Accumulation of metals and changes in composition of freshwater lake organic sediments during the HoloceneStankevica, Karina; Vincevica-Gaile, Zane; Klavins, Maris; Kalnina, Laimdota; Stivrinš, Normunds; Grudzinska, Ieva; Kaup, EnnChemical geology2020 / art. 119502, 14 p. : ill Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Development of interactive monitoring system for urban environmental impact assessment of transport systemPashkevich, Anton; Beliakova, Marina; Ivanov, Alexander; Purju, AlariProcedia engineering2017 / p. 42-52 : ill Long-term modelling of fly ash and radionuclide emissions as well as deposition fluxes due to the operation of large oil shale-fired power plantsVaasma, Taavi; Kaasik, Marko; Loosaar, Jüri; Kiisk, Madis; Tkaczyk, Alan HenryJournal of environmental radioactivity2017 / p. 232-244 : ill