State assignment for CMOS implementation of low power FSM networks
statement of authorship
Victor Zaugarov, Lilia Kashirova, Olga Tveretina
Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : education of computer aided design of modern ICs and devices : 3rd Advanced Training Course, Lodz, Poland, 30 May - 1 June 1996
year of publication
p. 195-198: ill
Bibl. 6 ref
Zaugarov, V., Kashirova, L., Tveretina, O.* State assignment for CMOS implementation of low power FSM networks // Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : education of computer aided design of modern ICs and devices : 3rd Advanced Training Course, Lodz, Poland, 30 May - 1 June 1996., 1996. p. 195-198: ill.