Experimental appartus for studying free convection in a porous material at the near-critical state

statement of authorship
N.H. Afgan, H.A. Käär, V.D. Jović
location of publication
year of publication
p. 93-105
Bibliogr.: 29 ref
Abstrakt: Eksperimentalna aparatura za proucavanje prirodne konvekcije u poroznim telima na okolokriticnim parametrima, p. 104-105
Kokkuvõte: Katseseade vabakonvektsiooni uurimiseks poorses materjalis aine kriitilistel olekuparameetritel, lk. 105
TalTech department
Afgan, N., Käär, H., Jović, V. Experimental appartus for studying free convection in a porous material at the near-critical state // Fouling and corrosion in steam generators. Beograd : Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 1980. p. 93-105. https://www.ester.ee/record=b1621577*est