Encouraging collaborative conservation through increased second homeowner engagement : A case study on Saaremaa Island, Estonia

statement of authorship
Jana Raadik Cottrell
Tourism Implications and Dilemmas : 24-26 September 2018 UIT the Arctic University of Norway, Alta, Norway : book of abstracts
location of publication
year of publication
p. 81
conference name, date
Tourism Implications and Dilemmas, 24-26 September 2018
conference location
Alta, Norway
TalTech department
Raadik Cottrell, J. Encouraging collaborative conservation through increased second homeowner engagement : A case study on Saaremaa Island, Estonia // Tourism Implications and Dilemmas : 24-26 September 2018 UIT the Arctic University of Norway, Alta, Norway : book of abstracts. [Tromso] : Arctic University of Norway, 2018. p. 81. http://uit.no/Content/593764/cache=1537365119000/Book+of+abstracts.pdf