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- Maurya, H. S., Kosiba, K., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K. G. Effect of powder bed preheating on the crack formation and microstructure in ceramic matrix composites fabricated by laser powder-bed fusion process // Additive manufacturing (2022) vol. 58, art. 103013, 13 p. : ill. - Karimi, J., Antonov, M., Kollo, L., Prashanth, K.G. Role of laser remelting and heat treatment in mechanical and tribological properties of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V alloy // Journal of alloys and compounds (2022) vol. 897, art. 163207. - Singha, N., Ummethala, R., Surreddi, K. B., Jayaraj, J., Sokkalingamb, R., Rajput, M., Chatterjee, K., Prashanth, K. G. Effect of TiB2 addition on the mechanical and biological response of spark plasma sintered Ti6Al7Nb matrix composites // Journal of alloys and compounds (2022) vol. 924, art. 166502. - Zhao, C., Wang, Z., Li, D., Kollo, L., Luo, Z., Zhang, W., Prashanth, K. G. Selective laser melting of Cu-Ni-Sn : a comprehensive study on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and deformation behavior // International journal of plasticity (2021) vol. 138, art. 102926. - Karimi, J., Suryanarayana, C., Okulov, I., Prashanth, K. G. Selective laser melting of Ti6Al4V : effect of laser re-melting // Materials Science and Engineering : A (2021) vol. 805, art. 140558. - Wang, Z., Tang, S. Y., Scudino, S., Ivanov, Y. P., Qu, R. T., Wang, D., Yang, C., Zhang, W. W., Greer, A. L., Eckert, J., Prashanth, K. G. Additive manufacturing of a martensitic Co–Cr–Mo alloy : Towards circumventing the strength–ductility trade-off // Additive Manufacturing (2021) vol. 37, art. 101725. - Wang, P., Eckert, J., Prashanth, K.G. et al. A review of particulate-reinforced aluminum matrix composites fabricated by selective laser melting // Transactions of nonferrous metals society of China (2020) vol. 30, 8, p. 2001-2034. - Singh, N., Hameed, P., Ummethala, R., Manivasagam, G., Prashanth, K.G, Eckert J. Selective laser manufacturing of Ti-based alloys and composites : impact of process parameters, application trends, and future prospects // Materials Today Advances (2020) Vol. 8, Art. 100097. - Wang, Z., Xie, M., Li, Y., Kollo, L., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Premature failure of an additively manufactured material // Npg Asia materials (2020) vol. 12, 1, art. 30, 10 p. : ill. - Wang, Z., Ummethala, R., Singh, N., Prashanth, K. G. et al. Selective laser melting of aluminum and its alloys // Materials (2020) vol. 13, 20, art. 4564 : ill. - Xi, L., Gu, D., Guo, S., Wang, R., Ding, K., Prashanth, K.G. Grain refinement in laser manufactured Al-based composites with TiB2 ceramic // Journal of materials research and technology (2020) vol. 9, 3, p. 2611−2622. - Ummethala, R., Karamched, P.S., Kollo, L., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Selective laser melting of high-strength, low-modulus Ti–35Nb–7Zr–5Ta alloy // Materialia (2020) vol. 14, art. 100941. - Kumar, R., Hussainova, I., Rahmani, R., Antonov, M. Solid lubrication at high-temperatures - a review // Materials (2022) vol. 15, 5, art. 1695. - Chen, H., Lu, T., Prashanth, K. G., Kosiba, K. Laser additive manufacturing of nano-TiC particles reinforced CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy matrix composites with high strength and ductility // Materials Science and Engineering : A (2022) vol. 833, art. 142512. - Zhao, C.; Wang, Z.; Li, D.; Kollo, L.; Luo, Z.; Zhang, W.; Prashanth, K. G. Cu-Ni-Sn alloy fabricated by melt spinning and selective laser melting: a comparative study on the microstructure and formation kinetics // Journal of materials research and technology (2020) vol. 9, 6, p. 13097−13105. - Rahmani, R., Brojan, M., Antonov, M., Prashanth, K.G. Perspectives of metal-diamond composites additive manufacturing using SLM-SPS and other techniques for increased wear-impact resistance // International journal of refractory metals and hard materials (2020) vol. 88, art. 105192, 13 p. : ill. - Sokkalingam, R., Sivaprasad, K., Prashanth, K. et al. Novel welding of Al0.5CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy: corrosion behavior // Journal of alloys and compounds (2020) vol. 817, art. 153163, 6 p. : ill. - Karimi, J., Ma, P., Jia, Y.D., Prashanth, K.G. Linear patterning of high entropy alloy by additive manufacturing // Manufacturing letters (2020) vol. 24, p. 9-13 : ill. - Kamboj, N., Kazantseva, J., Rahmani, R., Rodríguez, M. A., Hussainova, I. Selective laser sintered bio-inspired silicon-wollastonite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering // Materials Science and Engineering : C (2020) vol. 116, art. 111223. - Tang, S., Ummethala, R., Suryanarayana, C., Eckert, J., Prashanth, K. G., Wang, Z. Additive manufacturing of aluminum-based metal matrix composites - a review // Advanced engineering materials (2021) vol. 23, 7, 2100053. - Viespoli, L.M., Bressan, S., Itoh, T., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Creep and high temperature fatigue performance of as build selective laser melted Ti-based 6Al-4V titanium alloy // Engineering failure analysis (2020) vol. 111, art. 104477, 9 p. : ill. - Aramian, A., Sadeghian, Z., Prashanth, K.G., Berto, F. In situ fabrication of TiC-NiCr cermets by selective laser melting // International journal of refractory metals and hard materials (2020) vol. 87, art. 105171, 8 p. : ill. - Liu, X., Ma, P., Jia, Y.D., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Solidification of Al-xCu alloy under high pressures // Journal of materials research and technology (2020) vol. 9, 3, p. 2983-2991 : ill. - Xi, L., Ding, K., Gu, D., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Interfacial structure and wear properties of selective laser melted Ti/(TiC+TiN) composites with high content of reinforcements // Journal of alloys and compounds (2021) vol. 870, art. 159436, 9 p.: ill. - Guana, H.D., Lia, C.J., Gaoa, P., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Aluminum matrix composites reinforced with metallic glass particles with core-shell structure // Materials science and engineering : A (2020) vol. 771, art. 138630, 5 p. : ill. - Raheem, A. A., Hameed, P., Prashanth, K. G., Manivasagam, G. A review on development of bio-inspired implants using 3D printing // Biomimetics (2021) vol. 6, 4, art. 65. - Zhao, C., Wang, Z., Li, D., Xie, M., Kollo, L., Luo, Z., Zhang, W., Prashanth, K.G. Comparison of additively manufacturing samples fabricated from pre-alloyed and mechanically mixed powders // Journal of alloys and compounds (2020) vol. 830, art. 154603, 5 p. : ill. - Aggarwal, A., Chouhan, A., Patel, S., Prashanth, K. G. et al. Role of impinging powder particles on melt pool hydrodynamics, thermal behaviour and microstructure in laser-assisted DED process : A particle-scale DEM – CFD – CA approach // International journal of heat and mass transfer (2020) vol. 158, art. 119989, 19 p. : ill. - Kumar, D., Shankar, ., Prashanth, K. G., Suwas, S. Texture dependent strain hardening in additively manufactured stainless steel 316L // Materials Science and Engineering: A (2021) vol. 820, art. 141483. - Karimi, J., Xie, M.S., Wang, Z., Prashanth, K.G. Influence of substructures on the selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V alloy as a function of laser re-melting // Journal of manufacturing processes (2021) vol. 68, Part A, p. 1387-1394. - Sokkalingam, R., Mastanaiah, P., Muthupandi, V., Sivaprasad, K., Prashanth, K.G. Electron-beam welding of high-entropy alloy and stainless steel: microstructure and mechanical properties // Materials and manufacturing processes (2020) vol. 35, 16, p. 1885-1894. - Singh, N., Ummethala, R., Karamched, P.S., Prashanth, K. et al. Spark plasma sintering of Ti6Al4V metal matrix composites: Microstructure, mechanical and corrosion properties // Journal of alloys and compounds (2021) vol. 865, art. 158875, 10 p. : ill. - Rahmani, R., Antonov, M., Brojan, M. Lightweight 3D printed Ti6Al4V-AlSi10Mg hybrid composite for impact resistance and armor piercing shielding // Journal of materials research and technology (2020) vol. 9, 6, p. 13842-13854 : ill. - Xie, M.S., Wang, Z., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Microstructure and mechanical property of bimodal-size metallic glass particle-reinforced Al alloy matrix composites // Journal of alloys and compounds (2020) vol. 814, art. 152317, 6 p. : ill. - Seth, P., Singh, N., Singh, M., Prakash, O., Kumar, D. Formation of fine Mg2Si phase in Mg–Si alloy via solid-state sintering using high energy ball milling // Journal of alloys and compounds (2020) vol. 821, art. 153205, 10 p. : ill. - Prashanth, K.G. (ed.). Selective laser melting : materials and applications. Basel : MDPI, 2020. 98 p. : ill. - Maity, T., Balcı, Ö., Gammer, C., Ivanov, E., Eckert, J., Prashanth, K. G. High pressure torsion induced lowering of Young's modulus in high strength TNZT alloy for bio-implant applications // Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials (2020) vol. 108, art. 103839, 10 p. : ill. - Alinejadian, N., Kollo, L., Odnevall, I. Progress in additive manufacturing of MoS2-based structures for energy storage applications – a review // Materials science in semiconductor processing (2022) Vol. 139, 21 p. : ill. - Karimi, J., Kollo, L., Rahmani, R., Ma, P., Jia, Y. D., Prashanth, K. G. Selective laser melting of in-situ CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy : effect of remelting // Journal of Manufacturing Processes (2022) vol. 84, p. 55-63. - Wang, P., Chen, F.-h., Eckert, J., Pilz, S., Scudino, S., Prashanth, K.G. Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V induced by annealing treatment // Journal of Central South University (2021) Vol. 28, 4, p. 1068–1077 : ill. - Holovenko, Y., Kollo, L., Saarna, M., Rahmani, R., Soloviova, T., Antonov, M., Prashanth, K. G., Cygan, S., Veinthal, R. Effect of lattice surface treatment on performance of hardmetal - titanium interpenetrating phase composites // International journal of refractory metals and hard materials (2020) vol. 86, art. 105087, 10 p. : ill. - Aramian, A., Sadeghian, Z., Razavi, S.M.J., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Effect of selective laser melting process parameters on microstructural and mechanical properties of TiC–NiCr cermet // Ceramics international (2020) vol. 46, 18, p. 28749-28757. - Kumar, D., Jhavar, S., Arya, A., Prashanth, K. G., Suwas, S. Mechanisms controlling fracture toughness of additively manufactured stainless steel 316L // International journal of fracture (2022) vol. 235, 1, p. 61-78. - Singh, S., Jinoop, A. N., Tarun Kumar, G. T. A., Palani, I. A., Paul, C. P., Prashanth, K. G. Effect of interlayer delay on the microstructure and mechanical properties of wire arc additive manufactured wall structures // Materials (2021) Vol. 14, 15, art. 4187, 13 p. : ill. - Singh, S., Jinoop, A. N., Palani, I. A., Paul, C. P., Tomar, K. P., Prashanth, K. G. Microstructure and mechanical properties of NiTi-SS bimetallic structures built using wire arc additive manufacturing // Materials letters (2021) vol. 330, art. 130499, 4 p. : ill. - Sokkalingam, R., Tarraste, M., Mikli, V., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Powder metallurgy of Al0.1CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy // Journal of materials research (2020) vol. 35, 21, p. 2835−2847. - Yuan. X., Şopu. D., Spieckermann, F., Song, K. K., Ketov, S. V., Prashanth, K. G., Eckertac, J. Maximizing the degree of rejuvenation in metallic glasses // Scripta Materialia (2022) vol. 212, art. 114575. - Hameed, P., Liu, C.-F., Ummethala, R., Singh, N., Huang, H.-H. Manivasagam, G., Prashanth, K. G. Biomorphic porous Ti6Al4V gyroid scaffolds for bone implant applications fabricated by selective laser melting // Progress in additive manufacturing (2021) vol. 6, 3, p. 455–469 : ill. - Maurya, H.S., Kollo, L., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K.G. Effect of preheating and cooling of the powder bed by laser pulse shaping on the microstructure of the TiC based cermets // Ceramics international (2022) vol. 48, 14, p. 20612-20618. - Rahmani, R., Kamboj, N., Brojan, M., Antonov, M., Prashanth, K. G. Hybrid metal-ceramic biomaterials fabricated through powder bed fusion and powder metallurgy for improved impact resistance of craniofacial implants // Materialia (2022) vol. 24, art. 101465. - Kumar, R., Antonov, M., Holovenko, Y., Surzenkov, A. Erosive wear resistance of nature-inspired flexible materials // Tribology letters (2020) vol. 68, 2, art. 51, 8 p. : ill. - Jia, Y.D., Zhang, L.B., Ma, P., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Thermal expansion behavior of Al–xSi alloys fabricated using selective laser melting // Progress in additive manufacturing (2020) vol. 5, 3, 11 p. : ill. - Maurya, H.S., Kollo, L., Tarraste, M., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K.G. Effect of the laser processing parameters on the selective laser melting of TiC–Fe-based cermets // Journal of manufacturing and materials processing (2022) vol. 6, 2, art. 35, 11 p. : ill. - Rahmani, R., Antonov, M., Prashanth, K. G. The impact resistance of highly densified metal alloys manufactured from gas-atomized pre-alloyed powders // Coatings (2021) vol. 11, 2, art. 216, 14 p. : ill. - Wang, Z., Scudino, S., Eckert, J., Prashanth, K.G. Selective laser melting of nanostructured Al-Y-Ni-Co alloy // Manufacturing letters (2020) vol. 25, p. 21−25. - Prashanth, K. G. Processing of Al-based composite material by selective laser melting: A perspective // Materials today: proceedings (2022) vol. 57, part 2, p. 498-504. - Ma, P., Ji, P., Jia, Y., Shi, X., Yu, Z., Prashanth, K. G. Effect of substrate plate heating on the microstructure and properties of selective laser melted Al-20Si-5Fe-3Cu-1Mg alloy // Materials (2021) vol. 14, 2, art. 330. - Wang, P., Yu, S., Shergill, J., Chaubey, A., Eckert, J., Prashanth, K. G., Scudino, S. Selective laser melting of Al-7Si-0.5 Mg-0.5Cu : effect of heat treatment on microstructure evolution, mechanical properties and wear resistance // Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) (2022) Vol. 35, 3, p. 389–396 : ill. - Molan, K., Rahmani, R., Krklec, D., Brojan, M., Stoparm, D. Phi 6 bacteriophage inactivation by metal salts, metal powders, and metal surfaces // Viruses (2022) vol. 14, 2, art. 204. - Maurya, H. S., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K. G. Additive manufacturing of TiC-based cermet with stainless steel as a binder material // Materials today: proceedings (2022) vol. 57, part 2, p. 824-828. - Zhang, C., Wang, P., Liu, C. Y., Liu, Z. Y., Wu, M. W., Gao, X. H., Li, M. H., Yang, C., Prashanth, K. G., Chena, Z. W. A novel crack-free Ti-modified Mo alloy designed for laser powder bed fusion // Journal of alloys and compounds (2022) vol. 910, art. 164802. - Sokkalingam, R., Pravallika, B., Sivaprasad, K., Muthupandi, V., Prashanth, K.G. Dissimilar welding of high-entropy alloy to Inconel 718 superalloy for structural applications // Journal of materials research (2022) vol. 37, p. 272-283. - Xi, L., Guo, S., Ding, K., Prashanth, K. G., Sarac, B., Eckert, J. Effect of nanoparticles on morphology and size of primary silicon and property of selective laser melted Al-high Si content alloys // Vacuum (2021) vol. 191, art. 110405. - Chinababu, M., Krishna, N. N., Sivaprasad, K., Prashanth, K. G., Rao, E. B. Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties of LM25–HEA composite processed through stir casting with a bottom pouring system // Materials (2022) vol. 15, 1, art. 230. - Xi, L., Feng, L., Gu, D., Wang, R., Sarac, B., Prashanth, K. G., Eckert, J. ZrC+TiC synergically reinforced metal matrix composites with micro/nanoscale reinforcements prepared by laser powder bed fusion // Journal of materials research and technology (2022) vol. 19, p. 4645-4657. - Prashanth, K.G., Wang, Z. Additive manufacturing : alloy design and process innovations // Materials (2020) vol. 13, 3, art. 542, 2 p. - Rahmani, R., Molan, K., Brojan, M., Prashanth, K. G., Stopar, D. High virucidal potential of novel ceramic-metal composites fabricated via hybrid selective laser melting and spark plasma sintering routes // The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology (2022) vol. 120, 1-2, p. 975-988 : ill. - Sokkalingam, R., Sivaprasad, K., Singh, N., Muthupandi, V., Ma, P., Jia, Y. D., Prashanth, K. G. Subtle change in the work hardening behavior of fcc materials processed by selective laser melting // Progress in additive manufacturing (2022) vol. 7, 3, p. 453-461. - Karimi, J., Antonov, M., Prashanth, K. G. Effect of wear debris entrapment on the tribological performance of AlCoCrFeNi produced by selective laser melting or spark plasma sintering // Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2022) vol. 53, 11, p. 4004-4010. - Alinejadian, N., Kazemi, S. H., Grossberg-Kuusk, M., Kollo, L., Odnevall, I., Prashanth, K. G. Importance of the micro-lattice structure of selective laser melting processed Mo/Mo(x)S(x+1) composite: Corrosion studies on the electrochemical performance in aqueous solutions // Materials today chemistry (2022) vol. 26, art. 101219. - Yang, X., Yagodzinskyy, Y., Ge, Y., Lu, E., Lehtonen, J., Kollo, L.,, Hannula, S.-P. Hydrogen effects in equiatomic CrFeNiMn alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion // Metals (2021) vol. 11, 6, art. 872. - Ummethala, R., Jayaraj, J., Karamched, P. S., Rathinavelu, S., Singh, N., Surreddi, K. B., Prashanth, K. G. In vitro corrosion behavior of selective laser melted Ti-35Nb-7Zr-5Ta // Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2021) vol. 30, p. 7967-7978. - Singh, N., Acharya, S., Prashanth, K. G., Chatterjee, K., Suwas, S. Ti6Al7Nb-based TiB-reinforced composites by selective laser melting // Journal of materials research (2021) vol. 36, 18, p. 3691-3700. - Suo, C., Ma, P., Jia, Y., Liu, X., Shi, X., Yu, Z., Prashanth, K. G. Annealing of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy at high pressures : evolution of microstructure and the corrosion behavior // Materials (2021) vol. 14, 8, art. 2076, 17 p. : ill. - Maya, J., Sivaprasad, K., Kumar, G. V. S., Baitimerov, R., Lykov, P., Prashanth, K. G. Microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion behavior of 06Cr15Ni4CuMo processed by using selective laser melting // Metals (2022) vol. 12, 8, art. 1303. - Khoshsima, S., Altıntaş, Z., Burkhardt, U., Prashanth, K.G. et al. CoB-TiB2 crystalline powders : Synthesis, microstructural analysis and their utilization as reinforcement agent // Advanced powder technology (2020) vol. 31, 7, p. 2964-2972. - Vikram, R.J., Kollo, L., Prashanth, K. G., Suwas, S. Investigating the structure, microstructure, and texture in selective laser melted sterling silver 925 // Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2021) vol. 52, 12, p. 5329–5341 : ill. - Saxena, A., Singh, N., Singh, B., Kumar, Devendra, S., Kishor K., Gupta, P. Phase, microstructure, and wear behavior of Al2O3-reinforced Fe–Si alloy-based metal matrix nanocomposites // Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part L Journal of Materials Design and Applications, Journal of materials design and applications (2020) vol. 234, 3, art. 146442071989338, p. 467-480. - Singh, N., Pandey, V., Srivastava, G., Banerjee, S., Parkash, O., Kumar, D. γ and α-(Fe, Ni) phase characterization using image processing and effect of phase formation on the P/M Fe(100-x)Ni(x) alloys properties // Materials chemistry and physics (2020) vol. 246, 1, art. 122794. - Singh, N., Ummethala, R., Hameed, P., Sokkalingam, R., Prashanth, K.G. Competition between densification and microstructure of functional materials by Selective Laser Melting // Material design & processing communications (2020) vol. 2, 3, art. e146, 7 p. : ill. - Ovalı, D., Tarraste, M., Kaba, M., Ağaoğulları, D., Kollo, L., Prashanth, K. G., Lütfi Öveçoğlu, M. Spark plasma sintering of molybdenum silicides synthesized from oxide precursors // Ceramics international (2021) vol. 47, 10, p. 13827-13836 : ill. - Mohanty, S., Jamal, N., Das, A. K., Prashanth, K. G. Electroless Ni-P-MoS2-Al2O3 composite coating with hard and self-lubricating properties // Materials (2022) vol. 15, 19, art. 6806. - Singh, N., Edachery, V., Rajput, M., Chatterjee, K., Kailas, S. V., Prashanth, K. G. Ti6Al7Nb–TiB nanocomposites for ortho-implant applications // Journal of materials research (2022) vol. 37, p. 2525–2535. - Sokkalingam, R., Tarraste, M., Surreddi, K.B., Traksmaa, R., Konda Gokuldoss, P. et al. Microstructure and properties of in‐situ high entropy alloy/tungsten carbide composites by mechanical alloying // Material design & processing communications (2020) vol. 3, 5, 9 p. : ill. - Prashanth, K.G. Crystallization and growth kinetics of Zr65Cu25Ni5Ag2.5Al2.5 glass // Material design & processing communications (2020) vol. 2, 3, art. e137, 10 p. : ill. - Chaitanya, P., Goud, R., Raghavan, R., Ramakrishna, M., Prashanth, K. G., Gollapudi, S. Hardness, corrosion behavior, and microstructural characteristics of a selective laser melted 17-4 PH steel : technical note // CORROSION : The Journal of Science and Engineering (2022) vol. 78, 6, p. 465-472. - Prasad, B. H., Madhusudhan Reddy, G., Das, A. K., Prashanth, K. G. Fiber laser welded cobalt super alloy L605 : optimization of weldability characteristics // Materials (2022) vol. 15, 21, art. 7708. - Maity, T., Prashanth, K. G., Balcı, Ö., Cieslak, G., Spychalski, M., Kulik, T., Eckert, J. High-entropy eutectic composites with high strength and low Young's modulus // Material design & processing communications (2021) vol. 3, 5, art. e211. - Ma, P., Zhang, Z., Ke, Y., Yang, S., Deng, K., Cheng, P., Chen, H., Prashanth, K. G. Effect of powder characteristic and aging treatment on the corrosion behavior of selective laser melted Al-20Si alloy // Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (2022) vol. 75, 9, p. 2367-2377. - Kosiba, K., Prashanth, K.G., Scudino, S. Phase formation, microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg67Ag33 as potential biomaterial // Metals (2021) vol. 11, 3, art. 461, 10 p. : ill. - Zhu, Q., Chen, P., Xiao, Q., Li, F., Yi, J., Prashanth, K. G., Eckert, J. Mechanical properties and microstructural evolution of Ti-25Nb-6Zr alloy fabricated by spark plasma sintering at different temperatures // Metals (2022) vol. 12, 11, art. 1824. - Minasyan, T., Liu, L., Aydinyan, S., Kollo, L., Aghayan, M., Hussainova, I. Lattice of MoSi2/Si3N4 by selective laser melting // European Powder Metallurgy Association : proceedings : 14 – 18 October 2018, Bilbao, Spain. [S.l.] : European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), 2018. art. 3993050 [USB]. - Wang, Z., Prashanth, K.G., Zhang, W.W. et al. Removing the oxide layer in a nanostructured aluminum alloy by local shear deformation between nanoscale phases // Powder technology (2019) vol. 343, p. 733-737 : ill. - Pramono, A., Kollo, L., Kommel, L., Veinthal, R. High-strength aluminum alloy of ultrafine grained by consolidation-ECAP // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2019) vol. 478, 1, art. 012035, 7 p. : ill. - Jia, Y.D., Xu, L., Ma, P., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Microstructure evolution and hot deformation behavior of spray-deposited TiAl alloys // Journal of materials research (2018) vol. 33, 18, p. 2844-2852 : ill. - Singh, N., Jha, P., Parkash, O., Kumar, D. Recent developments on wear and corrosion behavior of iron/iron–nickel metal matrix composites reinforced with zirconia // Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (2019) vol. 72, 8, p. 2151–2158 : ill. - Singh, N., Sharma, S., Parkash, O., Kumar, D. Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline Fe(100−x)Ni(x) alloy powders by auto-combustion and hydrogen reduction // Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2019) vol. 28, 9, p. 5441–5449 : ill. - Li, F.X., Chen, P., Chen, Z., Prashanth, K. G. et al. Face centered cubic titanium in high pressure torsion processed carbon nanotubes reinforced titanium composites // Journal of alloys and compounds (2019) vol. 806, p. 939-945 : ill. - Auriemma, F., Holovenko, Y. Performance of additive manufactured stacks in a small scale thermoacoustic heat engine // SAE Technical Papers (2019), 2019-01-1534, 10 p. : ill. - Auriemma, F., Holovenko, Y. Use of selective laser melting for manufacturing the porous stack of a thermoacoustic engine // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 246-251 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Maity, T., Prashanth, K.G., Janda, A. et al. Mechanism of high-pressure torsion-induced shear banding and lamellar thickness saturation in Co-Cr-Fe-Ni-Nb high-entropy composites // Journal of materials research (2019) vol. 34, 15, p. 2672-2682 : ill. - Holovenko, Y., Kollo, L., Jõeleht, M., Ivanov, R., Ivanov, R., Veinthal, R. Production of metal–ceramic lattice structures by selective laser melting and carburizing or nitriding // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 2, p. 131–139 : ill. - Antonov, M., Ivanov, R., Holovenko, Y., Goljandin, D., Rahmaniahranjani, R., Kollo, L., Hussainova, I. 3D printing of plain and gradient cermets with efficient use of raw materials // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 239-245 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Rahmani, R.,Antonov, M. Axial and torsional buckling analysis of single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes : finite element comparison between armchair and zigzag types // SN Applied Sciences (2019) vol. 1, art. 1134, 13 p. : ill. - Leparoux, M., Kollo, L., Kwon, H., Kallip, K., Babu, N.K., AlOgab, K., Talari, M. K. Solid state processing of aluminum matrix Composites reinforced with nanoparticulate materials // Advanced engineering materials (2018) vol. 20, 11, art. 1800401, 18 p.: ill. - Prashanth, K.G. Work hardening in selective laser melted Al‐12Si alloy // Material design & processing communications (2019) vol. 2, 1, art. e46, 4 p. : ill. - Prashanth, K. G., Scudino, S. Quasicrystalline composites by additive manufacturing // Applied Engineering, Materials and Mechanics III : 4th International Conference on Applied Engineering, Materials and Mechanics (4th ICAEMM 2019). Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 72-76. (Key engineering materials ; 818). - Rahmani, R., Antonov, M., Kollo, L. Selective laser melting of diamond-containing or postnitrided materials intended for impact-abrasive conditions: experimental and analytical study // Advances in materials science and engineering (2019) vol. 2019, art. 4210762 ; 11 p. : ill. - Minasyan, T., Aghayan, M., Liu, L., Aydinyan, S., Kollo, L., Hussainova, I., Rodríguez, M. Combustion synthesis of MoSi2 based composite and selective laser sintering thereof // Journal of the European Ceramic Society (2018) vol. 38, 11, p. 3814-3821 : ill. - Wang, Z., Prashanth, K.G., Surreddi, K.B. et al. Pressure-assisted sintering of Al-Gd-Ni-Co amorphous alloy powders // Materialia (2018) vol. 2, p. 157–166 : ill. - Rahmani, R., Antonov, M., Kamboj, N. Modelling of impact-abrasive wear of ceramic, metallic, and composite materials // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 2, p. 191–197 : ill. - Satyanarayana, P. V., Sokkalinga, R., Jena, P. K., Sivaprasad, K., Prashanth, K. G. Tungsten matrix composite reinforced with CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy : impact of processing routes on microstructure and mechanical properties // Metals (2019) vol. 9, 9, art. 992, 12 p. : ill. - Rahmani, R., Antonov, M., Kollo, L. Wear resistance of (Diamond-Ni)-Ti6Al4V gradient materials prepared by combined selective laser melting and spark plasma sintering techniques // Advances in tribology (2019) vol. 2019, art. 5415897, 12 p. : ill. - Qin, P., Damodaram, R., Maity, T., Prashanth, K. et al. Friction welding of electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4V // Materials Science and Engineering : A (2019) vol. 761, art. 138045, 6 p. : ill. - Holovenko, Y., Antonov, M., Kollo, L., Hussainova, I. Friction studies of metal surfaces with various 3D printed patterns tested in dry sliding conditions // Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part J, Journal of engineering tribology (2018) vol. 232, 1, p. 43-53. - Rahmani, R., Rosenberg, M., Ivask, A., Kollo, L. Comparison of mechanical and antibacterial properties of TiO2/Ag ceramics and Ti6Al4V-TiO2/Ag composite materials using combined SLM-SPS techniques // Metals (2019) vol. 9, 8, art. 874, 13 p. : ill. - Minasyan, T., Liu, L., Holovenko, Y., Aydinyan, S., Hussainova, I. Additively manufactured mesostructured MoSi2-Si3N4 ceramic lattice // Ceramics international (2019) vol. 45, 8, p. 9926-9933. - Prashanth, K.G. Design of next‐generation alloys for additive manufacturing // Material design & processing communications (2019) vol. 1, 4, art. 1e50, 4 p. : ill. - Zhang, S., Ma, P., Jia, Y., Prashanth, K. et al. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–(12-20)Si bi-material fabricated by selective laser melting // Materials (2019) vol. 12, 13, art. 2126, 11 p. : ill. - Maity, T., Prashanth, K.G., Balçi, Ö., Wang, Z., Jia, Y.D., Eckert, J. Plastic deformation mechanisms in severely strained eutectic high entropy composites explained via strain rate sensitivity and activation volume // Composites Part B: Engineering (2018) Vol. 150, p. 7-13. - Kamboj, N.K., Rodriguez, M.A., Rahmani, R., Prashanth, K.G., Hussainova, I. Bioceramic scaffolds by additive manufacturing for controlled delivery of the antibiotic vancomycin // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 2, p. 185–190 : ill. - Minasyan, T., Liu, L., Aghayan, M., Kollo, L., Kamboj, N., Aydinyan, S., Hussainova, I. A novel approach to fabricate Si3N4 by selective laser melting // Ceramics international (2018) vol. 44, 12, p. 13689-13694 : ill. - Zhang, W., Qin, P., Wang, Z., Kollo, L., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Superior wear resistance in EBM-Processed TC4 alloy compared with SLM and forged samples // Materials (2019) vol. 12, 5, art. 782. - Rathod, H.J., Nagaraju, T., Prashanth, K.G., Ramamurty, U. Tribological properties of selective laser melted Al12Si alloy // Tribology international (2019) vol. 137, p. 94-101 : ill. - Maity, T., Prashanth, K.G., Balci, Ö. et al. Influence of severe straining and strain rate on the evolution of dislocation structures during micro-/nanoindentation in high entropy lamellar eutectics // International journal of plasticity (2018) vol. 109, p. 121-136 : ill. - Rahmani, R., Antonov, M., Kollo, L., Holovenko, Y., Prashanth, K. G. Mechanical behavior of Ti6Al4V scaffolds filled with CaSiO3 for implant applications // Applied sciences (2019) vol. 9, 18, art. 3844, 11 p. : ill. - Salman, O. O., Gammer, C., Eckert, J., Prashanth, K. G. et al. Selective laser melting of 316L stainless steel : Influence of TiB2 addition on microstructure and mechanical properties // Materials today communications (2019) vol. 21, art. 100615, 7 p. : ill. - Sokkalingam, R., Muthupandi, V., Sivaprasad, K., Prashanth, K. G. Dissimilar welding of Al0.1CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy and AISI304 stainless steel // Journal of materials research and technology (2019) vol. 34, 15, p. 2683-2694 : ill. - Zhang, W.W., Hu, Y., Prashanth, K.G. et al. A novel high-strength Al-based nanocomposite reinforced with Ti-basedmetallic glass nanoparticles produced by powder metallurgy // Materials science and engineering : A (2018) vol. 734, p. 34-41 . ill. - Xi, L.X., Zhang, H., Wang, P., Li, H.C., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Comparative investigation of microstructure, mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms of Al-12Si/TiB2 fabricated by selective laser melting and hot pressing // Ceramics international (2018) vol. 44, 15, p. 17635-17642 : ill. - Salman, O.O., Brenne, F., Niendorf, T., Eckert, J., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Impact of the scanning strategy on the mechanical behavior of 316L steel synthesized by selective laser melting // Journal of Manufacturing Processes (2019) vol. 45, p. 255-261 : ill. - Xi, L., Wang, P., Prashanth, K. G., Li, H. et al. Effect of TiB2 particles on microstructure and crystallographic texture of Al-12Si fabricated by selective laser melting // Journal of alloys and compounds (2019) vol. 786, p. 551-556 : ill. - Bandil, K., Vashisth, H., Kumar, S., Singh, N. et al. Microstructural, mechanical and corrosion behaviour of Al–Si alloy reinforced with SiC metal matrix composite // Journal of composite materials (2019) vol. 53, 28-30, p. 4215-4223 : ill. - Baitimerov, R., Lykov, P., Zherebtsov, D., Radionova, L., Shultc, A., Prashanth, K.G. Influence of powder characteristics on processability of AlSi12 alloy fabricated by selective laser melting // Materials (2018) vol. 11, 5, art. 742, 14 p. : ill. - Jamwal, A., Prakash, P., Kumar, D., Singh, N., Sadasivuni, K.K, Harshit, K., Gupta, S., Gupta, P. Microstructure, wear and corrosion characteristics of Cu matrix reinforced SiC–graphite hybrid composites // Journal of composite materials (2019) Vol. 53, 18, p. 2545 - 2553. - Aktar Zahid Sohag, Md., Gupta, P., Kondal, N., Kumar, D., Singh, N., Jamwal, A. Effect of ceramic reinforcement on the microstructural, mechanical and tribological behavior of Al-Cu alloy metal matrix composite // Materials today: proceedings (2020) Vol. 21, p. 1407-1411. - Mu, Y., Zhang, L., Xu, L., Prashanth, K., Zhang, N., Ma, X., Jia, Y., Xu, Y., Jia, Y., Wang, G. Frictional wear and corrosion behavior of AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy coatings synthesized by atmospheric plasma spraying // Entropy (2020) Vol. 22, 7, art. 740. - Chen, H., Kosiba, K., Lu, T., Yao, N., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Prashanth, K.G., Suryanarayana, C. Hierarchical microstructures and strengthening mechanisms of nano-TiC reinforced CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy composites prepared by laser powder bed fusion // Journal of Materials Science & Technology (2023) vol. 136, p. 245-259 : ill. - Zhang, Z., Ma, P., Fang, Y., Yang, Z., Zhang, N., Prashanth, K. G., Jia, Y. Effect of NiCoFeAlTi high entropy intermetallic reinforcement particle size on the microstructure and mechanical properties of CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy composites fabricated by selective laser melting // Journal of alloys and compounds (2023) vol. 947, art. 169417. - Jagadeesh, B., Duraiselvam, M., Prashanth, K. G. Deformation behavior of metallic lattice structures with symmetrical gradients of porosity manufactured by metal additive manufacturing // Vacuum (2023) vol. 211, art. 111955. - Vikram, R. J., Gokulnath, S. A., Prashanth, K. G., Suwas, S. Effect of scanning strategy on microstructure and texture evolution in a selective laser melted Al-33Cu eutectic alloy // Journal of alloys and compounds (2023) vol. 936, art. 168098, 10 p. : ill. - Rahmani, R., Karimi, J., Kamboj, N., Kumar, R., Brojan, M., Tchorz, A., Skrabalak, G., Lopes, S. I. Fabrication of localized diamond-filled copper structures via selective laser melting and spark plasma sintering // Diamond and related materials (2023) vol. 136, art. 109916. - Xi, L., Feng, L., Gu, D., Prashanth, K. G., Kaban, I., Wang, R., Xiong, L., Sarac, B., Eckert, J. Microstructure formation and mechanical performance of micro-nanoscale ceramic reinforced aluminum matrix composites manufactured by laser powder bed fusion // Journal of alloys and compounds (2023) vol. 9395, art. 168803. - Ganesan, D., Sellamuthu, P., Prashanth, K.G. Vacuum hot pressing of oxide dispersion strengthened ferritic stainless steels : effect of al addition on the microstructure and properties // Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing (2020) vol. 4, 3, art. 93. - Ma, P., Fang, Y., Wei, S., Zhang, Z., Yang, H., Wan, S., Prashanth, K. G., Jia, Y. Microstructure and mechanical properties of AlCoCrFeMnNi HEAs fabricated by selective laser melting // Journal of materials research and technology (2023) vol. 25, p. 7090-7100. - Lixia Xi, Juncan Xu, Dongdong Gu, Lili Feng, Qiuyang Lu, Konda Gokuldoss Prashanth A novel crack-free and refined 2195-Ti/CeB6 composites prepared by laser powder bed fusion // Materials letters (2023) vol. 333, art. 133572. - Chen, H., Kosiba, K., Suryanarayana, C., Lu, T., Liu, T., Wang, Y., Prashanth, K. G. Feedstock preparation, microstructures and mechanical properties for laser-based additive manufacturing of steel matrix composites // International materials reviews (2023) vol. 68, 8, p. 1192-1244. - Sokkalingam, R., Chao, Z., Sivaprasad, K., Muthupandi, V., Jayaraj, J., Ramasamy, P., Eckert, J., Prashanth, K. G. Additive manufacturing of CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy/AISI 316L stainless steel bimetallic structures // Advanced engineering materials (2023) vol. 25, 7, art. 2200341. - Peng, C., Jia, Y., Liang, J., Xu, L., Wang, G., Mu, Y., Sun, K., Ma, P., Prashanth, K. G. Electron beam melting of (FeCoNi)86Al7Ti7 high-entropy alloy // Journal of alloys and compounds (2023) vol. 960, art. 170752. - Lai, Z., Guo, T., Zhang, S., Kollo, L., Attar, H., Wang, Z., Prashanth, K.G. Selective laser melting of commercially pure silicon // Journal Wuhan University of Technology, Materials Science Edition (2022) vol. 37, 6, p. 1155 - 1165. - Mohanty, S., Gokuldoss Prashanth, K. Metallic coatings through additive manufacturing: a review // Materials (2023) vol. 16, 6, art. 2325 : ill. - Jaworska, L., Cyboroń, J., Cygan, S., Laszkiewicz-ŁUkasik, J., Podsiadło, M., Novak P., Holovenko Y. New materials through a variety of sintering methods // E-MRS Fall Symposium I: Solutions for Critical Raw Materials Under Extreme Conditions (E-MRS 2017) : Warsaw, Poland 18-21 September 2017. Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2018. art. 012004 : ill. (IOP conference series : materials science and engineering ; 329). - Dong, Y., Wang, D., Li, Q., Luo, X., Zhang, J., Prashanth, K. G., Wang, P., Eckert, J., Mädler, L., Okulov, I. V., Yan, M. Strong and ductile titanium via additive manufacturing under a reactive atmosphere // Materials today advances (2023) vol. 17, art. 100347. - Patil, V. V., Mohanty, C. P., Prashanth, K. G. Selective laser melting of a novel 13Ni400 maraging steel : material characterization and process optimization // Journal of materials research and technology (2023) vol. 27, p. 3979-3995. - Singh, S., Palani, I. A., Dengahi, S., Qureshi, A. J., Jinoop, A. N., Paul, C. P., Prashanth, K. G. Development of Cu-based shape memory alloy through selective laser melting from elemental powder mixture: Processing and characterization // Journal of alloys and compounds (2023) vol. 961, art. 171029. - Aramian, A., Sadeghian, Z., Wan, D., Holovenko, Y., Razavi, N., Berto, F. Microstructure and texture evolution during the manufacturing of in situ TiC-NiCr cermet through selective laser melting process // Materials Characterization (2021) vol. 178, art. 111289, 14 p. : ill. - Shukla, R., Prashanth, K. G. Ti6Al4V coating on 316L substrate by laser-based fusion process // Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (2023) vol. 76, 2, p. 435-445. - Zhang, X., Yang, D., Jia, Y., Wang, G., Prashanth, K. G. Microstructure evolution and tensile property of high entropy alloy particle reinforced 316 L stainless steel matrix composites fabricated by laser powder bed fusion // Journal of alloys and compounds (2023) vol. 965, art. 171430. - Fang, Y., Ma, P., Wei, S., Zhang, Z., Yang, D., Yang, H., Wan, S., Prashanth, K. G., Jia, Y. Selective laser melting of AlCoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy : effect of heat treatment // Journal of materials research and technology (2023) vol. 26, p. 7845-7856. - Maurya, H. S., Vikram, R. J., Kosiba, K., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Suwas, S., Prashanth, K. G. Additive manufacturing of CMCs with bimodal microstructure // Journal of alloys and compounds (2023) vol. 938, art. 168416, 5 p. : ill. - Patil, V. V., Prashanth, K. G., Mohanty, C. P. Spark plasma sintering of 13Ni-400 maraging steel: Enhancement of mechanical properties through surface modification // Journal of alloys and compounds (2023) vol. 960, art. 170734 : ill. - Maurya, H.S., Jayaraj, J., Wang, Z., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K.G. Investigation of the tribological behavior of the additively manufactured TiC-based cermets by scratch testing // Journal of alloys and compounds (2023) vol. 959, art. 170496, 9 p. : ill. - Subramanian, S., Mohanty, S., Prashanth, K. G. Effect of process parameters on the properties of β-Ti-Nb-based alloys fabricated by selective laser melting: A review // Materials today: proceedings (2023) - Maurya, H. S., Kollo, L., Tarraste, M., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K. G. Selective laser melting of TiC-based cermet : HIP studies // Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (2023) vol. 76, 2, p. 565–570 : ill. - Sivaprasad, K., Babu, N. R., Prashanth, K. G. Additive manufacturing and allied technologies // Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (2023) vol. 76, 2, p. 269. - Ma, P., Yang, Z., Fang, L., Zhang, Z., Fang, Y., Zhang, N., Prashanth, K. G., Jia, Y. Microstructure and tribological behavior of Fe-based amorphous alloy fabricated by plasma spraying and laser remelting // Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (2023) vol. 76, 4, p. 1007-1014. - Ma, P., Zhang, Z., Liu, X., Shi, X., Prashanth, K. G., Jia, Y. Microstructure and nanoindentation creep behavior of binary Al-Cu alloy synthesized at high pressure // JOM : the journal of the minerals, metals & materials society (2023) vol. 75, 1, p. 176-183. - Lokeshkumar, E., Premchand, C., Manojkumar, P., Shishir, R., Krishna, L.R., Prashanth, K. G., Rameshbabu, N. Effect of electrolyte composition on the surface characteristics of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings over Ti40Nb alloy // Surface and coatings technology (2023) vol. 465, art. 129591. - Mohanty, S., Maurya, H. S., Prashanth, K. G. Selective laser melting of Inconel 718 : effect of thermal treatment on mechanical properties // Materials today: proceedings (2023), 5 p. : ill. - Shukla, R. H., Sokkalingam, R., Prashanth, K. G. Densification of the eggshell powder by spark plasma sintering // Journal of alloys and compounds (2023) vol. 962, art. 171079. - Yang, Z., Ma, P., Zhang, N., Yang, D., Prashanth, G. K., Jia, Y. Microstructure and tribological behavior of Al-12Si – Nano graphene composite fabricated by laser metal deposition process // Journal of materials research and technology (2023) vol. 27, p. 2311-2322. - Sivaprasad, K., Ramesh Babu, N., Prashanth, K. G. Additive manufacturing and allied technologies // International Journal of Materials Research = Zeitschrift für Metallkunde (2023) vol. 114, 10-11, p. 823. - Dinesh, L., Nitheesh Kumar, R., Prashanth, K.G. Electrochemical analysis of friction welded 17-4 PH stainless steel components manufactured by selective laser melting // International journal on interactive design and manufacturing (2023), 8 p. : ill. - Song, K., Huang, Y., Li, R., Qiao, J., Wang, Z., Prashanth, K.G., Sopu, D. Editorial : Fundamentals and challenges of advanced amorphous and high-entropy alloys // Frontiers in materials (2022) vol. 9, art. 874556, 3 p. : ill.