Development challenges in Bhutan: Perspectiveson inequality and gross national happiness; Tantric State: A Buddhist approach to democracy and development in Bhutan; Democratic transition in Bhutan: Political contests as moral battles : [book review]

statement of authorship
Wolfgang Drechsler
journal volume number month
vol. 51, 2
year of publication
p. 414-418
Johannes Dragsbaek Schmidt, ed. Development Challenges in Bhutan: Perspectives on Inequality and Gross National Happiness. Springer, Cham, 2017. pp xviii + 263. ISBN 978-3-319-47924-8 ; William J. Long. Tantric State: A Buddhist Approach to Democracy and Development in Bhutan. Oxford University Press, New York, 2019. pp. xii + 232. ISBN 978-0-19-084339-7 ; Sonam Kinga. Democratic Transition in Bhutan: Political Contests as Moral Battles. Routledge, Abingdon, 2020. pp. xiv + 292. ISBN 978-0-367-34834-2.
Drechsler, W. Development challenges in Bhutan: Perspectiveson inequality and gross national happiness; Tantric State: A Buddhist approach to democracy and development in Bhutan; Democratic transition in Bhutan: Political contests as moral battles : [book review] // Asian affairs (2020) vol. 51, 2, p. 414-418.