Discussion on the subject "Microturbulent diffusion and dispersion"
statement of authorship
A. Aitsam
location of publication
Fort Collins, Colo.
year of publication
p. [572-578]
conference name, date
Twelfth congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, September 11 - 14, 1967
conference location
Fort Collins
TalTech department
Aitsam, A. Discussion on the subject "Microturbulent diffusion and dispersion" // [XII IAHR congress] : twelfth congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, Fort Collins, September 11 - 14, 1967 ; proceedings : 5 : Opening events at the congress, reports by general reporters, special lectures at the congress, and discussions of papers and seminar communications at technical sessions. Fort Collins, Colo. : Colorado State University, 1967. p. [572-578].