Unsupervised neural segmentation and clustering for unit discovery in sequential data

statement of authorship
Jan Chorowski, Nanxin Chen, Ricard Marxer, Hans J.G.A. Dolfing, Adrian Łancucki, Guillaume Sanchez, Sameer Khurana, Tanel Alumäe, Antoine Laurent
Workshop on Perception as Generative Reasoning, NeurIPS 2019, Vancouver, Canada
year of publication
7 p. : ill
conference name, date
Perception as generative reasoning : Structure, Causality, Probability : NeurIPS 2019 workshop, Friday Dec. 13, 2019
NeurIPS2019 CausalML: Thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Workshop on Causal Machine Learning
conference location
Vancouver, Canada
Bibliogr.: 16 ref
TalTech department
Chorowski, J.K., Chen, N., Alumäe, T. et al. Unsupervised neural segmentation and clustering for unit discovery in sequential data // Workshop on Perception as Generative Reasoning, NeurIPS 2019, Vancouver, Canada., 2019. 7 p. : ill. https://pgr-workshop.github.io/img/PGR009.pdf https://pgr-workshop.github.io/accepted_papers/