pH impact on the sol-gel preparation of calcium hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, using a novel complexing agent, DCTA

statement of authorship
Irma Bogdanoviciene, Kaia Tõnsuaadu, Valdek Mikli, Inga Grigoraviciute-Puroniene, Aldona Beganskiene, Aivaras Kareiva
journal volume number month
Vol. 8
year of publication
6, p. 1323-1330 : ill
Bibliogr.: 52 ref
Bogdanoviciene, I., Tõnsuaadu, K., Mikli, V., Grigoraviciute-Puroniene, I., Beganskiene, A., Kareiva, A. pH impact on the sol-gel preparation of calcium hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, using a novel complexing agent, DCTA // Central European journal of chemistry (2010) Vol. 8, 6, p. 1323-1330 : ill.