Sotsiaalteaduslikud suurandmed
TalTech prioriteetne teadussuund
Klassifikaator (Frascati)
Uurimisrühma juht
Uurimisrühma liige
suurandmed ja andmestumine
(digitaalsed) sotsiaalsed transformatsioonid
ruumiline mobiilsus
sotsiaalteaduslikud meetodid ja metodoloogia
Sotsiaalteaduslike suurandmete uurimisrühm keskendub peamiselt alusuuringutele sotsiaalse andmestumise ning seotud sotsiaalsete transformatsioonide valdkonnas, ühendades metodoloogiliselt arvutusliku sotsiaalteaduste ning kriitiliste andmeuuringute suunad. Lisaks kõrgetasemeliste teaduspublikatsioonide avaldamisele on uurimisgrupp olnud aktiivne teadmiste ülekandmisel ühiskonda, osaledes arvukates rakendusprojektides (nt mobiilsusuuringuid toetav andmetaristu IMO; uudne kodanike kaasamise projekt Bicification).
Tähtsamad tulemused
Uurimisrühm käivitas koos Majandusteaduskonnaga Silmalabori, eesmärgiga viia läbi eksperimentaalseid uuringuid ning hinnata andmetehnoloogiate (andmed, algoritmid, tehisintellekt ) sotsiaalseid, majanduslikke ja legaalseid mõjusid.
Masso, A.; Männiste, M.; Calzati, S. (2023). The social imaginaries on governance through data: Qmethodological analysis of data professionals' views in the field of mobility. Futures, 152, #103199. DOI: 10.1016/j.futures.2023.103199.
Seotud projektid
Sotsiaalteaduslikud suurandmed, Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli arenguprogramm ASTRA (2018-2022)
Seotud struktuuriüksus
- Puura, A., Silm, S., Masso, A. Identifying relationships between personal social networks and spatial mobility : A study using smartphone tracing and related surveys // Social networks (2022) vol. 68, p. 306-317. - Tammpuu, P., Masso, A., Ibrahimi, M., Abaku, T. Estonian e-residency and conceptions of platform-based state-individual relationship // Trames (2022) vol. 26, 1, p. 3-21. - Masso, A., Chukwu, M., Calzati, S. (Non)negotiable spaces of algorithmic governance : perceptions on the Ubenwa health app as a ‘relocated’ solution // New media & society (2022) vol. 24, 4, p. 845−865. - Kasapoglu, T., Masso, A., Calzati, S. Unpacking algorithms as technologies of power : Syrian refugees and data experts on algorithmic governance // Digital Geography and Society (2021) vol. 2, art. 100016. - Noordt, C. P. van, Misuraca, G. Artificial intelligence for the public sector : results of landscaping the use of AI in government across the European Union // Government Information Quarterly (2022) vol. 39, 3, art. 101714. - Noordt, C. P. van, Misuraca, G. Exploratory insights on artificial intelligence for government in Europe // Social science computer review (2022) vol. 40, 2, p. 426-444. - Schlueter, E., Masso, A., Davidov, E. What factors explain anti-Muslim prejudice? An assessment of the effects of Muslim population size, institutional characteristics and immigration-related media claims // Journal of ethnic and migration studies (2020) vol. 46, 3, 25 p. - Järv, O., Masso, A., Silm, S., Ahas, R. The link between ethnic segregation and socio‐economic status: An activity space approach // Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie (2021) vol. 112, 3, p. 319−335. - Noordt, C. P. van, Misuraca, G. Evaluating the impact of artificial intelligence technologies in public services : towards an assessment framework // ICEGOV '20 : proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance : Athens, Greece, September 23-25, 2020. New York : ACM, 2020. p. 8-16. - Masso, A., Kasapoglu, T. Understanding power positions in a New Digital Landscape: perceptions of Syrian refugees and data experts on relocation algorithm // Information Communication and Society (2020) vol. 23, 8, p. 1203-1219. - Calzat, S. Decolonising “Data Colonialism” propositions for investigating the realpolitik of today’s networked ecology // Television and New Media (2021) Vol. 22, Issue 8, p. 914-929. - Silm, S., Mooses, V., Puura, A., Masso, A., Tominga, A., Saluveer, E. The relationship between ethno-linguistic composition of social networks and activity space : a study using mobile phone data // Social Inclusion (2021) Vol. 9, 2, p. 192-207 : ill. - Masso, A., Männiste, M., Siibak, A. "End of Theory" in the era of big data : methodological practices and challenges in social media studies // Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum (2020) vol. 8, 1, p. 33-61 : ill.*est - Calzati, S. China, Africa, and the West: a geopolitical assessment of Huawei’s crisis communication on cocial networks // International journal of communication (2020) vol. 14, p. 4952–4972. - Noordt, C. P. van Conceptual challenges of researching Artificial Intelligence in public administrations // 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (DGO2022) : Intelligent Technologies, Governments and Citizens, June 15-17, 2022 : proceedings. New York : ACM, 2022. p. 183-190. - Abaku, T., Calzati, S., Masso, A. Exploring digital sustainability of/through Estonia’s e-residency: Africa’s case and the importance of culture for sustainability // Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance (2021) vol. 23, 3, p. 300-313. - Calzati, S. Travel writing between poetics and politics : Three case studies on the genreʼs mediati(sati)on // Travel, writing and the media contemporary and historical perspectives. New York : Routledge, 2022. p. 247-266. - Masso, A., Reili, O. The datafication of travel in SARS-CoV-2 times : perceptions of graduates in Estonia towards the use of passenger locator forms and reinforcement learning system EVA // Comunicazioni Sociali (2022) 2, p. 232-247. - Bahsi, H., Dieves, V., Kangilaski, T., Mõtus, L., Priisalu, J., Täks, E., Tammpuu, P., Taveter, K. et al. Mapping the information flows for the architecture of a nationwide situation awareness system : (Poster) // Proceedings 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA) : Las Vegas, NV, USA, 8-11 April 2019. Danvers : IEEE, 2019. p. 152–157. - Masso, A., Silm, S., Ahas, R. Generational differences in spatial mobility : A study with mobile phone data // Population, space and place (2019) vol. 25, 2, e2210, 15 p. : ill. - Tammpuu, P., Masso, A. Transnational digital identity as an instrument for Global Digital Citizenship : The case of Estonia’s e-Residency // Information systems frontiers (2019) vol. 21, 3, p. 621-634 : ill. Professor Anu Masso: e-residentsus taastoodab digitaalset ebavõrdsust - Baudens, P., Masso, A., Soe, R-M. Women’s (im)mobility strategies and digital platform adoption: the case study of employees doing desk work in Pune, India // Gender, technology and development (2023) vol. 27, 3, p. 423-443. - Masso, A., Kaun, A., Noordt, C. P. van Basic values in artificial intelligence : comparative factor analysis in Estonia, Germany, and Sweden // AI & Society : Knowledge, Culture and Communication (2023)