Technology governance and innovation policy

Research classification (Frascati)
Head of the research group
innovation policy
technology governance
The group is the leading centre for science,technology and innovation systems and policiesin Estonia.The basic research of the group centres on thefollowing topics:‚ Techno-economic paradigms and the roleof the state,‚ Future innovation systems and policies,‚ Innovation bureaucracies and management of innovation policiesThe policy-oriented work of the group covers thefollowing topics:‚ Green transition and mission-orientedinnovation policies‚ Tackling societal challenges through innovation‚ Drafting and implementing smart specialization strategies and policies in Europeand Estonia‚ Management STI policies and instruments‚ Evaluations of innovation polices andgovernance systems‚ The impact of Global Value Chains onnational innovation systems and policies‚ innovation in the context of smart cities.
Important results
Liiv, I.; Karo, E.; Soe, R.alf-M. (2023). Computer aided corporate sense-making and prioritization for SDGs. In: Mazzi, F.; Floridi, L. (Ed.). The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence for the Sustainable Development Goals. (365−378). Cham: Springer . (Philosophical Studies Series; 152). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-21147-8_20.
Period of activity of the research group
Publications related to the research group