Computer modelling of airplane electro-hydraulic aileron position control
statement of authorship
Gunnar Grossschmidt, Jaak Pahapill
International Workshop on Trends in Hydraulic and Pneumatic Components and Systems, November 8-9, 1994 , Chicago, Illinois : an integral part of the program of the 1994 ASME International Congress & Exposition. Vol. 2, Poster papers / IFAC
location of publication
year of publication
15 p
subject term
Grossschmidt, G., Pahapill, J. Computer modelling of airplane electro-hydraulic aileron position control // International Workshop on Trends in Hydraulic and Pneumatic Components and Systems, November 8-9, 1994 , Chicago, Illinois : an integral part of the program of the 1994 ASME International Congress & Exposition. Vol. 2, Poster papers / IFAC. Chicago, 1994. 15 p.