Electromagnetic fields' exposure to head, torso and limbs in office workplacesVilcane, Inese; Koppel, Tarmo; Bartusauskis, J.Agronomy research2016 / p. 1737-1744 : ill http://www.ester.ee/record=b1787401*est http://agronomy.emu.ee/category/volume-14/number-5/ Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Electromagnetic fields' exposure to head, torso and limbs in office workplacesVilcane, Inese; Koppel, Tarmo; Bartušauskis, Janis; Urbane, Valentina; Ievinš, Janis; Kalkis, Henrijs; Roja, Ženija7th International Conference "Biosystems Engineering 2016": 12-13 May, 2016, Estonia, Tartu : book of abstracts2016 / p. 117-118 http://www.bse.emu.ee/Book%20of%20Abstracts_2016.pdf Reducing exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields from portable computersKoppel, Tarmo; Tint, PiiaAgronomy research2014 / p. 863-874 : ill https://www.cabidigitallibrary.org/doi/pdf/10.5555/20143202524 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus