Application of polyether ether ketone capillary for electrophortic separation of complicated biological samples

statement of authorship
T.Komissarova, M.Kulp, M.Kaljurand
Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations and Methods for Systems Biology : March 9-13, 2008 : Berlin, Germany
location of publication
year of publication
? p
conference name, date
22nd International Symposium on MicroScale Bioseparations & Methods for System Biology, March 9-13, 2008
conference location
Berlin, Germany
Komissarova, T., Kulp, M., Kaljurand, M. Application of polyether ether ketone capillary for electrophortic separation of complicated biological samples // Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Microscale Bioseparations and Methods for Systems Biology : March 9-13, 2008 : Berlin, Germany. [S.l.], 2008. ? p.