Potyvirus helper component-proteinase and coat protein (CP) have coordinated functions in virus-host interactions and the same CP motif affects virus transmission and accumulation

statement of authorship
J.Andrejeva, Ü.Puurand, A.Merits, F.Rabenstein, L.Järvekülg, J.P.T.Valkonen
journal volume number month
year of publication
p. 1133-1139
Andrejeva, J., Puurand, Ü., Merits, A., Rabenstein, F., Järvekülg, L., Valkonen, J.P.T. Potyvirus helper component-proteinase and coat protein (CP) have coordinated functions in virus-host interactions and the same CP motif affects virus transmission and accumulation // Journal of general virology (1999) 80, p. 1133-1139.