Globaalne valitsemine
Uurimisrühma juht
Seotud struktuuriüksus
TalTech prioriteetne teadussuund
Valitsemise uurimisrühm keskendub peamiselt alusuuringutele, ennekõike valitsemise (governance) teooriate ja mudelite lahtimõtestamisele tänapäeva (eriti IT arengu ja levikuga kaasnevate) sotsiaal-tehniliste muutuste kontekstis. Rühma teadustööd raamistavad prof. Kostakisele omistatud ERC alustava teadlase grant Cosmolocalism ( ning kaks H2020 projekti „Centrinno“ ja „Smooth“. Rühma teadustööst kasvas välja ka 2019. aastal alustanud TalTech’i Targa linna tippkeskus ja EU Teamingu projekt „FinEst Twins: Helsinki and Tallinn as Smart and Sustainable Cities“, millega tehakse ka täna tihedat koostööd. Muuhulgas on rühma fookus järgmistel uurimisteemadel: (a) globaalsete valitsemismudelite analüüs,sh Lääne ja Aasia valitsemismudelite ja –traditsioonide võrdlus; (b) tehnoloogiliste arengute (ennekõike IT) mõju valitsemisele, mh targa linna tehnoloogiate ja protsesside analüüs valitsemise perspektiivist, P2P tehnoloogiate tekitatud uute tootmis-, tarbimis- ja valitsemismudelite analüüs; (c) kestlikkuse, kasvu-põhiste, kasvu-järgsete (post-growth) majandus- ja innovatsioonimudelite alternatiivsed käsitlused ning nende mõõtmine.
Klassifikaator (Frascati)
ühisomandil põhinev koosloome
mitte-Lääne avalik haldus
globaalne valitsemine
Seotud projektid
Tähtsamad tulemused
2023. aastal keskendus uurimisrühm budistlikule ja islamistlikule avalikule haldusele, kuigi ka konfutsianistlikku avalikku haldust ei jäetud tähelepanuta.Professor Drechsleri kaasautosruses ilmus monograafia „How to Make an Entrepreneurial State: Why Innovation Needs Bureaucracy“ (Yale University Press, 2022). Autorid: Rainer Kattel, Erkki Karo, Wolfgang Drechsler pälvis maineka Academy of Management 2023. aasta raamatuauhinna. George. R Terry nimelist auhinda peetakse üheks olulisemaks juhtimisalaseks raamatuauhinnaks maailmas.Vt.
- Pazaitis, A., Kostakis, V., Drechsler, W. Towards a theory of value as a commons // International Journal of the Commons (2022) vol. 16, 1, p. 248-262. - Chafik, S., Drechsler, W. In the semi-shadow of the global West : Moroccan zawāyā as good public administration // Public administration review (2022) vol. 82, 4, p. 747-755. - Priavolou, C., Troullaki, K., Tsiouris, N., Giotitsas, C., Kostakis, V. Tracing sustainable production from a degrowth and localisation perspective : a case of 3D printers // Journal of cleaner production (2022) vol. 376, art. 134291. - Kattel, R., Drechsler, W., Karo, E. How to make an entrepreneurial state : why innovation needs bureaucracy. New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 2022. xvii, 270 p.*est - Drechsler, W. New development : Myanmar's civil service - Responsible disobedience during the 2021 military coup // Public money & management (2021) vol. 41, 7, p. 577-580. - Giotitsas, C., Nardelli, P.H.J., Williamson, S., Roos, A., Pournaras, E., Kostakis, V. Energy governance as a commons : engineering alternative socio-technical configurations // Energy research & social science (2022) vol. 84, art. 102354, 6 p. : ill. - Troullaki, K., Rozakis, S., Kostakis, V. Bridging barriers in sustainability research: Α review from sustainability science to life cycle sustainability assessment // Ecological economics (2021) vol. 184, art. 107007, 12 p. : ill. - Nemec, J., Drechsler, W., Hajnal, G. Public policy during COVID-19 : challenges for public administration and policy research in Central and Eastern Europe // NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy (2020) vol. 13, 2, p. 11−22. - Pazaitis, A. Breaking the chains of open innovation : post-blockchain and the case of Sensorica // Information (2020) vol. 11, 2, art. 104, 18 p.. - Giotitsas, C., Nardelli, P.H.J., Kostakis, V., Narayanan, A. From private to public governance : The case for reconfiguring energy systems as a commons // Energy research & social science (2020) vol. 70, art. 101737 ; 7 p. - Schismenos, A., Niaros, V., Lemos, L. Cosmolocalism: understanding the transitional dynamics towards post-capitalism // tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique (2020) vol. 18, 2, p. 670−684. - Drechsler, W., Kattel, R. Debate: The developed civil servant-providing agility and stability at the same time // Public money and management (2020) vol. 40, 8, p. 549-551. - Pazaitis, A., Kostakis, V., Kallis, G., Troullaki, K. Should we look for a hero to save us from the Coronavirus? The commons as an alternative trajectory for social change // tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique (2020) vol. 18, 2, p. 613−621. - Pantazis, A., Meyer, M. Tools from below : Making agricultural machines convivial // Επιθεώρηση Κοινωνικών Ερευνών = The Greek Review of Social Research (2020) 155, p. 39-58 : phot. - Pazaitis, A., Drechsler, W. Peer production and state theory: envisioning a cooperative partner state // The Handbook of peer production. New York : Wiley, 2021. p. 359-370. - Priavolou, C., Tsiouris, N., Niaros, V., Kostakis, V. Towards sustainable construction practices : how to reinvigorate vernacular buildings in the digital era? // Buildings (2021) vol. 11, 7, art. 297. - Priavolou, C. To BIM or not to BIM? Lessons learned from a Greek vernacular museum building // AIMS Environmental Science (2020) vol. 7, 2, p. 192−207. - Gavras, K., Kostakis, V. Mapping the types of modularity in open-source hardware // Design Science (2021) vol. 7, e13. - Pazaitis, A., Kostakis, V. Are the most influential websites peer-produced or price-incentivized? Organizing value in the digital economy // Organization (2022) vol. 29, 4, p. 757–769. - Robra, B., Pazaitis, A., Latoufis, K. Counter-hegemonic decision premises in commons-based peer production : a degrowth case study // TripleC (2021) vol. 19, 2, art. 1264, p. 343-370 : ill. - Drechsler, W., Chafik, S. Islamic public administration in sunlight and shadow : theory and practice // NISPAcee journal of public administration and policy (2022) vol. 15, 2, p. 52-70. - Kostakis, V., Bauwens, M. The grammar of peer production // The Handbook of peer production. New York : Wiley, 2021. p. 21-33. - Kostakis, V., Vragoteris, V., Acharja, I. L. Can peer production democratize technology and society? A critical review of the critiques // Futures (2021) vol. 131, art. 102760. - Drechsler, W. Seamlessness as disenfranchisement : the digital state of pigs and how to resist // Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum (2020) vol. 8, 2, p. 38-53 : ill. - Drechsler, W. Public administration studies : the digital trajectory // Transylvanian review of administrative sciences (2022) 2022 : Special Issue, p. 40-51. - Kostakis, V., Pazaitis, A. Who creates value? Insights on value theory from the last dance // Halduskultuur: The Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance. [Tallinn] : Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, 2020. p. 76-85. (Halduskultuur : the Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance ; Vol. 21, no. 1).*est - Kostakis, V., Pantazis, A. Is ‘deschooling society’ possible? Notes from the field // Postdigital science and education (2021) vol. 3, p. 686–692. - Troullaki, K., Rozakis, S., Latoufis, K., Giotitsas, C., Priavolou, C., Freire, F. Sustainable rural electrification : harnessing a cosmolocal wind // Energies (2022) vol. 15, 13, art. 4659. - Pantazis, A. Teaching commons through the game of musical chairs // TripleC, tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique (2020) vol. 18, 2, p. 595-612. - Lemos, L., Giotitsas, C. Can communities produce complex technology? Looking into space for insight // Bulletin of science, technology & society (2021) Vol. 41, 2-3, p. 35-46. - Antoniadis, P., Pantazis, A. P2P Learning // The Handbook of peer production. New York : Wiley, 2021. p. 197-211. - Drechsler, W. Max Weber (1864-1929) and public administration today // Halduskultuur: The Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance. Tallinn : Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, 2020. p. 86-91 : fot. (Halduskultuur : the Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance ; Vol. 21, no. 1).*est - Drechsler, W. Agile stability : relaunching Halduskultuur – The Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance // Halduskultuur : The Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance. [Tallinn] : Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, 2019. p. 4-7. (Halduskultuur : The Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance ; vol. 19, no. 2).*est - Pazaitis, A., Bauwens, M. New roles for citizens, markets and the state towards an open-source agricultural revolution // Routledge handbook of food as a commons. London : Routledge, 2018. p. 70–84. - Zhao, X., Drechsler, W. Wang Anshi’s economic reforms: proto-Keynesian economic policy in Song Dynasty China // Cambridge journal of economics (2018) vol. 42, 5, p. 1239-1254. - Randma-Liiv, T., Drechsler, W. The politics of bureaucracy : The Central and Eastern European perspective // British journal of politics & international relations (2019) vol. 21, 3, p. 504–512. - Priavolou, C. The Emergence of open construction systems : a sustainable paradigm in the construction sector? // Journal of futures studies (2018) vol. 23, 2, p. 67-84 : ill. - Drechsler, W. After public administration scholarship // A Research agenda for public administration. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019. p. 220–234. - Drechsler, W. The reality and diversity of Buddhist economics // American Journal of Economics and Sociology (2019) vol. 78, 2, p. 523-560. - Kostakis, V. How to reap the benefits of the “digital revolution”? Modularity and the commons // Halduskultuur : The Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance (2019) vol. 20, 1, p. 4-19 : ill.*est - Priavolou, C., Niaros, V. Assessing the openness and conviviality of open source technology : The case of the WikiHouse // Sustainability (2019) vol. 11, 17, art. 4746, 16 p. : ill. - Lekakis, S., Shakya, S., Kostakis, V. Bringing the community back : a case study of the post-earthquake heritage restoration in Kathmandu Valley // Sustainability (2018) vol. 10, 8, art. 2798, 17 p. : ill. - Kostakis, V. In defense of digital commoning // Organization (2018) vol. 25, 6, p. 812-818. - Drechsler, W. Beyond the Western paradigm : Confucian public administration // Public policy in the 'Asian Century' : concepts, cases and futures. London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. p. 19-40. (International series on public policy). - Bauwens, M., Pantazis, A. The ecosystem of commons-based peer production and its transformative dynamics // The sociological review (2018) vol. 66, 2, p. 302−319 : ill. - Soe, R.-M., Drechsler, W. Agile local governments : experimentation before implementation // Government information quarterly (2018) 35, 2, p. 1-13 : ill. - Kostakis, V., Latoufis, K., Liarokapis, M., Bauwens, M. The convergence of digital commons with local manufacturing from a degrowth perspective : two illustrative cases // Journal of cleaner production (2018) vol. 197, part 2, p. 1684-1693 : ill. - Kallis, G., Kostakis, V., Lange, S. et al. Research on degrowth // Annual review of environment and resources (2018) vol. 43, p. 291-316. - Raitasuo, S., Ylönen, M. How legal scholars facilitate tax avoidance: case study on the power of tax consultancy firms // Public administration (2022) vol. 100, 3, 14 p. - Robra, B., Pazaitis, A., Giotitsas, C., Pansera, M. From creative destruction to convivial innovation - A post-growth perspective // Technovation (2023) vol. 125, art. 102760. - Chafik, S. Plan Bee : the case of an Islamic Honey Cooperative in Morocco // Halduskultuur: The Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2023. p. 4-26 : ill. (Halduskultuur : The Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance ; vol. 22, 1).*est - Holts, K., Huws, U., Spencer, N., Coates, M. Competition, collaboration and combination: differences in attitudes to collective organization among offline and online platform workers // The Gig Economy : Workers and media in the age of convergence. New York : Routledge, 2021. - Kostakis, V., Pazaitis, A., Liarokapis, M. Beyond high-tech versus low-tech : a tentative framework for sustainable urban data governance // Big data and society (2023) vol. 10, 1, 6 p. : ill. - Reinert, E.S., Chafik, S., Zhao, X. Geography, uneven development and population density : attempting a non-ethnocentric approach to development // A modern guide to uneven economic development. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. p. 46–70.
- Kostakis, V., Niaros, V., Giotitsas, C. Beyond global versus local : illuminating a cosmolocal framework for convivial technology development // Sustainability Science (2023) vol. 18, p. 2309-2322. - San, P., Drechsler, W., Shakya, S. Buddhism, wealth, and privilege : Ambedkar and Habermas // Religions (2023) vol. 14, 8, art. 1057. - Drechsler, W., Kattel, R., Chafik, S. Islamic public administration and Islamic public value : towards a research agenda // Public policy and administration (2023) - Raudla, R., Ylönen, M., Kuusela, H. Debate: Management consultants and public management reforms // Public money & management (2023) vol. 43, 5, p. 432-433. - Drechsler, W. The new Neo-Weberian state // Max Weber studies (2023) vol. 23, 1, p. 109-125. - Shakya, S., Drechsler, W. ICT and institutional transformations in the Global South : a study of the rejuvenation of the Guthi Institution in Nepal // The journal of community informatics (2023) vol. 19, 1, 24 p.