Meredünaamika modelleerimise ja kaugseire uurimisrühm
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Uurimisrühm viib läbi okeanograafia protsessiuuringuid põhjus-tagajärg seoste leidmiseks. Arendatakse uudseid (operatiivseid) meetodeid merekeskkonna seireks ja muutuste analüüsiks sh. ilmaprognoosi- ja kliimamudeleid ning masinõppel põhinevaid satelliitpiltide töötlemise algoritme, mida rakendatakse superarvutitel atmosfääri ja ookeani vastasmõju mehhanismide selgitamiseks ning masinõppel põhinevaid satelliitpiltide töötlemise ja mudelandmete analüüsi algoritme. Operatiivokeanograafia rakenduste/meetodite arendamisel on töörühmal pikaajaline kogemus, mille väljunditeks on avalikkusele ja riigiasutustele pakutav informatsioon veetaseme muutlikkuse, jääolude ja teiste merefüüsika parameetrite kohta. Rühma teadlased panustavad oluliselt üleeuroopalisseCopernicuse programmi. Teaduslikes protsessiuuringutes ja rakendusuuringutes on uurimisrühma tugevus suurandmete kasutamine (masstöötlemine) kliima uuringuteks ja merekeskkonna omaduste statistiliseks analüüsiks ning dünaamiliste seoste leidmisteks.
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2023. aastal saavutas uurimisrühm olulisi läbimurdeid Läänemere keskkonnadünaamika mõistmisel ja modelleerimisel, kasutades innovatiivseid meetodeid ja süvaõppe algoritme. Viisime läbi OpenDrifti meetodi valideerimise naftareostuse modelleerimiseks Eesti rannikuvetes, demonstreerides lisajõudude -nagu Stokesi triiv ja hoovused - kaasamise olulisust trajektooride modelleerimise täpsuse parandamiseks.
- Raudsepp, U., Maljutenko, I. A method for assessment of the general circulation model quality using the K-means clustering algorithm : a case study with GETM v2.5 // Geoscientific model development (2022) vol. 15, 2, p. 535-551. - Villoslada, M., Sipelgas, L., Bergamo, T.F., Ward, R., Reintam, E., Astover, A., Kumpula,T., Sepp, K. Multi-source remote sensing data reveals complex topsoil organic carbon dynamics in coastal wetlands // Ecological Indicators (2022) vol. 143, art. 109329. - Alari, V., Björkqvist, J-V., Kaldvee, V., Mölder, K., Rikka, S., Kask-Korb, A., Vahter, K., Pärt, S., Vidjajev, N., Tõnisson, H. LainePoiss® - a lightweight and ice-resistant wave buoy // Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology (2022) vol. 39, 5, p. 573–594 : ill. - Sipelgas, L., Aavaste, A., Uiboupin, R. Mapping flood extent and frequency from Sentinel-1 imagery during the extremely warm winter of 2020 in boreal floodplains and forests // Remote sensing (2021) vol. 13, 23, art. 4949, 17 p. : ill., map. - Maljutenko, I., Hassellöv, I.-M., Kõuts, M., Kasemets, M.-L., Raudsepp, U. et al. Modelling spatial dispersion of contaminants from shipping lanes in the Baltic Sea // Marine pollution bulletin (2021) vol. 173, part A, art. 112985. - Björkqvist, J.-V., Pärt, S., Alari, V., Rikka, S. et al. Swell hindcast statistics for the Baltic Sea // Ocean Science (2021) vol. 17, 6, p. 1815–1829. - Ytreberg, E., Eriksson, M., Maljutenko, I. et al. Environmental impacts of grey water discharge from ships in the Baltic Sea // Marine pollution bulletin (2020) vol. 152, art. 110891. - Jalkanen, J.-P., Johansson, L., Wilewska-Bien, M., Granhag, L., Ytreberg, E., Eriksson, K. M., Yngsell, D., Hassellöv, I.-M., Magnusson, K., Raudsepp, U., Maljutenko, I., Winnes, H., Moldanova, J. Modelling of discharges from Baltic Sea shipping // Ocean Science (2021) Vol. 17, Issue 3, p. 699 - 728. - Schuckmann, K. von, Le Traon, P.-Y. (eds.); Aaboe, S., Alari, V., Alexander, B. A., Kõuts, M., Lagemaa, P., Maljutenko, I., Männik, A., Raudsepp, U., Rikka, S., Uiboupin,, R. et al. Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 5 // Journal of operational oceanography (2021) vol. 14, S1, p. 1-185. - Tampuu, T., Praks, J., Uiboupin, R., Kull, A. Long term interferometric temporal coherence and DInSAR phase in northern peatlands // Remote Sensing (2020) Vol. 12, Issue 10, Art. 1566. - Kärnä, T., Ljungemyr, P., Falahat, S., Ringgaard, I., Korabel, V., Murawski, J., Maljutenko, I., Lindenthal, A., Jandt-Scheelke, S., Verjovkina, S., Lorkowski, I., Lagemaa, P., She, J., Tuomi, L., Nord, A., Huess, V. Nemo-Nordic 2.0 : operational marine forecast model for the Baltic Sea // Geoscientific Model Development (2021) Vol. 14, Issue 9, p. 5731 - 5749. - Johansson, L., Ytreberg, E., Jalkanen, J.-P., Maljutenko, I., Raudsepp, U. et al. Model for leisure boat activities and emissions - implementation for the Baltic Sea // Ocean science (2020) vol. 16, 5, p. 1143-1163. - Friedland, R., Macias, D., Cossarini, G., Daewel, U., Estournel, C., Garcia-Gorriz, E., Grizzetti, B., Grégoire, M., Gustafsson, B., Kalaroni, S., Kerimoglu, O., Lazzari, P., Lenhart, H., Lessin, G., Maljutenko, I., Miladinova, S., Muller-Karulis, B., Neumann, T., Pärn, O., Pätsch, J., Raudsepp, U. et al. Effects of nutrient management scenarios on marine eutrophication indicators : a Pan-European, Multi-Model Assessment in Support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive // Frontiers in marine science (2021) vol. 8, 22 p. : map. - Björkqvist, J-V., Rikka, S., Alari, V., Männik, A. et al. Wave height return periods from combined measurement–model data: a Baltic Sea case study // Natural hazards and earth system sciences (2020) vol. 20, 12, p. 3593–3609. - Kõuts, M., Maljutenko, I., Elken, J., Liu, Y., Raudsepp, U. et al. Recent regime of persistent hypoxia in the Baltic Sea // Environmental Research Communications (2021) vol. 3, 7, 1-17 p. - Björkqvist, J-V., Vähä-Piikkiö, O., Alari, V., Kuznetsova, A., Tuomi, L. WAM, SWAN and WAVEWATCH III in the Finnish archipelago – the effect of spectral performance on bulk wave parameters // Journal of operational oceanography (2020) vol. 13, 1, p. 55-70 : ill. - Liibusk, A., Kall, T., Rikka, S., Uiboupin, R. et al. Validation of Copernicus sea level altimetry products in the Baltic Sea and Estonian lakes // Remote sensing (2020) vol. 12, 24, art. 4062, p. 1-19. - Moldanova, J., Hassellöv, I.-M., Maljutenko, I., Raudsepp, U. et al. Framework for the environmental impact assessment of operational shipping // Ambio (2022) vol. 51, 3, p. 754-769. - Manoj Kumar, G., Sriram, V., Didenkulova, I. A hybrid numerical model based on FNPT-NS for the estimation of long wave run-up // Ocean engineering (2020) vol. 202, art. 107181. - Pärt, S., Kankaanpää, H., Björkqvist, J.-V., Uiboupin, R. Oil spill detection using fluorometric sensors : laboratory validation and implementation to a ferryBox and a moored SmartBuoy // Frontiers in marine science (2021) 8, art. 778136 : ill. - Tampuu, T., Praks, J., Kull, A., Uiboupin, R. et al. Detecting peat extraction related activity with multi-temporal Sentinel-1 InSAR coherence time series // International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation (2021) vol. 98, art. 102309, 11 p. : ill. - Volkova, A., Hlebnikov, A., Ledvanov, A., Kirs, T., Raudsepp, U., Krupenski, I., Latõšov, E. District cooling network planning. A case study of Tallinn // International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management (2022) Vol. 34, p. 63-78 : ill. - Kotta, J., Raudsepp, U., Szava-Kovats, R., Aps, R., Armoskaite, A., Barda, I., Bergström, P., Futter, M., Maljutenko, I. et al. Assessing the potential for sea-based macroalgae cultivation and its application for nutrient removal in the Baltic Sea // Science of the total environment (2022) vol. 839, art. 156230 ; 14 p. : ill. - She, J., Meier, H.E.M., Darecki, M., Gorringe, P., Huess, V., Kouts, T., Reissmann, J.H., Tuomi, L. Baltic Sea operational oceanography — a stimulant for regional earth system research // Frontiers in Earth Science (2020) Vol. 8, art. 7. - Liibusk, A., Varbla, S., Ellmann, A., Vahter, K., Uiboupin, R., Delpeche-Ellmann, N.C. Shipborne GNSS acquisition of sea surface heights in the Baltic Sea // Journal of geodetic science (2022) vol. 12, 1, 21 p. : ill., map. - Zujev, M., Elken, J., Lagemaa, P. Data assimilation of sea surface temperature and salinity using basin-scale reconstruction from empirical orthogonal functions : a feasibility study in the northeastern Baltic Sea // Ocean science (2021) vol. 17, 1, p. 91–109 : ill. - Didenkulova, I., Pelinovsky, E. Tsunami run-up on a plane beach in a tidal environment // Pure and applied geophysics (2020) vol. 177, 3, p. 1583-1593 : ill. - Abdalazeez, A., Didenkulova, I., Dutykh, D., Labart, C. Extreme inundation statistics on a composite beach // Water (2020) vol. 12, 6, art. 1573, 13 p. : ill. - Vidjajev, N., Palu, R., Terentjev, J., Hilmola, O.-P., Alari, V. Assessment of the development limitations for wave energy utilization in the Baltic Sea // Sustainability (2022) vol. 14, 5, art. 2832. - Sipelgas, L., Aavaste, A., Uiboupin, R. Mapping recurrent flooding zone along Estonian inland waters from Sentinel-1 and-2 // International archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences (2020) Vol. 43, B3, p. 627-632. - Suursaar, Ü., Elken, J., Belkin, I.M. Fronts in the Baltic Sea : a review with a focus on its North-Eastern Part // The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Berlin : Springer Nature, 2022. p. 1-39. - Belkin, I.M., Aliani, S., Alkire, M.B., Badewien, T.H., Berta, M., Durán Gómez, G.S., Eliasen, S.K., Elken, J., Griffa, A., Suursaar, Ü. et al. Introduction to the Chemical Oceanography of Frontal Zones // The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. : Springer Nature, 2022. p. 1-23. - Sipelgas, L., Aavaste, A., Uiboupin, R., Rikka, S. Methodology for mapping flood extent on Estonian floodplains // 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, September 26 – October 2, 2020 : Virtual Symposium : Proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2020. p. 4750-4753. - Aavaste, A., Sipelgas, L., Uiboupin, R., Uudeberg, K. Impact of thermohaline conditions on vertical variability of optical properties in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) : implications for water quality remote sensing // Frontiers in marine science (2021) vol. 8, art. 674065. - Abdalazeez, A., Didenkulova, I., Dutykh, D Dispersive effects during long wave run-up on a plane beach // Advances in Natural Hazards and Hydrological Risks : Meeting the Challenge :proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Natural Hazards (NATHAZ'19), Pico Island—Azores 2019. Cham : Springer Nature, 2019. p. 143-146. (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI)). - Abdalazeez, A., Didenkulova, I., Dutykh, D. et al. Comparison of dispersive and nondispersive models for wave run-up on a beach // Izvestiya, atmospheric and oceanic physics (2020) vol. 56, 5, p. 494-501. - Zhang, W., Didenkulova, I., Kurkina, O., Cui, Y., Haberkern, J., Aepfler, R., Santos, A.I., Zhang, H., Hanebuth, T.J.J. Corrigendum to “Internal solitary waves control offshore extension of mud depocenters on the NW Iberian shelf” [Mar. Geol. 409 (2019) 15–30] (Marine Geology (2019) 409 (15–30), (S002532271830166X) (10.1016/j.margeo.2018.12.008)) // Marine Geology (2019) Vol. 411, p. 21. - Abcha, N., Pelinovsky, E., Didenkulova, I. Laboratory modeling of resonance phenomena in the long wave dynamics // Nonlinear waves and pattern dynamics. Cham : Springer, 2018. p. 45-61. - Didenkulova, I., Pelinovsky, E. Run-up of a nonlinear monochromatic wave on a plane beach in presence of a tide // Oceanology (2019) vol. 59, 4, p. 478–481 : ill. - Elken, J., Zujev, M., Lagemaa, P. Reconstructing sea surface temperature and salinity fields in the northeastern Baltic from observational data, based on sub-regional Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) patterns from models // 2018 IEEE/OES Baltic International Symposium (BALTIC 2018) : Klaipeda, Lithuania 12 - 15 June 2018. Red Hook : IEEE, 2018. p. 38-45 : ill. - Abdalazeez, A., Didenkulova, I., Dutykh, D. Nonlinear deformation and run-up of single tsunami waves of positive polarity : numerical simulations and analytical predictions // Natural hazards and earth system sciences (2019) vol. 19, 12, p. 2905–2913 : ill. - Didenkulova, I.I., Pelinovsky E.N., Rodin A.A. Long wave run-up on plane and “non-reflecting” slopes // Fluid Dynamics (2018) Vol. 53, 3, p. 402 - 408. - Harish, S., Sriram, V., Sundar, V., Sannasiraj, S. A., Didenkulova, I. Experimental investigation of floating debris impact loading on structures during extreme waves like tsunami // Proceedings of the 28th (2018) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-2018). Singapore : International Society of Ocean and Polar Engineers (ISOPE), 2018. ISOPE-I-18-070, 6 p.
Experimental investigation... - Rikka, S., Uiboupin, R., Kõuts, T., Vahter, K., Pärt, S. A method for significant wave height estimation from circularly polarized X-Band coastal marine radar images // IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (2019) vol. 16, 6, p. 844-848 : ill. - Harish, S., Sriram, V., Sundar, V., Didenkulova, I. et al. Impact of flow-driven debris on coastal structure during tsunami Bore // Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference in Ocean Engineering (ICOE2018), vol. 2. Singapore : Springer, 2019. p. 315-326. - Zujev, M., Elken, J. Testing marine data assimilation in the northeastern Baltic using satellite SST products from the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2018) vol. 67, 3, p. 217-230 : ill. - Didenkulova, I., Pelinovsky, E. Tsunami wave run-up on a vertical wall in tidal environment // Pure and applied geophysics (2018) vol. 175, 4, p. 1387-1391. - Sipelgas, L., Uiboupin, R., Arikas, A., Siitam, L. Water quality near Estonian harbours in the Baltic Sea as observed from entire MERIS full resolution archive // Marine pollution bulletin (2018) vol. 126, p. 565-574 : ill. - Elken, J., Zujev, M., She, J., Lagemaa, P. Reconstruction of large-scale sea surface temperature and salinity fields using sub-regional EOF patterns from models // Frontiers in earth science (2019) vol. 7, art. 232, 20 p. : ill. - Kutser, T., Soomets, T., Toming, K., Uiboupin, R., Arikas, A., Vahter, K., Paavel, B. Assessing the Baltic Sea Water Quality with Sentinel-3 OLCI Imagery // 2018 IEEE/OES Baltic International Symposium (BALTIC 2018) : Klaipeda, Lithuania 12 - 15 June 2018. Red Hook : IEEE, 2018. p. 52-57 : ill. - Maljutenko, I., Raudsepp, U. Long-term mean, interannual and seasonal circulation in the Gulf of Finland - The wide salt wedge estuary or gulf type ROFI // Journal of marine systems (2019) vol. 195, p. 1-19 : ill. - Rikka, S., Pleskachevsky, A., Uiboupin, R., Jacobsen, S. Sea state in the Baltic Sea from space-borne high-resolution synthetic aperture radar imagery // International journal of remote sensing (2018) vol. 39, 4, p. 1256-1284 : ill. - She, J., Piniella, Á.M., Benedetti-Cecchi, L., Boehme, L., Boero, F., Christensen, A., Crowe, T., Darecki, M., Nogueira, E., Gremare, A., Hernandez, F., Kõuts, T. An integrated approach to coastal and biological observations // Frontiers in Marine Science (2019) Vol. 6, Issue JUN, Art. nr. 314. - Zhang, W., Didenkulova, I., Kurkina, O. et al. Internal solitary waves control offshore extension of mud depocenters on the NW Iberian shelf // Marine geology (2019) vol. 409, p. 15-30 : ill. - Pelinovsky, E., Talipova, T., Didenkulova, I., Didenkulova, E. Interfacial long traveling waves in a two-layer fluid with variable depth // Studies in applied mathematics (2019) vol. 142, 4, p. 513-527. - Kotta, J., Herkül, K., Jaagus, J., Kaasik, A., Raudsepp, U., Alari, V., Laanemets, J., Maljutenko, I., Männik, A., Reihan, A. et al. Linking atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic environments : Regime shifts in the Estonian climate over the past 50 years // PLoS ONE (2018) vol. 13, 12, e0209568, 20 p. : ill. - Rikka, S., Pleskachevsky, A., Jacobsen, S., Alari, V., Uiboupin, R. Meteo-marine parameters from Sentinel-1 SAR imagery : towards near real-time services for the Baltic Sea // Remote sensing (2018) vol. 10, 5, art. 757, 17 p. : ill. - Jörgensen, K., Kreutzer, A., Lehtonen, K., Kõuts, T., Lilover, M.-J. et al. The EU Horizon 2020 project GRACE : integrated oil spill response actions and environmental effects // Environmental sciences Europe (2019) vol. 31, 1, art. 44, 10 p. : ill. - Raudsepp, U., Maljutenko, I., Kõuts, M., Granhag, L. et al. Shipborne nutrient dynamics and impact on the eutrophication in the Baltic Sea // Science of the total environment (2019) vol. 671, p. 189-207 : ill. - Schuckmann, K. von, Le Traon, P-Y. et al. (eds.) ; Aaboe, S., Aguiar, E., Kõuts, M., Lagemaa, P., Maljutenko, I., Raudsepp, U., Uiboupin, R. et al. Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report. Issue 3 // Journal of Operational Oceanography (2019) vol. 12, S1, S1-S123 : ill. - Björkqvist, J.-V., Lukas, I., Alari, V., Männik, A. et al. Comparing a 41-year model hindcast with decades of wave measurements from the Baltic Sea // Ocean engineering (2018) vol. 152, p. 57-71 : ill. - Schuckmann, K. von, Le Traon, P.-Y., Kõuts, M., Lagemaa, P., Maljutenko, I., Raudsepp, U. et al. Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report // Journal of operational oceanography (2018) vol. 11, suppl. 1, S1-S142 : ill. - von Schuckmann, K., Le Traon, P.-Y. et al. (eds) ; Aaboe, S., Laanemäe, K., Maljutenko, I., Raudsepp, U., Uibopin, R. et al. Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report. Issue 4 // Journal of Operational Oceanography (2020) Vol. 13, S1, p. S1 - S172. - Dogan, G.G., Pelinovsky, E., Zaytsev, A., Metin, A.D., Ozyurt Tarakcioglu, G., Yalciner, A.C., Yalciner, B., Didenkulova, I. Long wave generation and coastal amplification due to propagating atmospheric pressure disturbances // Natural hazards (2021) vol. 106, 2, p. 1195-1221 : ill. - Pärn, O., Davulienė, L., Macias, D., Vahter, K., Stips, A., Torsvik, T. Effects of Eulerian current, Stokes drift and wind while simulating surface drifter trajectories in the Baltic Sea // Oceanologia (2023) Vol. 65, 3, p. 453-465. - Simon, M., Rikka, S., Nõmm, S., Alari, V. Application of the LSTM models for Baltic Sea wave spectra estimation // IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (2023) vol. 16, p. 83-88 : ill. - Pärt, S., Björkqvist, J-V., Alari, V., Maljutenko, I., Uiboupin, R. An ocean–wave–trajectory forecasting system for the eastern Baltic Sea : validation against drifting buoys and implementation for oil spill modeling // Marine pollution bulletin (2023) vol. 195, art. 115497, 13 p. : ill.