Aasta parimad teadusartiklid
journal volume number month
year of publication
lk. 22- 23
about the person
Pikkor, Heliis
Pihu, Tõnu
Volobujeva, Olga
Dalidovich, Tatsiana
Mishra, Kamini
Shalima, Tatsiana
Kudrjašova, Marina
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia valdkonnas: Konist, A., Järvik, O., Pikkor, H., Nešumajev, D., Pihu, T. Utilization of pyrolytic wastewater in oil shale fired CFBC boiler // Journal of cleaner production (2019) vol. 234, p. 487-493 : ill.;
Rajanna, P. M., Meddeb, H., Bereznev, S., Volobujeva, O., Danilson, M. et al. Rational design of highly efficient flexible and transparent p-type composite electrode based on single-walled carbon nanotubes // Nano energy (2020) vol. 67, art. 104183, 9 p. : ill.
Loodus-, täppis- ja terviseteaduste valdkonnas: Dalidovich, T., Mishra, K.A., Shalima, T., Kudrjašova, M., Kananovich, D. G., Aav, R. Mechanochemical synthesis of amides with uronium-based coupling reagents : a method for hexa-amidation of biotin[6]uril // ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering (2020) vol. 8, 41, p. 15703−15715 : ill.
Sotsiaal- ja humanitaarteaduste valdkonnas: Durst, S., Zieba, M. Knowledge risks inherent in business sustainability // Journal of cleaner production (2020) vol. 251, art. 119670, 10 p. : ill.
subject term
name of the institution
TalTech subject term
Aasta parimad teadusartiklid // Mente et Manu (2021) 1, lk. 22- 23. Mente et Manu 1/2021 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est