The antimicrobial effect of three different chemicals for the treatment of straw bales used in housing projects
statement of authorship
J. Raamets, S. Kutti, A. Vettik, K. Ilustrumm, T. Rist & M. Ivask
Sustainable Housing 2016 : International Conference on Sustainable Housing Planning, Management and Usability : book of abstracts : Porto, Portugal, 16-18 November
location of publication
year of publication
p. 74
conference name, date
International Conference on Sustainable Housing Planning, Management and Usability, 16-18 November, 2016
conference location
Porto, Portugal
TalTech department
Raamets, J., Kutti, S., Vettik, A., Ilustrumm, K., Rist, T., Ivask, M. The antimicrobial effect of three different chemicals for the treatment of straw bales used in housing projects // Sustainable Housing 2016 : International Conference on Sustainable Housing Planning, Management and Usability : book of abstracts : Porto, Portugal, 16-18 November. Barcelos : Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, 2016. p. 74.