Khan, Md Muhidul Islam
In TalTech
Birth and death data
Career in TalTech
IT Kolledž, lektor 01.10.2018–17.05.2021
Thomas Johann Seebecki elektroonikainstituut, teadur (1,00) 01.05.2017–30.09.2018
Teenistuskäik mujal
Stavangeri Ülikool, teadur
Hebei University of Technology, NSF funded "Optimization Problems in Wireless Sensor Networks" (1,00) 01.04.2016–30.04.2017
BRAC University, Assistant Professor (1,00) 01.01.2015–30.03.2016
Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, PhD Research Scholar (1,00) 01.07.2013–30.09.2014
University of Genova, PhD Research Scholar (1,00) 01.07.2012–30.06.2013
Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, PhD Research Scholar (1,00) 01.01.2011–30.06.2012
State University of Bangladesh, Conducted Bachelor Level Courses in CSE Department (1,00) 01.07.2010–31.12.2010
Corvinus University of Budapest, Masters Scholarship by Erasmus Mundus Elink project (1,00) 01.09.2009–30.06.2010
State University of Bangladesh, Conducted Bachelor Level Courses in Computer Science and Engineering (1,00) 01.11.2008–31.08.2009
Institute of Science and Technology, Conducted Bachelor Level Courses in CSE Department (1,00) 01.04.2007–31.10.2008
Klagenfurti Ülikool, PhD in Interactive and Cognitive Environment, 2011-2014
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (Bangladesh), Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering, 2003-2007
H2020 ERA-Chair of Cognitive Electronics (COEL) 2017
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for PhD in Interactive and Cognitive Environment 2011
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for Masters program (eLINK project) 2010