября 19801980 / с. 254-256 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1275697*est
- Некоторые свойства интегральной регресионной моделиVensel, VelloТеоретические и прикладные вопросы математики : тезисы докладов конференции, 26-27 сентября 1985 г. II1985 / с. 29-30 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1305194*est
- О возможном подходе к оценке значимости многомерной классификации : (оценка репрезентативности выборочных бюджетных обследований)Mandel, I.; Vensel, VelloПотребление и уровень жизни населения1979 / с. 129-134 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1283598*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/dc1f8294-d89f-4f2c-83c0-fb2a5613bace
- О возможностях измерения влияния научно-технического прогресса при помощи производственных функцийVensel, VelloЭкономические стимулы научно-технического прогресса : материалы Всесоюзной научной конференции. Том 31979 / с. 55-58 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1279834*est https://dspace.ut.ee/handle/10062/51051
- О некоторых вопросах регрессии рядов динамикиVainu, Jaan; Vensel, VelloСтатистика и экономический анализ1977 / с. 85-92 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1309508*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/97c01d52-3148-45bc-a11e-6c8e2ad5e912
- О понятии социальной эффективности производстваVensel, VelloTallinna Tehnikaülikooli Toimetised1990 / lk. 14-25: ill
- Об измерении эффективности структурных сдвиговVensel, VelloТруды экономического факультета. 121974 / с. 9-13 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2190628*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/f60c06-b960-4492-bffc-2ca731bf5715d9
- Об использовании дисперсионного анализа при коррелировании рядов динамикиVensel, Vello; Vainu, JaanСтатистика и экономический анализ1977 / с. 93-104 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1309508*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/97c01d52-3148-45bc-a11e-6c8e2ad5e912
- Об одном типе регрессионных моделей, применяемых для статистического моделирования эффективности производстваVensel, VelloИзучение эффективности производства1981 / с. 77-87
- Общая теория статистики : программа II и III курса экономического факультета1987 https://www.ester.ee/record=b3542609*est
- Определение и анализ динамики экономической эффективности общественного производства в отраслях народного хозяйства Эстонской ССРVensel, VelloЭффективность производства и капитальных вложений1983 / с. 11-18
- Определение уровня экономической эффективности общественного производства в отраслях народного хозяйства Эстонской ССРVensel, VelloЭффективность производства и капитальных вложений1983 / с. 3-9
- Определения уровня и динамики интенсификации общественного производства с помощью ВОПЭVensel, VelloЭкономические проблемы интенсификации производства : тезисы республиканской конференции, Таллин, 6-7 мая 1986 г. 1 часть1986 / с. 7-9 : таб https://www.ester.ee/record=b1225241*est
- Повышение социальной эффективности производства в условиях усовершенствования регионального управленияVensel, VelloРеспубликанская научно-практическая конференция "Совершенствование регионального управления и планирования", 17 ноября 1988 г. : тезисы докладов = Regionaalse juhtimise ja planeerimise täiustamine : vabariiklik teaduslik-praktiline konverents, 17. november 1988 a. : ettekannete teesid1988 / с. 116-117 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1298159*est
- Последовательная кластеризация и дисперсионный анализVensel, VelloПотребление и уровень жизни населения1979 / с. 135-143 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1283598*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/dc1f8294-d89f-4f2c-83c0-fb2a5613bace
- Построение факторных систем на основе матричной концепцииSaarepera, Maimu; Vensel, VelloМатричное моделирование и комплексный анализ результатов хозяйствования1985 / с. 83-97
- Применение адаптивных статистических моделей для прогнозирования экономических явленийVensel, VelloСтатистический анализ и прогнозирование1984 / с. 49-59
- Применение индексного метода и производственных функции для анализа производительности трудаVensel, VelloРеспубликанская научная конференция "Проблемы стимулирования повышения производительности труда" : тезисы1976 / с. 17-19 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1265960*est
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