Association between chemical mixtures and female fertility in women undergoing assisted reproduction in Sweden and EstoniaBellavia, Andrea; Zou, Runyu; Bjorvang, Richelle D.; Roos, Kristine; Sjunnesson, Ylva; Hallberg, Ida; Vermeulen, Roel; Salumets, Andres; Velthut-Meikas, Agne; Damdimopoulou, PauliinaEnvironmental research2023 / art. 114447, 14 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Cellular, extracellular and extracellular vesicular miRNA profiles of pre-ovulatory follicles indicate signaling disturbances in polycystic ovariesRooda, Ilmatar; Hasan, Mohammed Mehedi; Roos, Kristine; Viil, Janeli; Smolander, Olli-Pekka; Velthut-Meikas, AgneInternational journal of molecular sciences2020 / art. 9550, 23 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Complexity of human ovarian folliculogenesis : molecular markers of ovarian-based infertility and the impact of endocrine-disrupting chemicals = Inimese munasarja follikulogeneesi keerukus : munasarjapõhise viljatuse molekulaarsed markerid ja endokriinsüsteemi mõjutavate kemikaalide toimeRosenberg, Kristine2024*est Hsa-mir-548 family expression in human reproductive tissuesRooda, Ilmatar; Kaselt, Birgitta; Liivrand, Maria; Smolander, Olli-Pekka; Salumets, Andres; Velthut-Meikas, AgneBMC Genomic Data2021 / Art. 40 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Identification of phthalate mixture exposure targets in the human and mouse ovary in vitroTarvainen, Ilari; Soto, Delia A.; Laws, Mary J.; Björvang, Richelle D.; Damdimopoulos, Anastasios; Roos, Kristine; Li, Tianyi; Kramer, Stav; Li, Zhong; Velthut-Meikas, AgneReproductive toxicology2023 / art. 108393, 13 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS In-depth analysis of transcriptomes in ovarian cortical follicles from children and adults reveals interfollicular heterogeneityRooda, Ilmatar; Hassan, Jasmin; Hao, Jie; Wagner, Magdalena; Moussaud-Lamodiere, Elisabeth; Jääger, Kersti; Otala, Marjut; Knuus, Katri; Lindskog, Cecilia; Velthut-Meikas, AgneNature communications2024 / art. 6989 Intercellular signalling in the human pre-ovulatory follicle : microRNA expression in granulosa cells and detection in the follicular fluid = Rakkudevaheline kommunikatsioon inimese munasarja preovulatoorses folliikulis : mikroRNA-de ekspressioon granuloosrakkudes ja follikulaarvedelikusRooda, Ilmatar2021*est Investigating the impact of vitrification on bovine ovarian tissue morphology, follicle survival, and transcriptomic signatureDeligiannis, Spyridon P.; Kask, Keiu; Modhukur, Vijayachitra; Boskovic, Nina; Ivask, Marilin; Jaakma, Ülle; Damdimopoulou, Pauliina; Tuuri, Timo; Velthut-Meikas, Agne; Salumets, AndresJournal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics2024 / p. 1035-1055 Ovarian follicle as the environment of oocyte maturation : the role of granulosa cells and follicular fluid at pre-ovulatory development = Munasarja folliikul kui munaraku küpsemise keskkond : granuloosrakkude ja follikulaarvedeliku roll ovulatsioonieelses arengusVelthut-Meikas, Agne2014 The profile of steroid hormones in human fetal and adult ovariesVazakidou, Paraskevi; Evangelista, Sara; Li, Tianyi; Lecante, Laetitia L.; Rosenberg, Kristine; Koekkoek, Jacco; Salumets, Andres; Velthut-Meikas, Agne; Damdimopoulou, Pauliina; Mazaud-Guittot, SeverineReproductive biology and endocrinology2024 / art. 60 Putative adverse outcome pathways for female reproductive disorders to improve testing and regulation of chemicalsJohansson, Hanna K. 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