Analyses of the extra cost of NZEB and low energy apartment buildings
statement of authorship
Martin Thalfeldt, Ergo Pikas, Jarek Kurnitski
World Sustainable Energy Days 2015 : Young Researchers' Conference : Energy Efficiency : 25-27 February 2015, Wels, Austria
location of publication
year of publication
conference name, date
World Sustainable Energy Days 2015, 25-27 February, 2015
conference location
Wels, Austria
TTÜ department
Thalfeldt, M., Pikas, E., Kurnitski, J. Analyses of the extra cost of NZEB and low energy apartment buildings // World Sustainable Energy Days 2015 : Young Researchers' Conference : Energy Efficiency : 25-27 February 2015, Wels, Austria. Linz : OÖ Energiesparverband, 2015.