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- Development of a bio-impedance signal simulator on the basis of the regression based model of the cardiac and respiratory impedance signalsMuhammad, Yar; Le Moullec, Yannick; Annus, Paul; Min, Mart16th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering : 16. NBC & 10. MTD 2014 Joint Conferences, October 14-16, 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden2015 / p. 92-95 : ill
- Electrical bio-impedance based non-invasive method for the central aortic blood pressure waveform estimationKrivošei, Andrei; Min, Mart; Uuetoa, Hasso; Lamp, Jürgen; Annus, PaulBEC 2014 : 2014 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : proceedings of the 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference : Tallinn University of Technology, October 6-8, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia2014 / p. 181-184 : ill
- PWM based lock-in bioimpedance measurement unit for implantable medical devicesKuhlberg, Aivo; Land, Raul; Min, Mart; Parve, ToomasProceedings of the XVII IMEKO World Congress : June 22-27, 2003, Dubrovnik, Croatia2003 / p. 1710-1713 : ill
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- Wearable system for non-invasive and continuous monitoring central aortic pressure curve and augmentation indexKrivošei, Andrei; Lamp, Jürgen; Min, Mart; Uuetoa, Tiina; Uuetoa, Hasso; Annus, PaulpHealth 2013 : proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health : June 26-28, 2013, Tallinn, Estonia2013 / p. 101-106 : ill https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-268-4-101 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/19582 https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84894260346&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&sot=b&sdt=b&s=DOI%2810.3233%2F978-1-61499-268-4-101%29