A new aeration and filtration technology for groundwater treatmentMunter, Rein; Ojaste, Heldi; Sutt, JohannesThird International Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment - Special Topic: AOP's for Recycling and Reuse : 18-22 May 2003, Goslar, Germany2003 / p. 316-321 A new oxidation/filtration technology for groundwater treatmentMunter, Rein; Ojaste, Heldi; Sutt, JohannesAdvances in Science and Engineering for Industrial Applications of Ozone and Related Oxidants : International Conference : Barcelona, Spain, March 10-12, 2004 : proceedings2004 / p. I.2.7-1 - I.2.7-6 : ill A study on the Fenton treatment efficacy for the purification of different kind of wastewaterTrapido, Marina; Kulik, Niina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinExecutive summaries : 5th International Conference. 10th IOA-EA3G Berlin Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment : Berlin, Germany, March 30 - April 2, 20092009 / p. 44/PC26(1-8) A study on three-phase ozonationMunter, Rein; Veressinina, JelenaProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2003 / 2, p. 83-90 : ill A study the toxicity of the ozonation products of phenols and cholorophenols by Daphnia magna testTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry1997 / 3, p. 130-139: ill Advanced oxidation processes - current status and prospectsMunter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2001 / 2, p. 59-80 Advanced oxidation processes : how much they cost?Munter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Goi, Annae-proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Environmental Applications of AOP : Crete, Chania, September 7-9, 20062006 / p. 284-292 Advanced oxidation processes against phenolic compounds in wastewater treatmentPreis, Sergei; Kamenev, Sven; Kallas, Juha; Munter, ReinOzone : science & engineering1995 / 4, p. 399-418: ill Advanced oxidation processes against phenolic compounds in wastewater treatmentPreis, Sergei; Kamenev, Sven; Kallas, Juha; Munter, ReinProceedings of International Ozone Association Regional Conference, Zurich, 31 August-2 September 19941994 / p. 187-204: ill Advanced oxidation processes and ozone treatment of anthracene in aqueous solutionsMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaEesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Keemia1994 / 2, lk. 61-67: ill Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) - a water treatment technology of the 21-st centuryMunter, ReinInternational Conference Environmental Science and Technology : ESAT'96, May 14-17, Kaunas : proceedings1996 / p. 96-100 Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) - a water treatment technology for the 21-st CenturyMunter, Rein"Environmental Impact and Water Management in a Catchment Area Perspective" : 24-26 September, 2001, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings of the Symposium dedicated to the 40th Anniversary of Institute of Environmental Engineering at Tallinn Technical University2001 / p. 212-222 Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) : water treatment technology for the Twenty-first CenturyMunter, Rein; Preis, Sergei; Kallas, Juha; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaKemia-kemi2001 / 5, p. 354-362 : ill Advanced oxidation processes as an opportunity for purification of waste water from Estonian oil shale industryTrapido, Marina; Munter, Rein; Veressinina, JelenaRegional Conference on Ozone Generation and Application to Water and Waste Water Treatment : ECWATECH-98, Moscow, Russia, 26-28 May, 1998 : proceedings1998 / p. 519-534: ill Advanced oxidation processes for degradation of 2,4-dichlo- and 2,4-dimethylphenolTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinJournal of environmental engineering1998 / 8, p. 690-694: ill Advanced oxidation processes for water purification and soil remediationGoi, Anna2005 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?6 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2045331*est Advanced oxidation processes of xylenols in aqueous solutionsTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry1995 / 1, p. 21-31: ill Advanced oxidation, an application for wastewater treatment and soil remediationTrapido, Marina; Goi, Anna; Munter, ReinEnvironmental science and pollution research - international2002 / Special issue 3, 8th FECS Conference on Chemistry and the Environment : Chemistry for a Sustaining World, Athens, Greece, 31 August to 4 September 2002, p. 85-86 : ill Aeration, oxidation and filtration for natural pollutants removal from groundwaterMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Lumiste, LiieE-proceedings of International Conference of IOA-EA3G : Ozone and Related Oxidants for Emerging Pollutants of Concern to the Water and the Environment : April 28-30, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland2010 / p. 5.5-1 - 5.5-11 Ajakohase põhjaveetöötlemistehnoloogia kogemusi USAstMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2000 / 5, lk. 18-19 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1005066*est Application of catalyst for intensification of ozonation of some resistant compoundsTrapido, Marina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinThird International Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment - Special Topic: AOP's for Recycling and Reuse : 18-22 May 2003, Goslar, Germany2003 / p. 711-716 Aroclor 1016 contaminated soil remediation with calcium and magnesium peroxidesGoi, Anna; Viisimaa, Matti; Trapido, Marina; Munter, ReinE-Proceedings : Seventh International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds : Monterey, CA, USA, May 24-27, 20102010 Atmosfääri kaitseMunter, ReinTehnika ja keskkond1998 / lk. 41-68: ill Atmospheric ozone and climate change. Synthetic ozone and its applications. 21th Century and role of ozone [Electronic resource]Munter, ReinEncyclopedia of life support systems (EOLSS). Chapter 6.1922008 Calcium-aluminothermal production of niobium and mineral composition of the slagGorkunov, Valeri; Munter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2007 / 3, p. 142-156 : ill Calcium-aluminothermal production of niobium and utilization of wastes = Nioobiumi tootmine kaltsium-alumotermilisel meetodil ja jäätmete utiliseerimineGorkunov, Valeri2008 https://digi.lib.ttu.ee/i/?295 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2449478*est Catalytic filtration for the improvement of drinking water qualityVeressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina; Ahelik, Viktor; Munter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2000 / 3, p. 168-179 : ill Catalytic ozonation as a means for degradation of resistant compoundsTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinAbstracts of the International Conference "Eco-Balt 2004"2004 / p. 15-16 Catalytic ozonation of m-dinitrobenzeneTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, Rein; Kallas, JuhaAdvances in Science and Engineering for Industrial Applications of Ozone and Related Oxidants : International Conference : Barcelona, Spain, March 10-12, 2004 : proceedings2004 / p. I.1.6-1 - I.1.6-6 : ill Catalytic ozonation of m-dinitrobenzeneTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, Rein; Kallas, JuhaOzone : science and engineering2005 / 5, p. 359-363 : ill Characterization of oil shale ash dump waste water and effect of advanced oxidation techniques to its chemical compositionTuhkanen, Tuula; Maripuu, Lea; Vartiainen, Matti; Munter, ReinEnvironmental Protection Strategy Standardization and Control of Pollution Load on the Marine Environment : 1st International Conference, 20-24 September 1993, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts1993 / p. 29-30 Characterization of oil shale ash dump waste water and effect of AOP to its chemical compositionTuhkanen, Tuula; Maripuu, Lea; Vartiainen, M.; Munter, ReinProceedings of the 1-st International Conference on the Environmental Protection Strategy, Tallinn, 19931993 / p. 29-30 Characterization of ozonation processes by oxygen demand of compoundsMunter, Rein; Preis, Sergei; Siirde, EnnoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2002 / 3, p. 139-147 : ill Chemical oxidation of biologically treated phenolic effluentsKamenev, Sven; Kallas, Juha; Munter, Rein; Trapido, MarinaWaste management1995 / 3, p. 203-208: ill Chemical oxidation of ferrous iron in aqueous solutions and groundwater samplesMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Kallas, JuhaProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry1999 / 4, p. 174-181: ill Chemical oxygen demand as a generalized kinetic parameter for ozonation processes of water solutions and wastewatersMunter, Rein; Preis, Sergei; Siirde, EnnoInternational Conference on Ozone in Global Water Sanitation, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 1st to October 3rd 2002 : proceedings2002 / p. V-4-1 - V-4-17 : ill Combined chemical treatment of pharmaceutical effluents from medical ointment productionKulik, Niina; Trapido, Marina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinChemosphere2008 / 8, p. 1525-1531 : ill https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17897701/ Combined treatment of pharmaceutical effluents from medical ointment productionKulik, Niina; Trapido, Marina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, Rein2007 World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet Technologies : August 27-29, 2007, Los Angeles, California USA2007 / p. Abs.61 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17897701/ Comparative studies of AOP for aromatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons destructionMunter, Rein; Kallas, Juha; Preis, Sergei; Kamenev, Sven; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena12th Ozone World Congress, May 15th to 18th, 1995, Lille, France : proceedings. Vol. 11995 / p. 395-406: ill Comparison of mass transfer efficiency and energy consumption in static mixersMunter, ReinOzone : science & engineering2010 / 6, p. 399-407 : ill Complexed iron and a groundwater treatment technologyMunter, Rein; Ojaste, Heldi; Sutt, JohannesProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2005 / 3, p. 142-153 : ill Complexed iron removal from groundwaterMunter, Rein; Ojaste, Heldi; Sutt, JohannesJournal of environmental engineering2005 / 7, p. 1014-1020 Computation of the temperature field in the furnace of aluminothermal reductionObakov, N.; Gorkunov, Valeri; Munter, Rein; Beketov, AleksandrScientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. 1. [series], Material science and applied chemistry2007 / p. 100-111 Contemporary groundwater treatment technologyMunter, Rein; Ojaste, Heldi; Sutt, JohannesAbstracts of the International Conference "Eco-Balt 2004"2004 / p. 13-15 Cost effectiveness of ozonation and AOPs for aromatic compounds removal from waterMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaProceedings of the 17th International Ozone Association World Congress and Exhibition "Ozone and Related Oxidants. Innovative and Current Technologies" : Strasbourg, France, August 22-25, 2005. Session IV. Part 32005 / p. 1-9 Cost effectiveness of ozonation and AOPs for aromatic compounds removal from water : a preliminary studyMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Goi, AnnaOzone : science and engineering2006 / 5, p. 287-293 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01919510600893875 Degradation of nitroaromatics with the Fenton reagentTrapido, Marina; Dello, Ave; Goi, Anna; Munter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2003 / 1, p. 38-47 : ill Dekoloniseerimise ja tagasirände probleemidest EestisMunter, ReinRahva Hääl1994 / 21. märts, lk. 2; 25. märts Department of Chemical EngineeringSiirde, Enno; Kallas, Juha; Munter, Rein; Tearo, Eduard; Uus, Endel; Aarna, Olav; Kracht, WilhelmResearch activities / Tallinn Technical University1993 / p. 41-44 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1053754*est Design and modeling of a staged downflow bubble reactorMunter, Rein; Kamenev, Sven; Sarv, LaurOzone : science & engineering1990 / 4 Destruction of toxic and carcinogenic aromatic compounds by advanced oxidation processesTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Kallas, Juha; Hautaniemi, Marjaana; Munter, ReinThe 1998 European Workshop on Water and Air Treatment by Advanced Oxidation Technologies : Innovative and Commercial Applications, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 11-14, 1998 : abstracts1998 / p. 46 Detoxification of oil-shale wastes by advanced oxidationVeressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina; Kulik, Niina; Munter, ReinChemicals, Human & Environment : programme & abstracts : Joint Conference of Estonian Society of Toxicology & Scandinavian Society of Cell Toxicology : Toila, Estonia, October 20-23, 20052005 / p. 84 Drinking water production from well water with high sulfur and sulfur bacteria contentMunter, Rein; Vilu, HelleJournal of environmental engineering2008 / 5, p. 376-381 : ill (Eco)toxicological information on REACH-relevant chemicals : contribution of alternative methods to in vivo approachesSihtmäe, Mariliis2011 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2733161*est Eesti keskkonnaseisund ja selle arengusuunadKirso, Uuve; Loigu, Enn; Iital, Arvo; Munter, ReinEesti jätkusuutliku arengu teel : artiklite kogumik2006 / lk. 186-198 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b2136390*est Emeriitprofessor Rein Munter: Eestis tuleks osooni omadusi palju enam ära kasutada [Võrguväljaanne]Munter, Reinforte.delfi.ee2022 Emeriitprofessor Rein Munter: Eestis tuleks osooni omadusi palju enam ära kasutada Emeriitprofessor Rein Munter: veekriis on jõudmas Eestisse, aeg on hakata kasutusele võtma tualeti reovettMunter, Reindelfi.ee2023 Emeriitprofessor Rein Munter: veekriis on jõudmas Eestisse, aeg on hakata kasutusele võtma tualeti reovett Emeriitprofessor: narkomaanid rikuvad vette sattunud ohtlike ainetega ka looduskeskkondaMunter, Reinpostimees.ee2023 Emeriitprofessor: narkomaanid rikuvad vette sattunud ohtlike ainetega ka looduskeskkonda Emeriitprofessor: osoon võib tuua palju kasu, kuid on mõnikord ka väga ohtlik [Võrguväljaanne]Munter, Reinpostimees.ee2022 Emeriitprofessor: osoon võib tuua palju kasu, kuid on mõnikord ka väga ohtlik Emeriitprofessor: vee kohta pole veel kõik teada, oodata on suuri avastusiMunter, Reinpostimees.ee2023 Emeriitprofessor: vee kohta pole veel kõik teada, oodata on suuri avastusi Enno Siirde : 09.01.1919-05.02.2004 : [in memoriam]Mikkal, Valdek; Munter, ReinTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20042005 / lk. 372-373 Environmental education at Tallinn Technical UniversityMunter, ReinEnvironmental Science and Management Studies. Yearbook '93, Interdisciplinary environmental education at universities1994 / p. 210-213 Environmental engineering education at the Tallinn Technical UniversityMunter, Rein; Mikkal, Valdek; Kallas, Juha; Lääne, Ain; Velner, Harald-AdamProceedings 5th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education, June 2-5, 1992, Espoo, Finland. Vol. 11992 / p. 569-574: ill Environmental situation in Estonia and possible pathways for its improvementMunter, ReinCleaner technologies and cleaner products for sustainable development : [proceedings of the NATO advanced research workshop, held in Budapest, Hungary, September 12-15, 1994]1995 / p. 65-79: ill Environmental studies in chemical engineering curriculum at Tallinn Technical UniversityMunter, ReinEuropean journal of engineering education1996 / 4, p. 409-413 Estonian ground water : quality problems and possible technology for improvementVeressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina; Munter, Rein4th International Congress and Trade Fair "Water : Ecology and Technology" : ECWATECH-2000 : Moscow, 30 May - 2 June 2000 : abstracts2000 / p. 208-209 Estonian ground water : quality problems and possible technology for improvementMunter, Rein; Kallas, Juha; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Loorits, HiljaEcoBalt '2000 : starptautiska konference = international conference : Riga, 2000. gada 26.-27. maija. I2000 / p. I-17 - I-27 Estonian ground water: quality problems and technology for improvementMunter, Rein; Kallas, Juha; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Loorits, HiljaKemia-Kemi1999 / 7, p. 552-556 Fenton treatment as an environmental friendly technique for decontamination of soil and wastewaterKulik, Niina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina; Munter, ReinConference on Knowledge-based Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Chemistry : 1-5 June 2005, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book2005 / p. 96 Fenton treatment efficacy for the purification of different kinds of wastewaterTrapido, Marina; Kulik, Niina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinWater science and technology2009 / 7, p. 1795-1801 : ill Fentoni protsess reoveepuhastustehnoloogiasTrapido, Marina; Kulik, Niina; Munter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2008 / 4, lk. 8-11 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1022115*est Fenton-protsessi efektiivsus tööstusreovete puhastammiselTrapido, Marina; Dulova, Niina; Goi, Anna; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinXXXI Eesti keemiapäevad : [28. aprill 2010, Tallinn] : teaduskonverentsi teesid = 31st Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2010 / lk. 76 Filtrimine joogivee kvaliteedi parandamiseksVeressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina; Ahelik, Viktor; Munter, ReinXXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 26th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2000 / lk. 158-159 Fluoride in drinking water : the problem and its possible solutionsVeressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina; Ahelik, Viktor; Munter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2001 / 2, p. 81-88 Fluoriidid Eesti põhjavees : probleem ja lahendusiMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika1999 / 6, lk. 11-12 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1002805*est Globaalsed keskkonnaprobleemid Oxfordi ümarlaua päevakorras : [hariduspoliitika-alasel arutelul osalemisest]Munter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2008 / 6, lk. 10-13 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2056414*est Impact of ozone and hydrogen peroxide on the natural waterMaripuu, Lea; Kamenev, Sven; Munter, Rein23rd Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1997 / p. 88 Improvement of safety and health of the population of Tallinn with the aim of prolonging lifeTint, Piia; Munter, Rein; Siirde, Andres; Möller, Kalju; Konts, Peep; Siirak, Virve; Lavrentjev, JüriAvoiding Aging Catastrophe : proceedings of the international symposium : 28-29 January 2002, Tallinn, Estonia2002 / p. 65-70 India veeprobleemid nüüd ka Euroopa Liidu mureMunter, ReinMente et Manu2011 / lk. 3, 4 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est India veeprobleemid puutuvad nüüd ka Euroopa LiituMunter, Rein; Kriipsalu, MaitKeskkonnatehnika2011 / 1, lk. 9-11 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2270773*est India veeprobleemid puutuvad nüüd ka Euroopa LiituMunter, ReinTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20102011 / lk. 283-287 Indoor air quality in industrial premisesReinhold, Karin; Tint, Piia; Munter, ReinScientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. Serija 1, Material science and applied chemistry2009 / p. 48-57 Industrial water managementMunter, Rein1998 Industry and water use ; Industrial wastewater characteristics ; Industrial wastewater treatment ; Industrial cooling water ; Water management approachesMunter, ReinSustainable water management in the Baltic sea basin. 2, Water use and management. 2. rev. ed2000 / p. 181-221 : ill Innovaatiline peepoo köidab lihtsusega : [kommenteerib Rein Munter]Munter, ReinHorisont2011 / 1, lk. 3 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2248942*est Instruction in environmental problems in Estonian oil shale industry : a new approach to the phenolic wastewater treatmentMunter, Rein; Kallas, Juha; Pikkov, LuiEntree '921992 / p. 125-132 Iron removal from groundwaterMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Kallas, Juha; Overby, JohnProceedings of the International Conference on Applications of Ozone and also on UV and Related Ozone Technologies (in conjuction with IUVA) : AT Wasser Berlin 2000 : October: 23-262000 / p. 599-614 Joogivee kvaliteedi ja tehnoloogia alasest koostööst EuroopasMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2005 / 4, lk. 18-19 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2054918*est Joogivee kvaliteet : probleemid ja lahendusedMunter, ReinHorisont2020 / lk. 50-56 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est Joogivee saamise probleeme Eesti põhjaveestMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika1998 / 1, lk. 18-19 Joogivee valik on lai, aga mida ütlevad teadlased – missugune on parim?digi.geenius.ee2023 Joogivee valik on lai, aga mida ütlevad teadlased – missugune on parim? 28. mai - keemikute päev : teadussuunad keemiatööstusse!Mikkal, Valdek; Munter, ReinTallinna Polütehnik : TPI parteikomitee, rektoraadi, komsomolikomitee, ametiühingukomitee häälekandja1978 / lk. 3 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1254708*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/ac60a4bb-5de2-4031-b369-45c38fa9c031 Kas suudame vältida joogiveekriise?Siirde, Enno; Munter, Rein; Birk, K.Rahva Hääl1989 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072826*est Kas vesi võib mäletada?Munter, ReinAkadeemia2020 / lk. 2002-2010 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1071914*est Keemia- ja materjalitehnoloogia teaduskondKaps, Tiit; Mölder, Leevi; Christjanson, Peep; Mellikov, Enn; Krunks, Malle; Munter, Rein; Uus, Endel; Tearo, Eduard; Kuusik, Rein, keemik; Kreen, Malle; Viikna, Anti; Soone, JüriLeiutajaid ja leiutisi Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis 1922-20072008 / lk. 48-71 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b2412718*est Keskkond USA California ülikooli (Irvine) uurimistöös ja osariigi poliitikas Fulbrighti stipendiaadi pilgu läbiMunter, ReinMente et Manu2009 / 19. juuni, lk. 3 : fot ; 27. aug., lk. 3 : fot ; 11. sept., lk. 3 : fot ; 25. sept., lk. 3 : fot ; 23. okt., lk. 3 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Keskkonnakaitse alane õppetöö Tallinna TehnikaülikoolisMunter, Rein; Mikkal, ValdekXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 16th Estonian chemistry days : abstracts of scientific conference1995 / lk. 87 Keskkonnakaitse meetodidMunter, Rein1988 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1188466*est Keskkonnasõbralik osoon : ettekanne Rahvusvahelise Osooni Assotsiatsiooni juubelikongressil 25. augustil 1999 Dearbornis, Michigan, USAMunter, ReinTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 19992000 / lk. 241-245 Keskkonnatehnoloogia õppestMikkal, Valdek; Munter, ReinEesti Päevaleht1997 / 23. okt., lk. 2 Keskkonnatehnoloogide ettevalmistamisest Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli keemiateaduskonnasMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2002 / 3, lk. 11 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1009796*est Keskkonnauuringutest California Ülikoolis (Irvine'is) ja osariigi keskkonnapoliitikastMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2009 / 6, lk. 14-18 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1496810*est Kinetic description of industrial wastewater ozonation processesPreis, Sergei; Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoOzone: science & engineering : the journal of the International Ozone Association1988 / p. 379-392 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1201727*est https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01919518808552392 Kinetics and modelling of advanced oxidation of toxic and carcinogenic aromatic compoundsKallas, Juha; Trapido, Marina; Munter, ReinInternational Specialised Symposium IOA 2000 "Fundamental and Engineering Concepts for Ozone Reactor Design" : Toulouse, France, March 1-3, 2000 : proceedings2000 / p. 79-82 Kinetics of ferrous iron oxidation in groundwaterMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Kamenev, Sven24th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1998 / p. 46 Kohtla-Järve tuhamägede heitvees sisalduvate toksiliste ja kantserogeensete ühendite kahjutustamise võimalusiMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Preis, Sergei; Pikkov, LuiKaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Alalhoidlik areng ja looduskeskne elulaad : Eesti VI ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid, Tartu, 24.-26. aprill 19941994 / lk. 199-203 Kui lähedal on üleilmne veekriis? : [konverentsist California ülikoolis]Munter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2009 / 1, lk. 8-10 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1077168*est Kuidas aru saada, kas vesi on reostunud või mitte? TalTechi teadlase selgitusMunter, Reingoodnews.ee2023 Kuidas aru saada, kas vesi on reostunud või mitte? TalTechi teadlase selgitus Kuivjäägi väärtus ei näita joogivee kvaliteetiMunter, ReinÄripäev2002 / 7. aug., lk. 23 Kuu aega "raamatukogu stipendiumiga" Oxfordi ülikoolisMunter, ReinMente et Manu2002 / 3. sept., lk. 5 ; 24. sept., 1. okt., 8. okt., 15. okt., lk. 3 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est 69-ga veel ei tudise : [intervjuu TTÜ keemia- ja materjalitehnoloogia teaduskonna professoriga Rein Munteriga]Suurna, Nele; Munter, ReinStudioosus2006 / lk. 2-3 : portr Kvaliteetne joogivesi väävlit ja väävlibaktereid sisaldavast põhjaveestVilu, Helle; Munter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2006 / 6, lk. 5-10 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1019551*est Kõrgema tehnilise hariduse ja tehnilise mõtte areng EestisSiirde, Enno; Pikkov, Lui; Veiderma, Mihkel; Vilbok, Heinrich; Köstner, Ado; Raukas, Maie; Nirk, Tiit; Kann, Jüri; Aarna, Agu; Urov, Kaarli; Mölder, Leevi; Christjanson, Peep; Pappel, Kaie; Veskimäe, Helgi; Munter, Rein; Kaps, Tiit; Riistop, Märt1986 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242197*est Liquid coagulants in water treatment technologyLoorits, Hilja; Bernard, Astrid; Munter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry1998 / 1, p. 11-19: ill Long-term monitoring of water treatment technology designed for radium removal-removal efficiencies and NORM formationHill, Liie; Suursoo, Siiri; Kiisk, Madis; Jantsikene, Alar; Munter, ReinJournal of radiological protection2018 / 24 p. : ill https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6498/aa97f2 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Lui Pikkov : 16.07.1935 - 15.08.2008 : [in memoriam]Munter, ReinTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 471-472 Marina Trapido : [juubilar vastab Rein Munteri küsimustele]Munter, Rein; Trapido, MarinaMente et Manu2012 / lk. 3, 4 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Mathematical modeling and simulation of ozonation processes in a downstream static mixer with sieve platesMunter, ReinOzone : science & engineering2004 / 2, p. 227-236 : ill Mathematical modelling and simulation of ozonation processes in a downstream static mixer with sieve platesMunter, ReinProceedings of the 15th Ozone World Congress : London, United Kingdom, 11th - 15th September 2001 : oral and forum presentations. Vol. III2001 / p. 250-263 : ill Mathematical models, simulation and parameter estimation for water/wastewater treatment by ozone in semicontinious, countercurrent and cocurrent columnsKallas, Juha; Munter, Rein; Viiroja, Andres; Kõrvits, Madis12th Ozone World Congress, May 15th to 18th, 1995, Lille, France : proceedings. Vol. 21995 / p. 229-240 Membraanprotsessid veepuhastustehnoloogiasMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika1996 / 2, lk. 14: ill Methodology of ozone introduction into water and wastewater treatmentMunter, Rein; Preis, Sergei; Siirde, Enno; Sütt, J.Proceedings European Ozone Conference, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, October 10-12, 19901990 / p. 458-479 Methodology of ozone introduction into water/wastewater treatmentMunter, Rein; Preis, Sergei; Kamenev, Sven; Siirde, EnnoOzone : science & engineering1993 / 2, p. 149-165 Methods of avoiding pollution of the Baltic Sea by phenols through the Purtse RiverKallas, Juha; Munter, Rein; Pikkov, LuiEnvironmental Protection Strategy Standardization and Control of Pollution Load on the Marine Environment : 1st International Conference, 20-24 September 1993, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts1993 / p. 28 Methods of avoiding pollution of the Baltic Sea by phenols through the Purtse RiverPikkov, Lui; Kallas, Juha; Munter, ReinProceedings of the 1-st International Conference on the Environment Protection Strategy1993 / p. 28-29 Methods of avoiding the pollution of the Baltic Sea by phenols through the Purtse RiverPikkov, Lui; Kallas, Juha; Munter, ReinEnvironmental Protection Strategy Standardization and Control of Pollution Load on the Marine Environment : 1st International Conference, 20-24 September 1993, Tallinn, Estonia1994 / p. 118-125: ill Mis on «must jää» ja miks veetorud külmuvad just ilma soojenedes?Munter, Reinpostimees.ee2023 Mis on «must jää» ja miks veetorud külmuvad just ilma soojenedes? Mis on vesi?Munter, ReinMente et Manu2022 / lk. 46-49 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Modelling advanced oxidation treatment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsHautaniemi, Marjaana; Kallas, Juha; Munter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry1999 / p. 80-95 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072099*est Modelling of chlorophenol treatment in aqueous solutions. 1, Ozonation and ozonation combined with UV radiation under acidic conditionsHautaniemi, Marjaana; Kallas, Juha; Munter, Rein; Trapido, MarinaOzone : science & engineering1998 / 4, p. 259-282: ill Modelling of chlorophenol treatment in aqueous solutions. 2, Ozonation under basic conditionsHautaniemi, Marjaana; Kallas, Juha; Munter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Laari, ArtoOzone : science & engineering1998 / 4, p. 283-302: ill Modelling of fast ozonation reactions in aqueous solutionsHautaniemi, Marjaana; Kallas, Juha; Laari, A.; Trapido, Marina; Munter, ReinRegional Conference on Ozone Generation and Application to Water and Waste Water Treatment : ECWATECH-98, Moscow, Russia, 26-28 May, 1998 : proceedings1998 / p. 145-160: ill Modelling of ozonation of EDTA in aqueous solutions in semicontinuous bubble columns - comparison: fundamental model vs. neural networksHautaniemi, Marjaana; Kallas, Juha; Palosaari, Seppo; Korhonen, Susanna; Tuhkanen, Tuula; Munter, ReinProceedings of the 14th Ozone World Congress : Dearborn, Michigan, USA, 1999 : oral & poster presentations. Vol. 21999 / p. 405-419: ill Muljeid ja mõtteid osooni kongressilt USAsMunter, ReinTallinna Ülikoolid1999 / 3, lk. 29-31: fot Muljeid Oxfordi ümarlaualtMunter, ReinMente et Manu2008 / 17. okt., lk. 4 : fot ; 31. okt., lk. 4 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Nüüdisaegse keskkonnatehnoloogia vajadusest ja õpetamisest Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli keemiateaduskonnasMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika1998 / 5, lk. 8-9 Oil shale semicoke leachate pre-treatment by means of advanced oxidationKulik, Niina; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinWasser Berlin 2006 : International Conference Ozone and UV : Sustainable Solutions for Industry and the Environment : conference proceedings : April 3, 20062006 / p. 41-46 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266067911_Oil_Shale_Semicoke_Leachate_Pre-treatment_by_means_of_Advanced_Oxidation Oil shale semicoke leachate treatment using ozonation and the Fenton oxidationTrapido, Marina; Munter, Rein; Veressinina, Jelena; Kulik, NiinaEnvironmental technology2006 / p. 307-315 : ill https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09593332708618644 Oleme aastal 2024 jõudnud Nikita Hruštšovi unistuse täitumiseniMunter, Reinpostimees.ee2024 Orgaanilise ainega seotud raua eraldamine Lääne-Siberis Kogalõmi põhjaveestOjaste, Heldi; Munter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2004 / 1, lk. 5-8 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1014957*est Organics and nitrogen removal from phenolic wastewater with combined treatmentKamenev, Inna; Viiroja, Andres; Munter, Rein; Kallas, JuhaProceedings IWA Spezialized Conference "Nutrient Management in Wastewater Treatment Processes and Recycle Streams" : Krakow, Poland, September 19-21, 20052005 / p. 1095-1099 Osonaator Prantsusmaalt ja ainult sealtMunter, Rein; Lond, HeldurÕhtuleht1993 / 26. jaan., lk. 2 Osoon ja joogivee kvaliteetMunter, ReinXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 16th Estonian chemistry days : abstracts of scientific conference1995 / lk. 85-87 Osoon ja Tallinna joogivee kvaliteetMunter, Rein; Kallas, JuhaEesti teadlaste kongress, 11.-15. augustini 1996. a. Tallinnas : ettekannete kokkuvõtted1996 / lk. 266 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1052731*est Osoon ja tänapäevane veepuhastustehnoloogiaMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika1996 / 1, lk. 10-11 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2034224*est Osoon keskkonnakaitses : hetkeseis ja perspektiividMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika1997 / 3, lk. 30 Osoon meid ümbritsevas keskkonnas, veepuhastuses ja toiduainetööstusesMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2004 / 2, lk. 16-18 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1015267*est Osoon ouhastab vett. (1)Siirde, Enno; Munter, ReinHorisont1983 / lk. 8-10 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/70111 Osoon puhastab vett. (2)Siirde, Enno; Munter, ReinHorisont1983 / lk. 31-32 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est https://www.digar.ee/arhiiv/et/perioodika/70137 Osoon, UV-kiirgus ja süvaoksüdatsioon - lahendusi tänapäeva aktuaalsetele keskkonnaprobleemideleMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2011 / 5, lk. 14-15 : fot https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2426038*est Osooni ja UV-kiirguse sünergia : muljeid Los Angelesis peetud esimeselt IOA-IUVA kongressiltMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2007 / 6, lk. 8-11 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1020913*est Osooni ja vee luguMunter, Rein2011 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2729242*est Osooni ja vesinikperoksiidi toimest looduslikule veeleMaripuu, Lea; Kamenev, Sven; Munter, ReinXXIII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid1997 / lk. 79 Osooni kasutamine veepuhastustehnoloogiasSiirde, Enno; Munter, Rein1984 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1223282*est Osooni lugu : [uuringutest TTÜs Enno Siirde juhtimisel]Munter, ReinTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20052006 / lk. 416-429 Osoonil on põllumajanduses mitu kasutusvõimalust [Võrguväljaanne]Munter, Reinpostimees.ee2022 Osoonil on põllumajanduses mitu kasutusvõimalust Osoonimine ja täiustatud oksüdatsiooni protsessid - 21. sajandi veepuhastustehnoloogiaMunter, Rein; Kallas, Juha; Preis, Sergei; Trapido, MarinaEesti Vabariigi teaduspreemiad 20012001 / lk. 36-44 Osoonimine ja täiustatud oksüdatsiooni protsessid - 21. sajandi veepuhastustehnoloogia : kommentaar Eesti Vabariigi teaduse aastapreemia pälvinud tööleMunter, ReinTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20002001 / lk. 149-153 Osoonimine kolmefaasilises süsteemisVeressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinXXVIII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete teesid = 28th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2002 / lk. 159-160 Osooniprojekt - eluline vajadus või kapriis?Munter, ReinRahva Hääl1994 / 16. märts https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1890673*est Ozonation and advanced oxidation - a novel technology for water and wastewater treatmentGoi, Anna; Trapido, Marina; Munter, Rein; Veressinina, Jelena; Dello, AnnaFirst Baltic Symposium on Environmental Chemistry : 26-29 September 2001, Tartu, Estonia : abstracts2001 / p. 63-64 Ozonation and advanced oxidation for degradation of phenols and phenols containing wastewaterTrapido, Marina; Munter, Rein; Veressinina, Jelena; Goi, AnnaEcoBalt '2000 : starptautiska konference = international conference : Riga, 2000. gada 26.-27. maija. I2000 / p. I-36 - I-41 : ill Ozonation and advanced oxidation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - mathematical modellingHautaniemi, Marjaana; Kallas, Juha; Munter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena1997 Ozonation and advanced oxidation processes (AOP) for destruction of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and substituted phenolsTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinInternational Workshop on Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization, 23-24 May, 1995, Lappeenranta, Finland1995 / p. 38-40 Ozonation and advanced oxidation processes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - mathematical modellingKallas, Juha; Hautaniemi, Marjaana; Munter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaRegional Conference on Ozone, Ultraviolet Light, Advanced Oxidation Processes in Water Treatment, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 24-26 September 19961996 / p. 395-409: ill Ozonation and advanced oxidation processes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous solutions : a kinetic studyTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinEnvironmental technology1995 / p. 729-740: ill Ozonation and AOP for treatment of the wastewater from oil shale and pulp and paper industriesMunter, Rein; Kallas, Juha; Pikkov, Lui; Preis, Sergei; Kamenev, SvenProceedings 11th Ozone World Congress, San Francisco, 1993. Vol. 11993 / p. 38-53 Ozonation and AOP parameter estimation from countercurrent film absorber dataKallas, Juha; Huuskonen, M.; Kamenev, Sven; Munter, Rein; Viiroja, AndresOzone : science & engineering1995 / 5, p. 527-550: ill Ozonation and AOP treatment of phenanthrene in aqueous solutionsTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinOzone : science & engineering1994 / p. 475-485 : ill https://doi.org/10.1080/01919512.1994.10555755 Ozonation and AOPs for oil shale industry's wastewater treatment : an overviewMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Kallas, Juha; Kamenev, Sven; Preis, Sergei; Viiroja, Andres; Kamenev, Inna; Järvik, Oliver; Kulik, Niina; Veressinina, JelenaOzone news2009 / 4, p. 17-22 Ozonation and AOPs for oil shale industry's wastewater treatment : an overviewMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Kallas, Juha; Kamenev, Sven; Preis, Sergei; Viiroja, Andres; Kamenev, Inna; Järvik, Oliver; Kulik, Niina; Veressinina, JelenaExecutive summaries : 5th International Conference. 10th IOA-EA3G Berlin Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment : Berlin, Germany, March 30 - April 2, 20092009 / p. 14/PC25(1-8) Ozonation and O3/H2O2 treatment of the Lake Ulemiste waterMunter, Rein; Maripuu, Lea; Kamenev, Sven; Kallas, Juha; Hautaniemi, MarjaanaRegional Conference on Ozone, Ultraviolet Light, Advanced Oxidation Processes in Water Treatment, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 24-26 September 19961996 / p. 477-493: ill Ozonation and the Fenton reagent for the degradation of nitroaromatic compoundsGoi, Anna; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Kallas, Juha; Munter, ReinInternational Conference on Ozone in Global Water Sanitation, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 1st to October 3rd 2002 : proceedings2002 / p. IV-2-1 - IV-2-16 Ozonation as a method for destruction of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and substituted phenolsTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinDownUnder'96, February 11-15, 1995 : Ozone and its Applications : proceedings of the First Australasian Conference of the International Ozone Association in conjunction with Sydney University Chemical Engineering Association. Vol. 21996 / p. III 3-III 10 Ozonation of phenols and chlorophenols in aqueous solutions - efficiency and toxicityTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinInternational Conference on Ozonation and Related Oxidation Processes in Water and Liquid Waste Treatment1997 / p. IV.6.1-IV.6.15 Ozonation of phenols containing in wastewaters from oil shale chemical treatmentTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinEnvironmental technology1994 / p. 233-241: ill Ozonation, ozone/UV and UV destruction of some environmental pollutants - a comparative studyTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinEnvironmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Technologies : Second International Symposium, February 28 - March 1, 1996, San Francisco, California : Technology Overviews and Abstracts1996 / p. 76-77 Ozonation, ozone/UV and UV destruction of some environmental pollutants : a comparative studyTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinEnvironmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Technologies : proceedings of the Second International Symposium. Conference papers and posters1997 / p. 4-90 - 4-101: ill Ozonation, ozone/UV and UV/H2O2 degradation of chlorophenolsTrapido, Marina; Hirvonen, Arja; Veressinina, Jelena; Hentunen, Johanna; Munter, ReinOzone : science & engineering1997 / 1, p. 75-96: ill Ozone - an efficient oxidant for water purification, wastewater and soil treatmentKulik, Niina; Trapido, Marina; Goi, Anna; Munter, ReinInternational Conference "Eco-Balt 2005" : May 5-6, Riga, Latvia2005 / p. 68-69 Ozone - an environmentally friendly oxidantMunter, Rein; Trapido, MarinaEnvironmental science and pollution research - international2002 / Special issue 3, 8th FECS Conference on Chemistry and the Environment : Chemistry for a Sustaining World, Athens, Greece, 31 August to 4 September 2002, p. 69 Ozone and drinking water quality in TallinnMunter, ReinImproving the Urban Environment : proceedings, June 1-2, 1994, London, United Kingdom1995 / p. 89-95: ill Ozone and drinking water quality in TallinnMunter, ReinInternational Workshop on Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization, 23-24 May, 1995, Lappeenranta, Finland1995 / p. 35-37 Ozone and UV in chlorophenols treatment : mathematical modellingHautaniemi, Marjaana; Kallas, Juha; Trapido, Marina; Munter, ReinInternational Conference on Ozonation and Related Oxidation Processes in Water and Liquid Waste Treatment1997 / p. II.3.1-II.3.16: ill Ozone for colour and turbidety removal in drinking water treatmentMunter, Rein; Loorits, Hilja; Siirde, EnnoSpecialized Conference IWSA Aide Aesthetic Aspects of Water Quality in Drinking Water1992 / p. 77-82 Ozone in water and wastewater treatmentMunter, ReinKemia-kemi = [Finnish chemistry]1991 / p. 971 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1201067*est Ozone mass transfer and modellingMunter, ReinRegional Conference on Ozone Generation and Application to Water and Waste Water Treatment : ECWATECH-98, Moscow, Russia, 26-28 May, 1998 : proceedings1998 / p. 97-124 Oxidative decomposition of benzoic acid in the presence of metal ionic catalystsMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry2005 / 1, p. 16-23 : ill Pilot scale evaluation of preozonation for Tallinn drinking water treatmentLoorits, Hilja; Munter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry1995 / 1, p. 32-41: ill Plasmochemical process for the production of niobium and tantalum nanopowdersGrabis, Janis; Munter, Rein; Blagoveshchenskiy, Yuri; Gorkunov, Valeri; Yamshchikov, LeonidProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2012 / p. 137-145 : ill Polüklooritud bifenüüle sisaldava elektriisoleerõliga saastatud pinnase taastamine kaltsium- ja magneesiumperoksiididegaGoi, Anna; Viisimaa, Marika; Trapido, Marina; Munter, ReinXXXI Eesti keemiapäevad : [28. aprill 2010, Tallinn] : teaduskonverentsi teesid = 31st Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2010 / lk. 28 Polychlorinated biphenyls-containing electrical insulating oil contaminated soil treatment with calcium and magnesium peroxidesGoi, Anna; Viisimaa, Marika; Trapido, Marina; Munter, ReinChemosphere2011 / p. 1196-1201 : ill https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0045653510013603 Possibilities of utilization of waste slags from niobium productionGorkunov, Valeri; Munter, ReinEco-Balt 2007 : Riga, May 10-11, 2007 : proceedings of International Conference2007 / ? p Post-treatment of pulp and industry wastewaters using oxidation and adsorption processesKallas, Juha; Munter, ReinWater science technology1994 / 5/6, p. 259-272: ill Posttreatment of pulp and paper industry wastewaters using oxidation and adsorption processesMunter, Rein; Kallas, JuhaProceedings of the 4-th TAWO Symposium on Forest Industry Wastewaters, June 8-11, 1993, Tampere, Finland1993 / p. 15-16 Preozonation of Lake Ülemiste waterMunter, Rein; Siirde, Enno; Lond, Heldur; Sutt, Jüri; Preis, Sergei10 th Ozone World Congress, March, 1991, Monaco : proceedings. Vol. 21991 / p. 401-413: ill Production of silicon free master alloys in EstoniaGorkunov, Valeri; Munter, ReinScientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. 1. [series], Material science and applied chemistry2007 / p. 111-121 Protective coatings for the graphite facing in calcium-aluminothermal processesObabkov, Nikolai; Gorkunov, Valeri; Munter, Rein; Beketov, AskoldProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2008 / 1, p. 54-60 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2381778*est Radioactivity of Estonian groundwater and technology for its removalLumiste, Liie; Munter, Rein; Sutt, Johannes; Kivimäe, Tiit; Eensalu, ToivoWater pollution XI2012 / p. 211-221 Raua eraldamine põhjaveestMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, JelenaXXV Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 25th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference1999 / lk. 102-103 Raua eraldamine põhjaveest komplekside tekke tingimustesOjaste, Heldi; Munter, ReinXXVII Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 27th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2001 / lk. 86-87 Reduction of tantalum pentoxide with aluminium and calcium : thermodynamic modelling and scale skilled testsMunter, Rein; Parshin, Anatoli; Yamshchikov, Leonid; Plotnikov, Vladimir; Gorkunov, Valeri; Kober, ViktorProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2010 / 3, lk. 243-252 : ill Rein Munter: olmevee kvaliteedile mõeldesMunter, Reinerr.ee2024 Rein Munter: olmevee kvaliteedile mõeldes Rein Munter: Vesi mäletabMunter, ReinTähenduse Teejuhid2021 / Lk. 9 https://teejuhid.postimees.ee/7319813/rein-munter-vesi-maletab Removal of mechanical additives from the surface of cast niobiumGorkunov, Valeri; Kogtev, Mihhail; Munter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2008 / 4, p. 241-246 : ill Removal of radionuclides from Estonian groundwater using aeration, oxidation, and filtrationLumiste, Liie; Munter, Rein; Sutt, Johannes; Kivimäe, Tiit; Eensalu, ToivoProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2012 / p. 58-64 : ill Riiklik preemiaMunter, Rein; Reinde, UrmiMente et Manu2001 / lk. 1, 3 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Risk management of major accident hazards in EstoniaTint, Piia; Munter, Rein; Lavrentjev, Jüri; Siirde, Andres; Möller, Kalju; Siirak, VirveSafety and Reliability : International Conference to Safer Life and Environment : KONBiN 2003 : Gdynia, May 27-30, 2003. Volume 1, Hazard, Risk and Safety Analysis and Prediction Accident and Pollution Investigations2003 / p. 151-158 Roheline keemia jätkusuutliku tehnoloogia heaks : [kongressimuljeid]Munter, ReinTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20022003 / lk. 312-315 Roheline keemia jätkusuutliku tehnoloogia teenistusesMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2002 / 5, lk. 12-13 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1011026*est Rohelised oksüdandid keskkonnakaitses : muljeid 17. osoonikongressilt StrasbourgisMunter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika2005 / 6, lk. 10-11 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1018347*est Samiiniga reostatud põhjavee puhastamine granuleeritud aktiivsöegaReinik, Janek; Viiroja, Andres; Kallas, Juha; Munter, Rein; Verenich, Svetlana; Preis, SergeiXXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 26th Estonian Chemistry Days : abstracts of scientific conference2000 / lk. 122-123 Simulation and parameter estimation of ozonation column modelsKallas, Juha; Munter, Rein; Viiroja, Andres; Kõrvits, MadisActa chimica hungarica1995 / 5, Models in chemistry, p. 807-829: ill Some considerations and comments on ozone solubilityMunter, Rein; Kamenev, Sven; Siirde, EnnoInternational Specialised Symposium IOA 2000 "Fundamental and Engineering Concepts for Ozone Reactor Design" : Toulouse, France, March 1-3, 2000 : proceedings2000 / p. 31-34 Static mixers for ozonation of waterMunter, Rein20th IOA World Congress - 6th IUVA World Congress : Ozone and UV Leading-Edge Science and Technologies : Paris, France, 23-27 May 2011 : proceedings2011 / p. 502-518 Säästev areng Läänemere ääresMunter, ReinEesti Päevaleht1997 / 10. märts, lk. 6 Säästva arengu võimalusedMunter, ReinKalender 20112010 / lk. 41-45 : ill Tallinna joogivee kvaliteet Eesti veestandardi ja euronormide valguselMunter, ReinInimmõju Tallinna keskkonnale. 3, Teaduslik-rakendusliku konverentsi (19.-20. november 1996. a.) materjalid1996 / lk. 43-47 Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli emeriitprofessor Valdek Mikkal 70Munter, ReinTallinna Ülikoolid1999 / lk. 44: portr TalTechi emeriitprofessor: ookeanis on varsti plasti rohkem kui kalu!Munter, Reindelfi.ee2024 TalTechi emeriitprofessor: ookeanis on varsti plasti rohkem kui kalu! Teadus ja pseudoteadus – kuidas neil vahet teha?Munter, Reinkeskkonnatehnika.ee2023 Teadus ja pseudoteadus – kuidas neil vahet teha? Teaduspreemia tehnikateaduste alal tööde tsükli "Täiustatud oksüdatsiooni protsessid loodusvee varude kaitseks ja vee säästvaks kasutamiseks" eest : Rein Munter (kollektiivi juht), Juha Kallas, Sergei Preis, Marina TrapidoMunter, Rein; Kallas, Juha; Preis, Sergei; Trapido, MarinaEesti Vabariigi teaduspreemiad 20012001 / lk. 34-35 : portr Technology for the removal of radionuclides from natural water and waste management : state of the artMunter, ReinProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences2013 / p. 122-132 https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2624277*est Temporal changes in radiological and chemical composition of Cambrian-Vendian groundwater in conditions of intensive water consumptionSuursoo, Siiri; Hill, Liie; Raidla, Valle; Munter, ReinScience of the total environment2017 / p. 679-690 : ill https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.136 Terviseamet soovitab sooja kraanivett mitte juua ega keeta = Health Board recommends not drinking or boiling warm tap water = Департамент здоровья рекомендует не пить и не кипятить горячую воду из-под кранаVoltri, Johanneserr.ee2024 Terviseamet soovitab sooja kraanivett mitte juua ega keeta Health Board recommends not drinking or boiling warm tap water Департамент здоровья рекомендует не пить и не кипятить горячую воду из-под крана The application of ozonation and advanced oxidation processes for degradation and detoxication of phenolic compoundsTrapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinProceedings of the 14th Ozone World Congress : Dearborn, Michigan, USA, 1999 : oral presentations. Vol. 11999 / p. 235-247 : ill The Fenton chemistry as an effective tool for treatment of wastewater generated by different processesKulik, Niina; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Goi, Anna; Munter, ReinICERT 08 : proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology 2008 : Penang, Malaysia, 28-30 May 2008 : Environmental Technology for a Greener Tomorrow2008 / p. 811-815 : ill The quality problems of drinking water in EstoniaMunter, ReinFirst Baltic Symposium on Environmental Chemistry : 26-29 September 2001, Tartu, Estonia : abstracts2001 / p. 67-69 The Tallinn ozone project - from laboratory studies to industrial applicationMunter, Rein; Loorits, Hilja; Kamenev, SvenRegional Conference on Ozone Generation and Application to Water and Waste Water Treatment : ECWATECH-98, Moscow, Russia, 26-28 May, 1998 : proceedings1998 / p. 359-364 Tootmispraktika organiseerimisest erialal 0834 "Keemiatööstuse põhiprotsessid ja keemiaküberneetika"Munter, ReinÜliõpilaste tootmispraktika ja noorte spetsialistide stažeerimine = Производственная практика студентов и стажировка молодых специалистов : nõupidamise teesid, Tallinn, 5. 12. 1986. a1986 / lk. 10-11 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1260709*est Treatment of surfactant stabilized oil-in-water emulsions by means of chemical oxidation and coagulationKulik, Niina; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Munter, ReinEnvironmental technology2007 / 12, p. 1345-1355 Tuhamäed kui keskkonna polüaromaatsete süsivesinikega ja fenoolidega reostajadTrapido, Marina; Munter, Rein; Kallas, JuhaKaasaegse ökoloogia probleemid. Alalhoidlik areng ja looduskeskne elulaad : Eesti VI ökoloogiakonverentsi lühiartiklid, Tartu, 24.-26. aprill 19941994 / lk. 203-205 Turvaline ja tervislik: veerand sajandit tagasi hakati Tallinna joogivett puhastama osoonigaMunter, ReinÕhtuleht2022 / Lk. 18-19 Turvaline ja tervislik: veerand sajandit tagasi hakati Tallinna joogivett puhastama osooniga Täiustatud oksüdatsiooniprotsessid põlevkivitööstuse heitvete eel- ja järeltöötlemiselKamenev, Sven; Preis, Sergei; Kallas, Juha; Munter, ReinXVI Eesti keemiapäevad : teaduskonverentsi ettekannete referaadid = 16th Estonian chemistry days : abstracts of scientific conference1995 / lk. 41-43 UNESCO veekonverents California ülikoolis Irvine'isMunter, ReinTallinna Tehnikaülikooli aastaraamat 20082009 / lk. 392-395 Using of ozone in high quality drinking water productionMunter, Rein; Kamenev, Sven; Kallas, Juha; Maripuu, LeaUS-Baltic Workshop : Environmental Chemistry, June 11-15, 1997, Palanga, Lithuania : proceedings1997 / p. 35-40 Using of ozone in high quality drinking water productionMunter, Rein; Kamenev, Sven; Kallas, Juha; Maripuu, LeaCritical reviews in analytical chemistry1998 / Issue 2 : Special Issue : the proceedings of the National Science Foundation-Funded Workshop on Environmental chemistry - Baltic Republics, p. 81-86 Uudne keskkonnasõbralik tehnoloogia radionukleiidide kõrvaldamiseks põhjaveestMunter, Rein; Kivimäe, TiitKeskkonnatehnika2010 / 5, lk. 10-12 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b2154933*est Uudne veepuhastustehnoloogia : [Rein Munter oma teaduskomandeeringust Kanadasse]Munter, Rein; Elmann, EvaldÕhtuleht1995 / 16. märts Uurimistööd vee töötlemise füüsikalis-keemiliste meetodite alaltSiirde, Enno; Munter, ReinKõrgema tehnilise hariduse ja tehnilise mõtte areng Eestis1986 / lk. 111-118 Uute vee ja reovee analüüsi- ja käitlusvõimaluste uurimine TTÜ keemiatehnika instituudisLoorits, Hilja; Munter, ReinKeskkonnatehnika1998 / 3, lk. 8-9 Wastewater treatment in oil shale chemical industryKamenev, Inna; Munter, Rein; Pikkov, Lui; Kekiševa, LjudmillaOil shale2003 / 4, p. 443-457 : ill https://artiklid.elnet.ee/record=b1014383*est Water balances and possible wastewater treatment technology in oil shale chemical industryMunter, Rein; Pikkov, LuiAbstracts : Symposium on Oil Shale 2002, 18-21 November 2002, Tallinn, Estonia2002 / p. 53 Water ozonation - a classic example of green chemistry and technologyMunter, ReinEstonian Science Foundation 20052006 / p. 18 : phot Vee osoonimine - rohelise keemia ja tehnoloogia klassikaline näideMunter, ReinEesti Teadusfondi Aastaraamat 20052006 / lk. 18 : fot Veekriis ja vee elutähtis olemusMunter, ReinHorisont2020 / lk. 30-34 : ill https://www.ester.ee/record=b1072243*est Veekriisis maailma päästab reovee taaskasutamineMunter, Reinpostimees.ee Arvamus, kultuur : [ajalehe Postimees lisa]2023 / Lk. 6-7 : ill Veekriisis maailma päästab reovee taaskasutamine https://dea.digar.ee/article/ak/2023/07/08/5.1 Veepudel autos muutub väga kiiresti mürgiseksLees, MerikePostimees2023 / Lk. 11 https://dea.digar.ee/article/postimees/2023/06/21/10.12 Veerand Sajandit osooni Tallinna joogiveesMunter, ReinMente et Manu2022 / lk. 64-67 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Veeteadlane selgitab: kas inimesel on võimalik looduses aru saada, et vesi on reostunud?Munter, Reinpostimees.ee2023 Veeteadlane selgitab: kas inimesel on võimalik looduses aru saada, et vesi on reostunud? Veeteadlane: tulevikus hakkame kõik puhastatud reovett jooma. Selles pole midagi imelikku!Mägi, Maikenmaaleht.ee2023 / Lk. 16-17 Veeteadlane: tulevikus hakkame kõik puhastatud reovett jooma. Selles pole midagi imelikku! https://dea.digar.ee/article/maaleht/2023/08/24/8.9 Vesi on võti : [California ülikoolis toimunud UNESCO vee-konverentsist 1.-5. dets. 2008]Munter, ReinMente et Manu2008 / 17. dets., lk. 2 : fot https://www.ester.ee/record=b1242496*est Which is the best oxidant for complexed iron removal from groundwater : the Kogalym caseMunter, Rein; Overbeck, P.; Sutt, JohannesOzone : science and engineering2008 / 1, p. 73-80 : ill Which process to prefer : ozonation versus typical AOPsMunter, Rein; Trapido, Marina; Veressinina, Jelena; Goi, Anna; Kulik, Niina2007 World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet Technologies : August 27-29, 2007, Los Angeles, California USA2007 / p. Abs.195 Wich is the best oxidant for complexed iron removal from groundwater : the Kogalym caseMunter, Rein; Overbeck, P.; Sutt, Johannes2007 World Congress on Ozone and Ultraviolet Technologies : August 27-29, 2007, Los Angeles, California USA2007 / p. Abs.57 Workplace assessment: determination of hazards profile using a flexible risk assessment method = Töökeskkonna hindamine: ohtude profiili määramine paindliku riskianalüüsi meetodi abilReinhold, Karin2009 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2498434*est Värvitööstuse heitvete osooni abil puhastamise uurimineKamenev, Sven; Preis, Sergei; Munter, ReinXXXII üliõpilaste teaduslik-tehnilise konverentsi ettekannete teesid : pühendatud V. I. Lenini 110. sünniaastapäevale : 16.-18. aprill 19801981 / lk. 128 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1322611*est Абсорбция озона в воде и водных растворахMunter, Rein; Mikkal, Valdek; Siirde, EnnoХимия и технология воды : научно-технический ежемесячный журнал1983 / с. 409-414 : ил https://www.ester.ee/record=b1833703*est Абсорбция озона в водных растворахPreis, Sergei; Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoТезисы докладов III Всесоюзного совещания по проблеме "Абсорбция газов", 5-7 мая 1987 года г. Таллин. Ч. 11987 / с. 49-50 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2164108*est Бутылка с водой, оставленная в машине на жаре, очень быстро становится токсичнойLees, Merikepostimees.ee2023 Бутылка с водой, оставленная в машине на жаре, очень быстро становится токсичной Влияние pH на окисление озоном замещенных ароматических соединений в водной средеMunter, Rein; Preis, Sergei; Kamenev, Sven; Siirde, Enno; Loorits, HiljaХимия и технология воды : научно-технический ежемесячный журнал1984 / с. 139-141 : ил., табл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1833703*est Влияние уф-облучения на озонирование водных растворов органических соединений и сточных водPreis, Sergei; Veresinina, E.; Siirde, Enno; Munter, ReinЖурнал прикладной химии1988 / с. 555-559 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1182398*est Гидродинамика газожидкостного потока в прямоточном смесителе озона с водойPreis, Sergei; Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoПроцессы и аппараты химической технологии. 21988 / с. 20-32 Гидродинамические режимы в массообменном аппарате типа "фонарь"Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoСборник статей по химии и химической технологии. 121965 / с. 95-104 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b2182032*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/cc98a110-70ff-45fd-9a24-57acf33fc031 Гидродинамическое сопротивление прямоточного ситчатого аппарата (типа "Фондарь") при нисходящем двухфазном потокеMunter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoСборник статей по химии и химической технологии. 151966 / с. 47-58 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b2182115*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/55575f8e-02db-404e-8bef-28e158aa260b Доочистка биоочищенных вод озономHudak, V.; Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoВсесоюзный семинар по химии озона (15-17 июня 1981 г., г. 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Тбилиси) : тезисы докладов1981 / с. 127-128 Исследование возможности доочистки промышленных сточных вод абсорбционно-фильтрационным способомSiirde, Enno; Mutso, Margit; Munter, ReinТезисы докладов : [XXI студенческая научно-техническая конференция вузов Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Молдавской ССР, 27-29 марта 1975 г.]1975 / с. 432 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1571620*est Исследование массообмена при озонировании воды в прямоточном ситчатом аппаратеMunter, Rein1968 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2200772*est Исследование массообмена при озонировании воды в прямоточном ситчатом аппарате : автореферат ... кандидата технических наук (347)Munter, Rein1968 http://www.ester.ee/record=b1410332*est Исследование озонирования водного раствора П-толуидинаMunter, Rein; Preis, SergeiXXV студенческая научно-техническая конференция вузов Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Молдавской ССР, 21-23 апреля 1981 года : тезисы докладов. Том 2, Автоматика. Энергетика. Механика. Химия1981 / с. 189 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1322629*est Исследование озонирования воды в прямоточном ситчатом аппарате и в абсорбере с механическим перемешиваниемSiirde, Enno; Munter, Rein; Loorits, HiljaЦентральный институт научно-технической информации и технико-экономических исследований по химическому и нефтяному машиностроению. Информационный листок1971 / с. 26-27 Исследование озонирования стоков производства органических полупродуктов красителейMunter, Rein; Siirde, Enno; Hudak, V.Всесоюзный семинар по химии озона (15-17 июня 1981 г., г. Тбилиси) : тезисы докладов1981 / с. 115-116 Комбинированные процессы окисления как возможность очистки сточных вод сланцевой промышленности ЭстонииTrapido, Marina; Munter, Rein; Veressinina, JelenaТретий международный конгресс "Вода: экология и технология" : "ЭКВАТЭК-98", Москва, 25-30 мая 1998 г. : тезисы докладов1998 / с. 466-467 Массообмен в прямоточном абсорбционном аппаратеPreis, Sergei; Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoTallinna Tehnikaülikooli Toimetised1990 / lk. 23-33: ill Массообмен в системе газ-жидкость в прямоточной ситчатой колоннеMunter, ReinXX научная конференция, посвященная 25-летию Эстонской ССР 18-22 мая 1965 г. : тезисы и резюме1965 / с. 96 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1359832*est Массообмен в системе газ-жидкость в прямоточном ситчатом аппарате (типа "Фондарь") (сообщение I)Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoСборник статей по химии и химической технологии. 151966 / с. 59-73 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b2182115*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/55575f8e-02db-404e-8bef-28e158aa260b Массообмен в системе газ-жидкость в прямоточном ситчатом аппарате (типа "Фондарь") (сообщение II)Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoСборник статей по химии и химической технологии. 151966 / с. 75-85 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b2182115*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/55575f8e-02db-404e-8bef-28e158aa260b Моделирование полупериодического барботажного реактора для озонирования воды и водных растворовMunter, Rein; Sarv, LaurПроцессы и аппараты химической технологии. 11987 / с. 27-38 Моделирование противоточного барботажного реактора для озонирования сточных водMunter, Rein; Preis, Sergei; Sarv, LaurПроцессы и аппараты химической технологии. 21988 / с. 33-43 Моделирование процессов хемосорбции озонаMunter, ReinТезисы докладов III Всесоюзного совещания по проблеме "Абсорбция газов", 5-7 мая 1987 года г. Таллин. Ч. 11987 / с. 47-48 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2164108*est Моделирование прямоточного ситчатого реактораMunter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoПроцессы и аппараты химической технологии и технология неорганических веществ. 71976 / с. 25-30 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1351417*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/d16fcc56-ac67-4884-ba2f-94db4ecf04cc О возможности очистки сточных вод Кехраского ЦБКGrintšak, M.; Tõnsuaalu, K.; Saar, H.; Heidok, V.; Loorits, Hilja; Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoXX студенческая научно-техническая конференция вузов Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Молдавской ССР : тезисы докладов. Часть 21974 / с. 369 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1306141*est О вопросах технологии производства бемита : (сообщение 1)Uus, Endel; Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoСборник статей по химии и химической технологии. 71961 / с. 256-268 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b2181423*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/96fe478f-2ce7-4109-a862-8d8ad9463f0c О массоотдаче при хемосорбции в абсорбере с механическим перемешиваниемMunter, Rein; Loorits, Hilja; Luhakooder, EdvardПроцессы и аппараты химической технологии и технология неорганических веществ. 51974 / с. 21-28 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1531723*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/438b60cb-3265-444e-adba-b3c2c222f12a О поверхности контакта фаз в абсорбере с механической мешалкой и в прямоточном ситчатом аппаратеLoorits, Hilja; Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoПроцессы и аппараты химической технологии и технологии неорганических веществ. 11969 / с. 63-70 : илл https://www.ester.ee/record=b1304968*est https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/776d7a60-8e51-4e74-b6db-8995a4e621b0/ О растворимости озона в водных растворахKamenev, Sven; Preis, Sergei; Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoТезисы VII всесоюзного симпозиума по современным проблемам прогнозирования, контроля качества воды водоемов и озонирования, Таллин 19-21 ноября 1985 года. IV секция, Озонирование воды1985 / с. 20-23 : ил https://www.ester.ee/record=b1254834*est О скорости разложения озона в водах с различными свойствамиRaukas, Maie; Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoЖурнал прикладной химии1984 / с. 2597-2599 : ил https://www.ester.ee/record=b1182398*est Озонирование анилина в водных растворахKamenev, Sven; Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoТезисы VII всесоюзного симпозиума по современным проблемам прогнозирования, контроля качества воды водоемов и озонирования, Таллин 19-21 ноября 1985 года. IV секция, Озонирование воды1985 / с. 27-31 : ил https://www.ester.ee/record=b1254834*est Озонирование дурнопахнущих сточных вод сульфат-целлюлозного производстваLoorits, Hilja; Munter, Rein; Siirde, Enno; Uus, EndelМатериалы V Всесоюзного научного симпозиума по современным проблемам самоочищения и регулирования качества воды, Таллинн, 18-21 ноября 1975 г. Секция 4, Часть 2, Регулирование качества воды1975 / с. 183-188 : таб https://www.ester.ee/record=b1327854*est Озонирование сточных вод анилино-красочной промышленностиMunter, Rein; Kamenev, Sven; Preis, Sergei; Siirde, Enno; Hudak, V.I.Неустановившиеся процессы в системах водоснабжения и водоотведения1985 / с. 31-41 Окисление ароматических азотсодержащих соединений озономTearo, JelenaXXVII студенческая научно-техническая конференция вузов Прибалтийских республик, Белорусской ССР и Молдавской ССР, 19-21 апреля 1983 г. : тезисы докладов. Часть 31983 / с. 115 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1571572*est Очистка озонированием сточных вод, загрязненных анионными ПАВBuchalter, A.; Hudak, V.; Ivanov, A.; Panidi, I.; Munter, Rein; Kamenev, SvenХимическая промышленность. Серия "Анилинокрасочная промышленность" : научно-технический реферативный сборник1983 / с. 14-18 Очистка промышленных стоков от анионных поверхностно-активных веществ методом озонированияBuhgalter, L.B.; Ivanov, A.I.; Hudak, V.I.; Munter, Rein; Kamenev, SvenТезисы VII всесоюзного симпозиума по современным проблемам прогнозирования, контроля качества воды водоемов и озонирования, Таллин 19-21 ноября 1985 года. IV секция, Озонирование воды1985 / с. 70-72 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1254834*est Очистка сточных вод от цементнополимерных красокSiirde, Enno; Munter, Rein; Loorits, HiljaСтроительные материалы1978 / с. 24-25 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1557430*est По поводу озонаторов : [отклик на ст. "Цивилизованное государство зарабатывает деньги своим умом и трудом" в газ. "Веч.курьер", 14 янв.]Munter, Rein; Lond, HeldurВечерний курьер1993 / 27 янв Применение теории хемосорбции для анализа и описания процессов озонирования воды и сточных водMunter, Rein; Kamenev, Sven; Siirde, EnnoЖурнал физической химии1992 / 4, с. 899-903 Применение фильтационного метода для очистки сточных водSiirde, Enno; Munter, Rein; Loorits, Hilja; Lisenkova, L.Молочная промышленность : ежемесячный научно-технический и производственный журнал1978 / с. 21-23 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2654133*est Принципы разработки проведения процесса и контактных аппаратов для озонирования природных и сточных водMunter, ReinХимия и технология воды : научно-технический ежемесячный журнал1988 / с. 416-422 Проблема качества подземных вод в Эстонии и возможные технологические решенияVeressinina, Jelena; Trapido, Marina; Munter, ReinЧетверты международный конгресс "Вода : экология и технология" : ЭКВАТЕК-2000 : Москва, 30 мая - 2 июня 2000 : тезисы докладов2000 / с. 221-222 Проблемы промышленной экологииPikkov, Lui; Kaps, Tiit; Sillajõe, Aadu; Vares, Toomas; Mölder, Heino; Munter, Rein; Loorits, Hilja; Preis, Sergei; Siirde, Enno; Kann, Aino; Mandel, Mihkel; Liebert, Tiiu; Tauts, Olev; Täht, Riina; Tedersoo, Erge; Piiroja, Eduard; Piir, E.; Friedenthal, Margus; Pappel, Kaie; Köstner, Ado; Palm, Toivo; Jagomägi, A.; Holstinina, Natalja; Kuusik, Rein, keemik; Trikkel, Andres; Veiderma, Mihkel; Metsik, Rein; Merendi, Jüri; Hallik, A.; Talimets, Ellen; Viisimaa, Ludmilla; Hödrejärv, Helvi; Pets, Lydia; Vaganov, Peter; Ott, Roman; Lepane, Viia; Vaarmann, Aini; Palm, Toivo; Paal, Leopold1988 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1222151*est Проблемы технологического оформления процессов озонирования сточных водMunter, ReinТезисы VII всесоюзного симпозиума по современным проблемам прогнозирования, контроля качества воды водоемов и озонирования, Таллин 19-21 ноября 1985 года. IV секция, Озонирование воды1985 / с. 3-13 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1254834*est Процессы и аппараты химической технологииFeldmann, Liia; Bakalova, M.O.; Kallas, Juha; Reile, Rein; Viiroja, Andres; Preis, Sergei; Munter, Rein; Siirde, Enno; Sarv, Laur; PIkkov, Lui; Veressinina, Jelena1988 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2191189*est Процессы и аппараты химической технологииFeldmann, Liia; Pikkov, Lui; Viiroja, Andres; Roosimölder, Lembit; Munter, Rein; Sarv, Laur; Joarand, Heiki; Kallas, Juha; Kamenev, Inna; Preis, Sergei; Siirde, Enno; Koel, Mihkel; Tearo, Jelena; Loorits, Hilja; Mikkal, Valdek; Kamenev, Sven; Bakalova, M.O.; Orupõld, T.; Reile, Rein; Uus, Endel; Tearo, Eduard1987 https://www.ester.ee/record=b2191192*est Разложение озона в биологически очищенной сточной водеMunter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoХимия и технология воды : научно-технический ежемесячный журнал1986 / с. 32-34 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1833703*est Разложение озона в водном раствореMunter, ReinХимия и технология воды : научно-технический ежемесячный журнал1985 / с. 13-17 : ил https://www.ester.ee/record=b1833703*est Растворимость озона в водных растворахMunter, ReinЖурнал прикладной химии1985 / с. 1432 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1182398*est Санитарная техникаTibar, Harri; Veski, A.; Karu, Jaan; Suurkask, Valdu; Hääl, Maire-Liis; Säärekõnno, Jüri; Bomze, Z.; Munter, Rein; Kamenev, Sven; Preis, Sergei; Siirde, Enno; Hudak, V.I.; Pikkov, Lui; Kask, Endel; Koppel, Tiit; Ruubel, R.; Daniel, Eghert; Liiv, Uno; Sarv, Laur; Ainola, Leo; Ruustal, Endel; Koppel, Tiit; Toomet, Madis1985 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1255730*est Санитарно-гигиенические аспекты применения озонаMunter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoМедицинские аспекты охраны окружающей среды : тезисы конференции, посвященной 90-летию основания кафедры гигиены Тартуского университета, и заседания Всесоюзного проблемного совета "Медицинские аспекты охраны окружающей среды", Таллин, 27-28 ноября 1986 года1986 / с. 53-55 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1207727*est Скорость реакции озона с щавелевой кислотой и органическими соединениями в биологически очищенной сточной водеPreis, Sergei; Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoТезисы VII всесоюзного симпозиума по современным проблемам прогнозирования, контроля качества воды водоемов и озонирования, Таллин 19-21 ноября 1985 года. IV секция, Озонирование воды1985 / с. 23-27 : ил https://www.ester.ee/record=b1254834*est Снижение содержания в сточных водах азотистых органических соединенийHudak, V.; Šloma, E.; Munter, Rein; Kamenev, Sven; Siirde, EnnoХимическая промышленность. Серия "Анилинокрасочная промышленность" : научно-технический реферативный сборник1983 / с. 17-19 Способ пересчета градуировки ротаметров для дозирования хлораSiirde, Enno; Munter, ReinВодоснабжение и санитарная техника : ВСТ1978 / с. 31 : ил https://www.ester.ee/record=b1447606*est Сравнительная оценка различных массообменных аппаратов по величине активной поверхности контактаMunter, Rein; Loorits, Hilja; Siirde, EnnoЖурнал прикладной химии1979 / с. 2336-2338 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1182398*est Ступенчатая обработка сточных вод анилинокрасочной промышленности известью и озономMunter, Rein; Siirde, Enno; Kamenev, Sven; Preis, SergeiХимия и технология воды : научно-технический ежемесячный журнал1987 / с. 59-60, ил https://www.ester.ee/record=b1833703*est Ступенчатая обработка сточных вод известью и озономMunter, Rein; Kamenev, Sven; Preis, Sergei; Siirde, EnnoТезисы VII всесоюзного симпозиума по современным проблемам прогнозирования, контроля качества воды водоемов и озонирования, Таллин 19-21 ноября 1985 года. IV секция, Озонирование воды1985 / с. 47-50 : ил https://www.ester.ee/record=b1254834*est Таллинский озонный проект - от лабораторных исследований до промышленного внедренияMunter, Rein; Loorits, Hilja; Kamenev, SvenТретий международный конгресс "Вода: экология и технология" : "ЭКВАТЭК-98", Москва, 25-30 мая 1998 г. : тезисы докладов1998 / с. 666-667 Тезисы VII всесоюзного симпозиума по современным проблемам прогнозирования, контроля качества воды водоемов и озонирования, Таллинн 19-21 ноября 1985 годаMunter, Rein1985 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1254834*est Теория и практика озонирования природных и сточных вод : автореферат ... доктора технических наукMunter, Rein1990 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1553656*est Теория и практика озонирования природных и сточных вод : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора технических наукMunter, Rein1990 Ученый отвечает: как определить, загрязнена ли вода?Munter, Reinerr.ee2024 Ученый отвечает: как определить, загрязнена ли вода? ХПК как кинетический показатель процессов озонирования водных растворов и сточных водPreis, Sergei; Munter, Rein; Siirde, EnnoЖурнал прикладной химии1987 / с. 1524-1529 https://www.ester.ee/record=b1182398*est Эксперт рассказал, что такое «черный лед» и почему лопаются замерзшие водопроводные трубыMunter, Reinrus.postimees.ee2023 Эксперт рассказал, что такое «черный лед» и почему лопаются замерзшие водопроводные трубы