The probabilistic characteristics of pollutants diffusion in marine environment
statement of authorship
A. Aitsam, V. Astok, M. Juhat
Research and practice in the water environment : Fifteenth Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, Istanbul, Türkiye, 1973 ; proceedings : 2 : Subject B - hydraulic aspects of pollution control and environmental enhancement
location of publication
State Hydraulic Works
year of publication
p. [?]
conference name, date
15th Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, 2-7 sept. 1973
conference location
Istanbul, Türkiye
TalTech department
Aitsam, A., Astok, V., Juhat M. The probabilistic characteristics of pollutants diffusion in marine environment // Research and practice in the water environment : Fifteenth Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, Istanbul, Türkiye, 1973 ; proceedings : 2 : Subject B - hydraulic aspects of pollution control and environmental enhancement. Ankara : State Hydraulic Works, 1973. p. [?].