Energy pile field simulation in large buildings: validation of surface boundary assumptionsFerrantelli, Andrea; Fadejev, Jevgeni; Kurnitski, JarekEnergies2019 / art. 770, 20 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Energy pile field simulation in large buildings: validation of surface boundary assumptionsFerrantelli, Andrea; Fadejev, Jevgeni; Kurnitski, JarekEnergy and technical building systems - scientific and technological advances2020 / p. 12-31 : ill Geothermal energy piles and boreholes design with heat pump in a whole building simulation softwareFadejev, Jevgeni; Kurnitski, JarekEnergy and buildings2015 / p. 23-34 : ill Geothermal heat pump plant performance in a nearly zero-energy buildingFadejev, Jevgeni; Simson, Raimo; Kurnitski, Jarek; Kesti, Jyrki; Mononen, Tarmo; Lautso, PetteriEnergy procedia2016 / p. 489-502 : ill Heat recovery from exhaust air as a thermal storage energy source for geothermal energy pilesFadejev, Jevgeni; Simson, Raimo; Kurnitski, Jarek; Kesti, JyrkiEnergy procedia2016 / p. 478-488 : ill A review on energy piles design, sizing and modellingFadejev, Jevgeni; Simson, Raimo; Kurnitski, Jarek; Haghighat, FariborzEnergy2017 / p. 390-407 : ill A tabulated sizing method for the early stage design of geothermal energy piles including thermal storageFerrantelli, Andrea; Fadejev, Jevgeni; Kurnitski, JarekEnergy and buildings2020 / art. 110178 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS