Processing and properties of zirconia toughened WC-based cermets

statement of authorship
I. Hussainova, N. Voltsihhin, M.E. Cura, S.-P. Hannula
Proceedings of the 37th Int'l Conf & Expo on Advanced Ceramics & Composites (ICACC 2013)
location of publication
year of publication
1-7 : ill
conference name, date
37th Internatinal Conference & Exponation on Advanced Ceramics & Composites (ICACC 2013), Jan.27-Feb.1, 2013
conference location
Daytona Beach, FL, USA
Bibliogr.: 15 ref
TalTech department
Hussainova, I., Voltšihhin, N., Cura, E., Hannula, S.-P. Processing and properties of zirconia toughened WC-based cermets // Proceedings of the 37th Int'l Conf & Expo on Advanced Ceramics & Composites (ICACC 2013). [S.l.] : The American Ceramic Society, 2013. 1-7 : ill.