Direct liquid cooling in low-power electrical machines : proof-of-conceptLindh, Pia; Petrov, Ilya; Semken, R. Scott; Vaimann, Toomas; Kallaste, AntsIEEE transactions on energy conversion2016 / p. 1257-1266 : ill Motor Mode Analysis of Exterior-Rotor PM Machine with Gramme's WindingNukki,Rene; Kilk, Aleksander; Saarts, Samo; Tiimus, KristjanElektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering2017 / p. 21-25 : ill Predicting fuel properties using chemometrics : a review and an extension to temperature dependent physical properties by using infrared spectroscopy to predict densityBaird, Zachariah Steven; Oja, VahurChemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems2016 / p. 41-47 : ill Prediction of surface tension of heteroatom-rich fuel fractions from pyrolysis of oil shaleJärvik, OliverJordanian Journal of Engineering and Chemical Industries (JJECI)2023 / p. 26-33