Safety and health through redesign of garment workers' workplaces
variant title
Amelioration de la securite et de la sante au travail par un reamenagement des postes de travail dans la confection = Sicherheit und Gesundheit durch die Umgestaltung von Arbeitsplätzen in der Bekleidungsindustrie
statement of authorship
P.Tint, V.Tuulik, K.Reinhold, K.Lell
location of publication
year of publication
p. 123
subject term
Tint, P., Tuulik, V., Reinhold, K., Lell, K. Safety and health through redesign of garment workers' workplaces // Design Process and Human Factors Integration : Optimising Company Performance : international symposium : Nice, France, 1-3 mars 2006 : abstracts. [Nice], 2006. p. 123.