Modification of pulse wave signals in electrical bioimpedance analyzer for implantable medical devices
statement of authorship
M.Min, A.Kink, R.Land, T.Parve, and I.Rätsep
Proceedings of the 26. Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS : September 1-5, 2004, San Francisco, California, USA
location of publication
San Francisco
year of publication
p. 2263-2266
Min, M., Kink, A., Land, R., Parve, T., Rätsep, I. Modification of pulse wave signals in electrical bioimpedance analyzer for implantable medical devices // Proceedings of the 26. Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS : September 1-5, 2004, San Francisco, California, USA. San Francisco, 2004. p. 2263-2266.