Adopting value creation policy in economic shocks [Electronic resource]Kornilov, Sergei; Põlajeva, TatjanaDoctoral Summer School 2011 : doctoral school in economics and innovation : 25-28 July 2011, Viinistu, Estonia2011 / [CD-ROM] An overview of the economical situation in RussiaPõlajeva, TatjanaPapers of the 4th Conference on Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, 24-26 April 1998, Tallinn. Vol. 21998 / p. 213-215 Analysing the governance's culture influence on the international business environmentPõlajeva, Tatjana49th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University : The Problems of Development of National Economy and Entrepreneurship : RTU Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship : (SCEE'2008) : 9-13 October, 2008, Riga : conference proceedings2008 / p. 128-129 Analysis of education marketing environment in LithuaniaPõlajeva, Tatjana46th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University "The Problems of Development of National Economy and Entrepreneurship" : October 13-15, 2005, Riga2005 / p. 76 Analyzing corruption through an international evaluationPõlajeva, TatjanaGlobalization and institutional development2008 / p. 215-224 Baltic university programme - an example of the cooperation in education of the Baltic Sea regionPõlajeva, TatjanaМатериалы 6-й Международной научно-технической конференции "Наука - образованию, производству, экономике". 6-й Международный научно-практический семинар "Мировая экономика и бизнес-администрирование малых и средних предприятий" : 31 января - 2 февраля 2008 года2008 / с. 319-325 BUP profile interview : [Tatjana Põlajeva]Põlajeva, TatjanaThe Baltic University Programme : annual report 20062007 / p. 12 : ill., portr Bureaucracy, and law making mechanism : their influence on the quality of business environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaBaltic Business and Socio-Economic Development 2007 : 3rd International Conference : Tallinn, Estonia, June 17-19, 20072010 / p. 809-830 Bureaucracy, law making and enforcement mehanism : empirical results from the Baltic Sea region countriesPõlajeva, TatjanaУправление организацией : диагностика, стратегия, эффективность : труды XIII Международной научно-практической конференции : 7-8 апреля 2005 года2005 / с. 200-204 Bureaucracy, law making, and law enforcement : empirical evidence from the Baltic Sea regionPõlajeva, TatjanaScience for education and economic development2006 / p. 172-200 Bureaucracy, law making, and law enforcement mechanism : empirical results from the Baltic Sea region countries, comparative analysisPõlajeva, TatjanaNew world order : economic, social and political tendencies at the beginning of third millennium. Volume 22005 / p. 755-777 Bureucracy, law making and law enforcement mechanism: empirical results from the Baltic Sea Region countriesPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloМировая экономика и бизнес-администрирование2004 / с. 8-12 Bureucracy, law making and law mechanism : Empirical Evidence from the Baltic sea Region Countries [Electronic resource]Põlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Vello; Karma, TarmoInternational Conference : Enlargement of the European Union : What are the Stakes and Potential : Lille, (France), 9-10 December 20042004 / 30 p. [CD-ROM] Business environment quality and entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea RegionPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloProceedings of international scientific conference : Problems of the Economy Development in the Russian Enclave. Kaliningrad Region as a Pilot Region of Cross-Border Co-operation of Russia, the Baltic States, and Eastern Europe. Experience and perspectives2004 / p. 198-202 Business, managment and education. 92011 Business, managment and education. Vol. 12, No. 12014 Business, managment and education. Vol. 12, No. 22014 Corruption's influence on the quality of business environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaМатериалы 5-й Международной научно-технической конференции "Наука - образованию, производству, экономике". 5-й Международный научно-практический семинар "Мировая экономика и бизнес-администрирование малых и средних предприятий" : 31 мая - 2 июня 2007 года2007 / с. 219-231 Covernment agencies' behavior and their influence on the quality of business environmentPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloEmerging markets : social, political, and economic challenges. Volume 22004 / p. 331-356 Covernment agencies' behaviour influencing business decisionsVensel, Vello; Põlajeva, TatjanaActas del VI Congreso "Cultura Europea", Pamplona, 25 al 28 de octubre de 20002002 / p. 837-848 Credibility of the economic policy : empirical results from the Baltic Sea region countriesPõlajeva, TatjanaEconomics and management = Ekonomika ir vadyba2010 / p. 192-199 Credibility of the economic policy : results of a comparative analysisPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Lia; Vensel, VelloHarmoniseerimine ja vabadus Eesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitikas integreerumisel Euroopa Liiduga : IX teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid : (Tartu - Värska, 28.-30. juuni 2001)2001 / p. 140-147 Credibility of the economic policy [Electronic resource]Põlajeva, TatjanaProceedings of the ISSEI the 8th International Conference "European Culture in a Changing World : between Nationalism and Globalism" : 22-27 July, 2002, Aberystwyth, Wales2003 / [11] p. [CD-ROM] Credibility of the economic policy: empirical reults from the Baltic Sea regionPõlajeva, TatjanaDevelopment and Convergence of Financial Sector of New EU Members : 16-20 November 2005, Tallinn, Estonia2005 / p. 145-157 Economic complexity : the future of the knowledge-based regional developmentKornilov, Sergei; Põlajeva, Tatjana3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts : SGEM 2016 : conference proceedings. Book 1, vol. 3, Psychology & Psychiatry, Sociology & Healthcare, Education2016 / p. 239-246 Economic security of enterprise and the system of its ensuringIanioglo, Alina; Põlajeva, Tatjana; Parmacli, DmitriScientific Conference Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Education 2015 : selected papers : 12-13 November 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania2015 / p. 1-8 : ill Eesti väliskaubanduspoliitika ja sellega kaasnevad probleemidPõlajeva, TatjanaEesti Vabariigi integreerumine Euroopa Liiduga - majanduspoliitika eesmärgid ja abinõud : VI teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid, (Tartu - Värska, 25.-27. juuni 1998)1998 / lk. 210-212 Estimation of agent-based modelling for cross-border infrastructure policy decision [Electronic resource]Kornilov, Sergei; Põlajeva, TatjanaDoctoral school in economics and innovation : Kuressaare, August 6-9, 20132013 / 14 p. : ill. [CD-ROM] Financial issues perceived by youth : preliminary survey for financial literacy evaluation in the BalticsTitko, Jelena; Lace, Natalja; Põlajeva, TatjanaOeconomia Copernicana2015 / p. 75-98 : ill Globalization of insurance industryPeleckis, Kestutis; Peleckiene, Valentina; Lace, Natalja; Põlajeva, Tatjana; Nedelko, Zlatko; Potocan, VojkoGlobalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences : 16th International Scientific Conference : proceedings : 5th-6th October 2016, Rajecke Teplice, Slovak Republic. Part 42016 / p. 1649-1656 : ill Governance power impact on corruption and business environment-determining factorsPõlajeva, TatjanaThe 7th International Scientific Conference Business and Management 2012 : selected papers : May 10–11, 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania2012 / p. 709-716 Governance power influence on sustainable economic growthPõlajeva, TatjanaThe economy and economics after crisis2011 / p. 71-80 Government agencies' behavior affect on business decisions : the results of a comparative analysisPõlajeva, TatjanaНаучно-практическая конференция посвященная 80-ю летию академика М.Бронштейна "Эстония на пути евроинтеграции" : (тезисы)2003 / с. 43-51 Government agencies' behavior and their impact on business environment in different countriesPõlajeva, TatjanaНаука - образованию, производству, экономике : 8th International sientific conference. Volume 12010 / p. 330-340 Government agencies' behavior and their influence on the quality of business proceduresPõlajeva, TatjanaОрганизационно-экономические проблемы современного производства в условиях глобализации экономики2009 / c. 115-119 Government agencies behaviour and operation of the enforcement mechanismPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloEstonia on the threshold of the European Union : financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment : collection of papers2001 / p. [309]-328 Government agencies' behaviour and the quality of business environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaThe Baltic review2003 / p. 18-20*est Government agencies' behaviour and their influence on the changing business environment : empirical evidence from the Baltic Sea region [Electronic resource]Põlajeva, TatjanaManagement and Technology in the Global Economy : Nurturing Innovations and National Heritage : an International conference 27 June - 01 July, 2006, Moscow2006 / p. 833-841 [CD-ROM] Government agencies' behaviour and their influence on the quality of business environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaProblems of development of national economy and entrepreneurship2006 / p. 162-172 Government agencies' behaviour impact on business decisions [Electronic resource]Põlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Vello7th Nordic-Baltic Conference in Regional Science "Regional Integration and Transition in the Baltic Rim" : 2-5 October 2002, Ystad, Stockholm2003 / [15] p. [CD-ROM] Government agencies' behaviour influencing business decisionsPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloVI Congreso Cultura Europea : 25-28 octubre 2000 : resumenes2000 / [1] p How to teach the Sustainable Baltic RegionPõlajeva, TatjanaMaterials of the 3rd Annual Teachers Conference : Baltic University Programme, St.Petersburg, June 19971997 / [10] p Inctityzine ceredovize, zo zminjuetcja : empirichi resultati s krain regionu Baltiskogo morjaPõlajeva, TatjanaMarketing v Ukraini2005 / p. 38-40 Infrastrucure development : economic growth effectsPõlajeva, Tatjana; Kornilov, SergeiThe 7th International Scientific Conference Business and Management 2012 : selected papers : May 10-11, 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania2012 / p. 156-161 : ill International business in transitional and emerging economies : a perspective of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia with IndiaBhattacharyya, Som Sekhar; Čirjevskis, Andrejs; Põlajeva, TatjanaSouth Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases2018 / p. 144-155 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Origin and definition of the category of economic security of enterprise [Online resource]Ianioglo, Alina; Põlajeva, Tatjana9th International Scientific Conference "Business and Management 2016" : May 12-13, 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania2016 / p. 1-8 : ill Probleemid Eesti toiduaineteturulPõlajeva, TatjanaMajanduspoliitika teooria ja praktika Eesti Vabariigis : artiklid ja ettekannete teesid, (Tartu-Värska-Tartu, 25.-26. august 1995)1995 / lk. 95-97 Skandinaaviamaade kogemus Euroopa Liiduga ühinemiselPõlajeva, TatjanaAktuaalsed majanduspoliitika küsimused Euroopa Liidu riikides ja Eesti Vabariigis : teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded-artiklid (Tartu-Värska-Tartu, 28.-29. juuni 1996). 1. osa1996 / lk. 191-193 Some aspects of changing business environment : empirical evidence from Baltic Sea region countriesPõlajeva, Tatjana4th International Scientific Conference Business and Management, 14th International Scientific Conference Enterprise Management : Diagnosis, Strategy, Efficiency : conference proceedings : 5-6 Oct. 20062006 / p. 53-55 Some aspects of changing business environment : empirical evidence from the Baltic Sea Region CountriesPõlajeva, TatjanaThe 4th International Scientific Confrence Business and Management'2006. The 14th International Scientific Conference Enterprise Management : Diagnosis, Strategy, Efficiency : October 5-6, 2006, Vilnius : selected papers2007 / p. 57-63 Some aspects of changing business environment in the Baltic Sea countriesPõlajeva, TatjanaWorld economy and business administration of small and medium enterprises2006 / p. 122-128 Some aspects of the European Union policy on sustainable development and its implementing in EstoniaPõlajeva, TatjanaEesti Vabariigi majanduspoliitika ja Euroopa Liit : VII teadus- ja koolituskonverentsi ettekanded - artiklid, (Tartu - Värska, 25.-27. juuni 1999)1999 / lk. 199-201 Some questions about corruption : importance and influence of corruptionPõlajeva, TatjanaTowards knowledge-based economy2007 / [10] p Some reasons for the success of the Estonian currency reformPõlajeva, Tatjana; Kokkota, RaissaMonetary and Fiscal Policy in the Baltic States : proceedings of the 30 Baltic Conference of Teachers of Economic Theory, Shiauliai, May 30-31, 19961996 / p. 30-31 Strategic approach in risk-adjusted tariff policyKornilov, Sergei; Põlajeva, TatjanaEconomics and management2011 / p. 780-784 Structural corruption and its influence on the business environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaEconomics and management2011 / p. 576-581 : ill Students activities in the programmePõlajeva, TatjanaMaterials of the Teachers Meeting : Baltic University Programme : materials of the meeting, Krakow, March 19971997 / [8] p The agent-based structural approach in infrastructure for economic growthKornilov, Sergei; Põlajeva, Tatjana8th International Scientific Conference "Business and Management 2014" : May 15-16, 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania2014 / p. 519-527 : ill The Baltic University in the Tallinn Technical University - 9 years experience of cooperationPõlajeva, TatjanaBaltic University Programme Past and Future2000 / p. 14-15 The Baltic University ProgrammePõlajeva, TatjanaKaliningrad - isolation or co-operation2001 / p. 120-123 The Baltic University programme - an example of a new study environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaRisk and Safety Management in Industry, Logistics, Transport and Military Service : New Solutions for the 21st Century : proceedings of the international scientific-educational conference : March 25-28, 2003, Tallinn2003 / p. 45-47 The Baltic university programme - an example of a new study environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaEducation and Economy 2007 : materials of international scientific conference2007 / p. 100-102 The Baltic University Programme - an example of cooperation in educationPõlajeva, TatjanaEesti Vabariigi ja ärihariduse aktuaalsed arenguprobleemid : EABC 15. aastapäevale pühendatud teaduslik-praktilise konverentsi materjalid2004 / p. 60-61 The Baltic University programme - an example of teaching for sustainable developmentPõlajeva, TatjanaEducation and economy 2009 : materials of international scientific conference2009 / p. 87-92 The Baltic University Programme - an example of the Baltic Sea region cooperationPõlajeva, TatjanaHaridus ja majandus 2004 : rahvusvahelise teaduskonverentsi materjalid : [6. mai 2004, Tallinn]2004 / p. 82-84 The Baltic University Programme as an example of a reginal university networkPõlajeva, TatjanaМатериалы конференции "Социум, наука и проблемы образования переходного периода" : 25 января 20012001 / с. 88-89 The challenge of management development in the Baltic States in the twenty-first centuryManning, Peter A.; Põlajeva, TatjanaThe Journal of management development1999 / p. 32-45*est The changing institutional environment : development of the law making and enforcement mehanismsPõlajeva, TatjanaHaridus ja majandus 2005 : rahvusvahelise teaduskonverentsi materjalid = Education and economy : the materials of international scientific conference2005 / lk. 97-100 The changing institutional environment : development of the law making and law enforcement mechanismsPõlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, Vello; Karma, TarmoThe Third International Conference on International Business in Transition Economies2006 / p. 26-48 The changing institutional environment : empirical evidence from the Baltic Sea regionPõlajeva, TatjanaBusiness interaction in local economies. 22006 / p. 97-115 The changing institutional environment: development of the law making and law enforcement mechanisms [Electronic resource]Karma, Tarmo; Põlajeva, Tatjana; Vensel, VelloProceedings of the 3rd International Conference : International Business in Transition Economics : International Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness in the Transforming and Enlarging Europe : September 9-11, 2004, Stockholm Scool of Economics in Riga2004 / 31 p. [CD-ROM] The changing institutional environment: empirical results from the Baltic Sea Region CountriesPõlajeva, TatjanaThe International Conference : Marketing in 2004 Ukraine : 11-12 November 20042004 / p. 20-23 The changing international business environment under cultural influencesPõlajeva, TatjanaМировая экономика и бизнес-администрирование2009 / p. 218-231 The comparative analysis of markets' attractivenessPõlajeva, Tatjana2001*est The essence and phases of the comprehensive system of ensuring the economic security of enterpriseIanioglo, Alina; Põlajeva, TatjanaInternational journal of learning and change2017 / p. 59-74 5th International Scientific Conference : Business and Management' 2008 : May 16-17, 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papersPabedinskaite, Arnoldina; Ginevicius, Romualdas; Põlajeva, Tatjana2008*est The financing increase in public universities as one possibility for enlarging European competitivenessPõlajeva, Tatjana; Toompuu, Katrin5th International Scientific Conference : Business and Management' 2008 : May 16-17, 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2008 / p. 398-403 : ill The financing increase in public universities as one possibility for enlarging European competitiv[e]nessPõlajeva, Tatjana; Toompuu, Katrin5th International Scientific Conference Business and Management' 2008 : conference proceedings2008 / p. 197-198 The full costing model and its implementation at universities : the case of Tallinn University of Technology = Täiskuluarvestuse mudel ja selle rakendamine ülikoolides (Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli näitel)Toompuu, Katrin2015*est The governance's culture influence on the business environmentPõlajeva, TatjanaThe key-factors of business and socio-economic development during the global crisis2009 / p. 73-87 The impact of corruption on economic freedomPõlajeva, TatjanaBusiness and management 2010 : selected papers of the 6th International Scientific Conference : May 13-14, 2010. Vol. 22010 / p. 703-710 The markets attractiveness comparative analyzePõlajeva, TatjanaМатериалы научно-практической конференции "Социально-экономические перспективы развития Эстонии", 7 марта 20022002 / с. 29-32 The use of full-cost accounting principles as a decision support tool for determining the cost and benefits in the Estonian public universitiesPõlajeva, Tatjana; Toompuu, Katrin6th International Scientific Conference :Business and Management 2010 : May 13–14, 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers. Volume 12010 / p. 140-146 : ill Theoretical framework and an overview of the cost drivers that are applied in universities for allocating indirect costsToompuu, Katrin; Põlajeva, TatjanaProcedia - social and behavioral sciences2014 / p. 1014-1022 Towards sustainable entrepreneurship : role of nonverbal communication in business negotiationsPeleckis, Kestutis; Peleckiene, Valentina; Peleckis, Kestutis; Põlajeva, TatjanaEntrepreneurship and sustainability issues2016 / p. 228-240 Underdeveloped institutional framework - the main purpose for corruptionPõlajeva, Tatjana4'E's "Economic Development, Environment, Energy and Ethics, in a Global Economy"2007 / p. 381-392 Underdeveloped institutional framework - the main purpose for corruptionPõlajeva, Tatjana5th International Scientific Conference : Business and Management' 2008 : May 16-17, 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania : selected papers2008 / p. 392-397 Underdeveloped institutional framework - the main purpose for corruptionPõlajeva, Tatjana5th International Scientific Conference : Business and Management' 2008 : conference proceedings2008 / p. 195-196 Universities of Estonia taking part in the programmePõlajeva, TatjanaMaterials of the Workshop on Peoples of the Baltics : Baltic University Programme, Kaunas, January 19971997 / [9] p Venemaa muutuv väliskaubandus. Võimalused Eestile?Terk, Erik; Põlajeva, TatjanaEesti Majanduse Teataja2002 / 11, lk. 4-10 Verslas, vadiba ir studijos'2007 : mokslo darbaiPabedinskaite, Arnoldina; Bivainis, Juozas; Põlajeva, Tatjana2008 Verslas, vadyba ir studijos 2009 : mokslo darbai = Business, management and education 2009 : research papers2010 Ühisettevõtluse funktsioneerimise vormid ja nende majanduslik efektiivsusPõlajeva, TatjanaMajandusteadus ja majanduspoliitika Eesti Vabariigis : ettekannete teesid ja artiklid (Tartu-Värska-Tartu, 27.-28. mail 1994)1994 / lk. 129-130 Агропродовольственный комплекс и пути совершенствования планированияPõlajeva, TatjanaПроблемы совершенствования преподавания общественных наук в вузах ЭССР в свете материалов XXVII съезда КПСС : тезисы конференции, 25-26 сентября 1986 г.1986 / с. 156-157*est Актуальность преподавания теории маркетинга в курсе обшей теории экономикиPõlajeva, TatjanaАктуальные проблемы экономической теории и ее преподавания : материалы 26-ой конференции преподавателей экономической теории прибалтийских государств, Тарту 29-31 мая 1992 г1992 / с. 21-22 Век живи, век учи, век учись : [беседа с Т.Пылаевой]Põlajeva, TatjanaДень за днем1996 / с. 13 Влияет ли коррупция на устойчивость экономического роста?Põlajeva, TatjanaБалтийский регион2011 / с. 49-59 Деятельность правительственных структур и их влияние на состояние бизнес-средыPõlajeva, TatjanaМировая экономика и бизнес администрирование : Минск, Беларус, 01.06.-03.06.062006 / с. 197-230 Программа Балтийского Университета - пример интернационализации обучения : [создан в 1991 г. при Уппсаласком университете]Põlajeva, TatjanaМеждународная конференция "Экономика, законодательство, образование переходного периода" : Таллинн, 28-29 июня 1999 г. : short form communications1999 / с. 68-69 Совместное предпринимательство и экономический эффектPõlajeva, TatjanaTheoretical aspects of the transitioning economy : proceedings of the 29th Baltic Conference of Teachers of Economic Theory, Tallinn, May 19-20, 1994 = Теоретические аспекты переходной экономики : материалы 29-ой конференции преподавателей экономической теории Балтии, Таллинн, 19-20 мая 1994 г1994 / с. 88 Формы совместного предпринимательства и экономический эффект их функционирования : резюмеPõlajeva, TatjanaEesti üleminekul turumajandusele : Eesti Vabariigi 75. aastapäevale pühendatud teadusliku konverentsi teesid1993 / lk. 100-102