Personality predispositions moderate soldiers’ well-being before and after operational deployment
statement of authorship
Parmak, M., Mylle J.C. & Euwema, M.C.
Military psychology in a time of transition, uncertainty, and complexity : the 55th IMTA Conference 2013 : Seoul, Korea, October 28th-November 1st : [conference program and abstracts]
location of publication
year of publication
p. 71
conference name, date
55th International Military Testing Association Conference, October 28-November 01, 2013
conference location
Seoul, Korea
Täistekst CD-l
TalTech department
subject of location
Parmak, M., Mylle, J.C., Euwema, M.C. Personality predispositions moderate soldiers’ well-being before and after operational deployment // Military psychology in a time of transition, uncertainty, and complexity : the 55th IMTA Conference 2013 : Seoul, Korea, October 28th-November 1st : [conference program and abstracts]. [S.l.], 2013. p. 71.