Development of cyclic shedding teeth from semi-shedding teeth : the inner dental arcade of the stem osteichthyan LophosteusChen, Donglei; Blom, Henning; Sanchez, Sophie; Tafforeau, Paul; Märss, Tiiu; Ahlberg, Per E.Royal Society open science2017 / art. 161084 : ill 'Natural experiments' reveal patterning logic of the dental development in the most primitive osteichthyan LophosteusChen, Donglei; Blom, Henning; Sanchez, Sophie; Tafforeau, Paul; Märss, Tiiu; Ahlberg, Per E.16th International Symposium on Early and Lower Vertebrates - Honoring Tiiu Märss & Philippe Janvier : conference programme and abstracts : Valencia, Spain, 20222022 / p. 21 The developmental relationship between teeth and dermal odontodes in the most primitive bony fish LophosteusChen, Donglei; Blom, Henning; Sanchez, Sophie; Tafforeau, Paul; Märss, Tiiu; Ahlberg, Per E.eLife2020 / art. e60985, 20 p. : ill