Mathematical models, simulation and parameter estimation for water/wastewater treatment by ozone in semicontinious, countercurrent and cocurrent columns
statement of authorship
J.Kallas, R.Munter, A.Viiroja, M.Körvits
12th Ozone World Congress, May 15th to 18th, 1995, Lille, France : proceedings. Vol. 2
location of publication
S. l.
year of publication
p. 229-240
Bibl. 22 ref
Kallas, J., Munter, R., Viiroja, A., Körvits, M. Mathematical models, simulation and parameter estimation for water/wastewater treatment by ozone in semicontinious, countercurrent and cocurrent columns // 12th Ozone World Congress, May 15th to 18th, 1995, Lille, France : proceedings. Vol. 2. S. l., 1995. p. 229-240.