Precise mapping the powdery mildew resistance locus QPm.tut-4A in wheat using barley, brachypodium, and rice collinear regions
Dolezel, Jaroslav
statement of authorship
M. Valarik, I. Jakobson, L. Timofejeva, M. Kladivova, K. Järve, J. Dolezel
Plant & Animal Genome XVIII Conference : San Diego, 2010
location of publication
[San Diego]
year of publication
p. P332
conference name, date
Plant & Animal Genome XVIII Conference, 2010
conference location
San Diego
subject term
Valarik, M., Jakobson, I., Timofejeva, L., Kladivova, M., Järve, K., Dolezel, J. Precise mapping the powdery mildew resistance locus QPm.tut-4A in wheat using barley, brachypodium, and rice collinear regions // Plant & Animal Genome XVIII Conference : San Diego, 2010. [San Diego], 2010. p. P332.