Corrigendum to “Internal solitary waves control offshore extension of mud depocenters on the NW Iberian shelf” [Mar. Geol. 409 (2019) 15–30] (Marine Geology (2019) 409 (15–30), (S002532271830166X) (10.1016/j.margeo.2018.12.008))Zhang, Wenyan; Didenkulova, Ira; Kurkina, Oxana; Cui, Yongsheng; Haberkern, Julia; Aepfler, Rebecca; Santos, Ana I.; Zhang, Han; Hanebuth, Till J.J.Marine Geology2019 / p. 21 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Dynamics of solitons in a nonintegrable version of the modified Korteweg-de Vries equationKurkina, Oxana; Kurkin, Andrey; Ruvinskaja, E. A.; Pelinovsky, Efim; Soomere, TarmoJETP letters2012 / p. 91-95 : ill Edge-wave-driven durable variations in the thickness of the surfactant film and concentration of surface floatsAverbukh, Elena; Kurkina, Oxana; Kurkin, Andrey; Soomere, TarmoPhysics letters A2014 / p. 53-58 : ill Internal solitary waves control offshore extension of mud depocenters on the NW Iberian shelfZhang, Wenyan; Didenkulova, Irina; Kurkina, OxanaMarine geology2019 / p. 15-30 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Kinematic parameters of internal waves of the second mode in the South China SeaKurkina, Oxana; Talipova, Tatyana; Soomere, Tarmo; Giniyatullin, Ayrat; Kurkin, AndreyNonlinear processes in geophysics2017 / p. 645-660 : ill Laboratory study of peculiarities of the freak-wave generationRodin, Artem; Tyugin, Dmitry; Kurkin, Andrey; Kurkina, Oxana; Didenkulova, IrinaGeophysical research abstracts2017 / p. EGU2017-1845-3 Nonlinear dynamics of internal gravity waves in shallow seas = Siselainete mittelineaarne dünaamika madala vee lähendusesKurkina, Oxana2012 Propagation regimes and populations of internal waves in the Mediterranean Sea basinKurkina, Oxana; Rouvinskaya, Ekaterina; Talipova, Tatyana; Soomere, TarmoEstuarine, coastal and shelf science2017 / p. 44-54 : ill Propagation regimes of interfacial solitary waves in a three-layer fluidKurkina, Oxana; Kurkin, Andrey; Rouvinskaya, Ekaterina; Soomere, TarmoNonlinear processes in geophysics2015 / p. 117-132 Spatial distribution of energy of subinertial baroclinic motions in the Baltic SeaKurkin, Andrey; Rybin, Artem; Soomere, Tarmo; Kurkina, Oxana; Rouvinskaya, EkaterinaFrontiers in earth science2020 / art. 184, 15 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS The impact of seasonal changes in stratification on the dynamics of internal waves in the Sea of OkhotskKurkina, Oxana; Talipova, Tatyana; Soomere, Tarmo; Kurkin, Andrey; Rybin, ArtemEstonian journal of earth sciences2017 / p. 238-255 : ill Transformation of internal breathers in the idealised shelf sea conditionsRouvinskaya, Ekaterina; Talipova, Tatyana; Kurkina, Oxana; Soomere, Tarmo; Tyugin, DmitryContinental shelf research2015 / p. 60-71