Automatic solution of chemical plant modeling problems

statement of authorship
O. Aarna
Computer applications in the analysis of chemical data and plants : [plenary and main lectures presented at the CHEMDATA 77, held in Espoo Korpilampi, Finland, 9-10 June 1977
location of publication
Princeton, N.J.
year of publication
p. 17-26
conference name, date
Computer applications in the analysis of chemical data and plants : plenary and main lectures presented at the CHEMDATA 77, June 1977
conference location
Espoo Korpilampi, Finland
TalTech department
Aarna, O. Automatic solution of chemical plant modeling problems // Computer applications in the analysis of chemical data and plants : [plenary and main lectures presented at the CHEMDATA 77, held in Espoo Korpilampi, Finland, 9-10 June 1977. Princeton, N.J. : Science Press, 1977. p. 17-26.