Assessing the potential for sea-based macroalgae cultivation and its application for nutrient removal in the Baltic SeaKotta, Jonne; Raudsepp, Urmas; Szava-Kovats, Robert; Szava-Kovats, Robert; Aps, Robert; Armoskaite, Aurelija; Barda, Ieva; Bergström, Per; Futter, Martyn; Maljutenko, IljaScience of the total environment2022 / art. 156230 ; 14 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Corrigendum to “Assessing the potential for sea-based macroalgae cultivation and its application for nutrient removal in the Baltic Sea” [Sci. Total Environ. 839 (2022) 156230] (Science of the Total Environment (2022) 839, (S0048969722033277), (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156230))Kotta, Jonne; Raudsepp, Urmas; Szava-Kovats, Robert; Aps, Robert; Armoskaite, Aurelija; Barda, Ieva; Bergström, Per; Futter, Martyn Norman; Gröndahl, Fredrik; Hargrave, Matthew S.; Jakubowska, Magdalena; Jänes, Holger; Kaasik, Ants; Kraufvelin, Patrik; Kovaltchouk, Nikolaj A.; Krost, Peter; Kulikowski, Tomasz; Kõivupuu, Anneliis; Kotta, Ilmar; Lees, Liisi; Loite, Sander; Maljutenko, Ilja; Nylund, Göran Mikael; Paalme, Tiina; Paviá, Henrik; Andersone, Ingrīda; Rahikainen, Moona M.; Sandow, Verena; Visch, Wouter; Yang, B.; Barboza, Francisco RafaelScience of the Total Environment2023 / art. 165870 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Current status, advancements and development needs of geospatial decision support tools for marine spatial planning in European seasDepellegrin, Daniel; Hansen, Henning Sten; Schrøder, Lise; Bergström, Lena; Romagnoni, Giovanni; Steenbeek, Jeroen; Goncalves, Magali; Carneiro, Goncalo; Kotta, Jonne; Fetissov, MihhailOcean & coastal management2021 / art. 105644 Doktoritöö soovib välja arendada vähemalt ühe rannakarbist tehtud tooteHõimoja, JaneMeremees : Eesti merendusajakiri = Estonian maritime magazine2022 / lk. 28-29*est An Eco-GAME meta-evaluation of existing methods for the appreciation of ecosystem servicesSajeva, Maurizio; Maidell, Marjo; Kotta, Jonne; Peterson, Anne-LiisSustainability2020 / art. 7805, 47 p. : ill Effectiveness of common benthic macrofaunal sampling methodology in boulder and cobble reefsLiversage, K.; Kotta, Jonne; Pajusalu, LiinaJournal of experimental marine biology and ecology2020 / art. 151413, 7 p Food web responses to eutrophication control in a coastal area of the Baltic SeaSkov, Henrik; Rasmussen, Erik Kock; Kotta, Jonne; Middelboe, Anne Lise; Uhrenholdt, Thomas; Žydelis, RamunasEcological modelling2020 / art. 109249, 13 p. : ill From ecosystems to socio-economic benefits : a systematic review of coastal ecosystem services in the Baltic SeaHeckwolf, Melanie J.; Peterson, Anneliis; Jänes, Holger; Horne, Paula; Künne, Jana; Liversage, Kiran; Sajeva, Maurizio; Reusch, Thorsten B.H.; Kotta, JonneThe science of the total environment2021 / art. 142565, 11 p. : ill Kas biomajandus saab sinine olla?Kindsigo, Merit; Kotta, Jonne; Lees, Liisisaartehaal.postimees.ee2023 Kas biomajandus saab sinine olla? Linking atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic environments : Regime shifts in the Estonian climate over the past 50 yearsKotta, Jonne; Herkül, Kristjan; Jaagus, Jaak; Kaasik, Ants; Raudsepp, Urmas; Alari, Victor; Laanemets, Jaan; Maljutenko, Ilja; Männik, Aarne; Reihan, AlvinaPLoS ONE2018 / e0209568, 20 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Läänemeri lämbub ja see on sinu süüParksepp, AnetteLP+Eesti Päevaleht2019 / lk. 16-17 Maailmatasemel veebitööriist aitab hinnata keskkonnamõjuKotta, JonneMeremees : Eesti merendusajakiri = Estonian maritime magazine2023 / lk. 22-23 : ill*est Next-generation smart response web (NG-SRW) : an operational spatial decision support system for maritime oil spill emergency response in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea)Fetissov, Mihhail; Aps, Robert; Goerlandt, Floris; Jänes, Holger; Kotta, Jonne; Kujala, Pentti; Szava-Kovats, RobertSustainability2021 / art. 6585 Nitrogen and phosphorus discharges from cargo ships’ black and grey waters — a case study of a Baltic Sea portLappalainen, Suvi-Tuuli; Tapaninen, Ulla Pirita; Kotta, JonneOceans2024 / p. 560–570 Operationalisation of ecosystem services in support of ecosystem-based marine spatial planning : insights into needs and recommendationsGalparsoro, Ibon; Pınarbası, Kemal; Gissi, Elena; Culhane, Fiona; Gacutan, Jordan; Kotta, Jonne; Cabana, David; Wanke, Sonja; Fetissov, MihhailMarine Policy2021 / art. 104609 Optimizing the processing of shellfish (Mytilus edulis and M. trossulus Hybrid) biomass cultivated in the Low Salinity Region of the Baltic Sea for the extraction of meat and proteinsAdler, Indrek; Kotta, Jonne; Tuvikene, Rando; Kaldre, KatrinApplied sciences2022 / art. 5163, 11 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS A participatory geospatial toolkit for science integration and knowledge transfer informing SDGs based Governance and decision makingSajeva, Maurizio; Maidell, Marjo; Kotta, JonneSustainability2020 / art. 8088, 19 p. : ill Perceived multiple stressor effects depend on sample size and stressor gradient lengthMack, Leoni; Fernandez de la Hoz, Camino; Penk, Marcin; Piggott, Jeremy; Crowe, Tasman; Hering, Daniel; Kaijser, Willem; Aroviita, Jukka; Baer, Jan; Kotta, JonneWater research2022 / art. 119260 Regime shifts in the natural environment in the northern Baltic Sea region in late 1980sJaagus, Jaak; Alari, Victor; Arula, Timo; Järvet, Arvo; Kont, Are; Kotta, Jonne; Kull, Ain; Laanemets, Jaan; Männik, Aarne; Ojaveer, Henn; Raudsepp, Urmas; Reihan, Alvina; Rõõm, Rein; Sepp, Mait; Suursaar, Ülo; Tamm, Ottar; Tamm, Toomas; Tõnisson, Hannes10th Baltic Sea Science Congress : Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas : 15-19 June, 2015, Riga, Latvia : abstract book2015 / p. 64 Towards efficient mapping of greenhouse gas emissions : a case study of the port of TallinnKotta, Jonne; Fetissov, Mihhail; Kaasik, Ellen; Väät, Janis; Štõkov, Stanislav; Tapaninen, Ulla PiritaSustainability2023 / art. 9520 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS A trophic cascade facilitates native habitat providers within assemblages of multiple invasive marine speciesLiversage, Kiran; Kotta, Jonne; Kuprijanov, Ivan; Rätsep, Margus; Nõomaa, K.Ecosphere2021 / p. 1-13 : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Valorization of Baltic Sea farmed blue mussels: Chemical profiling and prebiotic potential for nutraceutical and functional food developmentAdler, Indrek; Kotta, Jonne; Robal, Marju; Humayun, Sanjida; Vene, Kristel; Tuvikene, RandoFood Chemistry: X2024 / art. 101736 Vesiviljelus : meri saab puhtamaks ja inimesed leivakõrvastAlvela, AinTeejuht : maal, vees ja õhus : Transpordiameti digiajakiri2023 / lk. 16-19 : fot*est