80 economic bestsellers before 1850 : a fresh look at the history of economic thought [Online resource]
variant title
80 economic bestsellers before 1850 : a fresh look at the history of economic thought [Online resource]
statement of authorship
Erik S. Reinert, Kenneth Carpenter, Fernanda A. Reinert, Sophus A. Reinert
location of publication
year of publication
105 p. : ill
Working papers in technology governance and economic dynamics / The other canon and Tallinn University of Technology ; 74
subject of time
15.-19. sajand
subject of form
Bibliogr. p. 13-16
TalTech department
Reinert, E.S., Carpenter, K., Reinert, F.A., Reinert, S.A. 80 economic bestsellers before 1850 : a fresh look at the history of economic thought [Online resource]. [Tallinn], 2017. 105 p. : ill. (Working papers in technology governance and economic dynamics / The other canon and Tallinn University of Technology ; 74). http://technologygovernance.eu/files/main//2017051103164242.pdf