Laboratory of wood technology

Head of the research group
The Laboratory of Wood Technology investigatesthe birch veneer surface properties, quality, andbonding quality. Another main research area iswood and natural fiber polymer composites, wherewe investigate how birch veneer residues can beused in the wood-plastic composites. We developenovel thermoplastic cellulose materials for furthercommodity applications. We also investigate howindustrial hemp can be used to make buildingmaterials and insulation materials.One of our research topics is also cross-laminatedtimber (CLT) panels, which are used for building houses. The impact of moisture content andtemperature on crack formation in CLT panels isinvestigated in the TalTech zero-energy building.
Research classification (Frascati)
wood-polymer composites
wood and natural fibre composites
Important results
Kallakas, H.; Kattamanchi, T.; Kilumets, C.; Tarasova, E.; Krasnou, I.; Savest, N.; Ahmadian, I.; Kers, J.; Krumme, A.. (2023). Tensile and Surface Wettability Properties of the Solvent Cast Cellulose Fatty Acid Ester Films. Polymers, 15 (12), #2677. DOI: 10.3390/polym15122677.