Informalidad y supervivencia en Chernobil : etnografia de un espacio nuclear = The informal sector and survival in Chernobyl : ethnography of a nuclear placeDavies, Thom; Polese, Abelmethaodos.revista de ciencias sociales2015 / p. 221-238 : il Informality and survival in Ukraine's nuclear landscape : living with the risks of ChernobylDavies, Thom; Polese, AbelJournal of Eurasian studies2015 / p. 34-45 : ill Informality 'in spite of' or 'beyond' the state : some evidence from Hungary and RomaniaPolese, Abel; Kovacs, Borbala; Jancsics, DavidEuropean societies2018 / p. 207–235 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Informality, labour mobility and precariousness : supplementing the state for the invisible and the vulnerable2022 Looking at the 'sharing' economies concept through the prism of informalityKovacs, Borbala; Morris, Jeremy; Polese, Abel; Imami, DriniCambridge journal of regions, economy and society2017 / p. 365-378 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS "States" of informality in post-socialist Europe (and beyond)Polese, Abel; Morris, Jeremy; Kovacs, BorbalaJournal of contemporary Central and Eastern Europe2016 / p. 181-190 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at scopus