CMEMS Baltic Monitoring and Forecasting Centre : high-resolution wave forecasts in the seasonally ice-covered Baltic Sea [Online resource]
statement of authorship
Laura Tuomi, Olga Vähä-Piikkiö, T. Siili, and V. Alari
location of publication
year of publication
p. 36
conference name, date
8th EuroGOOS International Conference: Operational Oceanography Serving Sustainable Marine Development, 3-5 October, 2017
conference location
Bergen, Norway
TalTech department
subject term
name of the institution
Baltic Monitoring & Forecasting Centre (BAL-MFC)
subject of location
Tuomi, L., Vähä-Piikkiö, O., Siili, T., Alari, V. CMEMS Baltic Monitoring and Forecasting Centre : high-resolution wave forecasts in the seasonally ice-covered Baltic Sea [Online resource] // International Conference Operational Oceanography Serving Sustainable Marine Development : 3-5 October 2017, Bergen, Norway : book of abstracts. [Brussels] : European Global Ocean Observing System, 2017. p. 36.