Applying the concept of entrepreneurial ecosystems in EstoniaReidolf, Merli; Küttim, Merle; Michelson, Aleksandr; Rozeik, Helena; Kallaste, MarianneZeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie2019 / p. 134-145 : ill Eesti ettevõtluse koosluste uuring [Võrguteavik]Reidolf, Merli; Michelson, Aleksandr; Küttim, Merle; Kallaste, Marianne; Rozeik, Helena2018 Eesti ettevõtluse koosluste uuring*est Entrepreneurial and innovative potential of higher education institutions - the example of Estonian universitiesKallaste, Marianne; Põder, Anne; Raudsaar, Mervi; Venesaar, UrveICERI 2017 : 10th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Seville (Spain) 16-18 November 2017 : conference proceedings2017 / p. 8800–8808 Entrepreneurship competence among students and employees: a comparative study in five European countriesVenesaar, Urve; Antonelli, Gilda; Dorożyński, Tomasz; Duarte, Henrique; Kallaste, Marianne; Riviezzo, Angelo; Räisänen, Milla; Santos, Susana C.Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy - 20232022 / p. 120-144 Entrepreneurship education at university level and students' entrepreneurial intentionsKüttim, Merle; Kallaste, Marianne; Venesaar, Urve; Kiis, AinoProcedia - social and behavioral sciences2014 / p. 658-668 : ill Ettevõtluse ökosüsteemi kontseptsiooni rakendamine EestisReidolf, Merli; Michelson, Aleksandr; Rozeik, Helena; Küttim, Merle; Kallaste, MarianneRiigikogu Toimetised2018 / lk. 135-146 : tab*est Factors influencing students' venture creation processVenesaar, Urve; Kallaste, Marianne; Küttim, MerleProcedia - social and behavioral sciences2014 / p. 678-688 Factors influencing students' venture creation processVenesaar, Urve; Kallaste, Marianne; Küttim, MerleInternational Conference : Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Key Drivers of Regional Development : Ventspils, Latvia, 15-16 July 2013 : conference materials, abstract book2013 / p. 7-8 Find your limits and break them! Nurturing students’ entrepreneurship competence through innovative teaching methods and self-assessmentAntonelli, Gilda; Venesaar, Urve; Riviezzo, Angelo; Kallaste, Marianne; Dorozynski, TomaszJournal of enterprising communities2024 / p. 29-48 How entrepreneurial is the university? A case of the university of TechnologyVoolaid, Karen; Ehrlich, Üllas; Kallaste, MarianneResearch in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2019 / p. 39-63*est International trade fairs for facilitating the internationalisation of enterprisesLumiste, Rünno; Prause, Gunnar Klaus; Feuerhake, Christian; Venesaar, Urve; Vihalem, Ann; Kallaste, MarianneInternational business - Baltic business development2013 / p. 291-305 Knowledge exchange and collaboration with industry in the context of entrepreneurial higher education institutionsKüttim, Merle; Põder, Anne; Kallaste, Marianne; Raudsaar, Mervi; Venesaar, UrveResearch in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2018 / p. 25-41 : ill*est Open innovation in enterprise strategies in Central and Eastern Europe : the case of EstoniaKallaste, Marianne; Kalantaridis, Christos; Venesaar, UrveResearch in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2018 / p. 42-63 : ill*est Student career choice orientation and how this relates to autonomous and controlled motivationKallaste, Marianne; Toding, Martin; Teder, JuhanResearch in economics and business : Central and Eastern Europe2018 / p. 74-99 Students' satisfaction with and demand of university offerings in entrepreneurship education in different European regionsKüttim, Merle; Kallaste, Marianne; Venesaar, UrveInternational Conference : Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Key Drivers of Regional Development : Ventspils, Latvia, 15-16 July 2013 : conference materials, abstract book2013 / p. 6 Students self-assessment of established entrepreneurial skills and the university's influence [Electronic resource]Toding, Martin; Venesaar, Urve; Kallaste, Marianne; Teder, JuhanEntrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development - EIRD 20162016 / p. 156-171. [CD-ROM]