Marketing of Ukrainian higher educational institutions representation based on modeling of webometrics rankingKvitka, Sergiy; Starushenko, Galina; Koval, Viktor; Deforzh, Hanna; Vynnychenko, Volodymyr; Prokopenko, OlhaMarketing and management of innovation2019 / p. 60−72 Smart projects on the development of green intellectual capital in eco-industrial parksMikhno, Inesa; Koval, Viktor; Khaustova, Yevheniia; Järvis, Marina; Gudz, Petro; Gudz, Maryna; Kostiukov, ViacheslavE3S Web of Conferences : International Conference on Sustainable, Circular Management and Environmental Engineering (ISCMEE 2023)2023 / art. 01020, 11 p