Eesti Mereakadeemia dotsent Anatoli Alop: kas kõike on ikka vaja vedada ühest maailma otsast teise?digi.geenius.ee2023 Eesti Mereakadeemia dotsent Anatoli Alop: kas kõike on ikka vaja vedada ühest maailma otsast teise? Eesti Mereakadeemia ToimetisedAlop, Anatoli; Kann, Jüri; Raukas, Anto2007*est Eesti merehariduse lipulaev teekonnal ülikooli sadamasse : [Eesti Mereakadeemia ühinemisest Tallinna Tehnikaülikooliga]Alop, Anatoli; Leiger, RoometEesti laevanduse aastaraamat 20142014 / Lk. 150-154 : fot Eesti merendusalane seadusandlus vajab kodifitseerimistAlop, AnatoliPaat & Meremees2015 / lk. 82-83*est Fully autonomous ship - will AI make “machine errors” or will they human errors in a new form?Alop, Anatoli2023 12th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)2023 / 3 p Kus on targad laevad ja miks need veel ei seila?Alop, Anatolipostimees.ee2023 Kus on targad laevad ja miks need veel ei seila? Maritime innovation management - a concept of an innovative course for young maritime professionalsBolmsten, Johan; Kasepõld, Kadi; Kaize, Adam; Ziemska, Monika; Heering, Dan; Alop, Anatoli; Chesnokova, Marina; Sienko, Olena; Sköld, DanielProceedings of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) Conference, Japan, Tokyo : the 20th Commemorative Annual General Assembly, AGA20 : International Association of Maritime Universities 30 October - 1 November 2019, Tokyo Japan2019 / p. 268-274 Merenduse ja merehariduse uued väljakutsedAlop, AnatoliMere lained2020 / lk. 28-37*est Merendussektori tööjõuvajaduse uuring paneb aluse merehariduse kontseptsiooni koostamiseksAlop, AnatoliPaat & Meremees2015 / lk. 94-97 : tab*est Methodological approach and basic analysis of maritime labour market needs by case of EstoniaAlop, Anatoli; Leiger, RoometTransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation2016 / p. 655-660 New challenges for marine insurance in case of autonomous and remote-controlled shipsAlop, AnatoliTransport Means 2023 : proceedings of the 27th International Scientific Conference, Part I2023 / p. 284-289 On the way from unified and standardized MET to personalized maritime educationAlop, Anatoli26th International Maritime Lecturers Association Conference (IMLA 26) : Modern Challenges in Maritime Education and Training, September 23-25, 2019, Batumi State Maritime Academy : proceedings2019 / p. 8-17 Possibility to Use Gartner Hype Cycle Approach for Autonomous ShippingSenčila, V.; Alop, AnatoliTransport Means 2019. Sustainability: Research and Solutions: Proceedings of the 23rd International Scientific Conference, Part II2019 / p. 574-577 : ill., phot Transport Means 2019: Proceedings of the 23rd Potential impacts of the deployment of maritime autonomous surface ships on the maritime freight transport processAlop, Anatoli; Koit, Katre10th International Conference on Maritime Transport2024 / 9 p Smart shipping needs smart maritime education and trainingAlop, AnatoliThe 1st International Conference on Maritime Education and Development (ICMED), Durban, South Africa, November 23-24, 2020 : conference proceedings2021 / p. 131−142 Sustainable development processes of education technologies - a multiple case studyBolmsten, Johan; Kasepõld, Kadi; Kaizer, Adam; Ziemska, Monika; Heering, Dan; Alop, Anatoli; Chesnokova, Marina; Olena, SienkoProceedings of the International Association of Maritime Universities2021 / p. 364-373 The challenges of the digital technology era for maritime education and trainingAlop, Anatoli2019 European Navigation Conference (ENC) : Warsaw, Poland, 9-12 April, 2019 : conference book2019 / p. 9-14 The labour market needs based maritime education - Estonian maritime education conceptAlop, Anatoli; Kopti, Madli; Leiger, RoometIAMU 18th AGA 2017 : Annual General Assembly : Global perspectives in MET : towards sustanaible, green and integrated maritime transport, vol. 12017 / p. 192−201 : ill The Main challenges and barriers to the successful "Smart Shipping"Alop, AnatoliTransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation2019 / p. 521-528