Long term measurements and HAM modelling of an interior insulation solution for an office building in cold climate
statement of authorship
Paul Klõšeiko, Targo Kalamees
location of publication
Syracuse, USA
year of publication
p. 1419-1424 : ill
conference name, date
7th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC2018), September 23-26, 2018
conference location
Syracuse, NY, USA
Bibliogr. p. 1424
TalTech department
Klõšeiko, P., Kalamees, T. Long term measurements and HAM modelling of an interior insulation solution for an office building in cold climate // 7th International Building Physics Conference IBPC2018: Healthy, Intelligent and Resilient Buildings and Urban Environments: proceedings : Syracuse, NY, USA, September 23-26, 2018. Syracuse, USA, 2018. p. 1419-1424 : ill. http://ibpc2018.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/FINAL-IBPC2108-Proceedings.pdf