Antifungal activity of medicinal mushrooms and optimization of submerged culture conditions for Schizophyllum commune (Agaricomycetes)Berikashvili, Violeta; Khardziani, Tamar; Kobakhidze, Aza; Kulp, Maria; Kuhtinskaja, Maria; Lukk, Tiit; Gargano, Maria; Venturella, Giuseppe; Kachlishvili, Eka; Metreveli, Eva; Elisashvili, Vladimir; Asatiani, MikheilInternational journal of medicinal mushrooms2023 / p. 1-21 Determination of phenolic compounds and their antioxidative capability in plant extracts = Meetodid fenoolsete ühendite määramiseks ja nende antioksüdatiivsuse hindamiseksHelmja, Kati2010*est Development of methods for the CE analysis of plant phenolic compounds and vitamins = Kapillaarelektroforeesil põhinevate meetodite väljatöötamine taimsete fenoolsete ühendite ja vitamiinide analüüsiksGorbatšova, Jelena2011 Extraction of bioactive compounds from Catharanthus roseus and Vinca minorKoel, Mihkel; Kuhtinskaja, Maria; Vaher, MerikeSeparation and purification technology2020 / art. 117438 ; 5 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Синтез алкалоидов иммобилизированными растительными клеткамиAbdvahhitova, Alija; Arhangelskaja, NataliaБиоконверсия-88 : теоретические основы микробной конверсии : тезисы докладов конференции1988 / с. 15*est