Administrative culture = Halduskultuur = Административная культура = Verwaltungskultur = Hallintokulttuuri2016*est Administrative culture = Halduskultuur = Административная культура = Verwaltungskultur = Hallintokulttuuri2017*est Administrative culture = Halduskultuur = Административная культура = Verwaltungskultur = Hallintokulttuuri2018*est Arvutivaba aastaring TTÜ auditooriumides : [TTÜ R. Nurkse innovatsiooni ja valitsemise instituudi õppejõudude arvamused]Kattel, Rainer; Lember, Veiko; Meos, Indrek; Ploom, IllimarMente et Manu2013 / lk. 16*est Can we measure public sector innovation? 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Part I, Country profiles2013 / p. 199-217 Estonia. Public procurement, innovation and "no policy" policyLember, Veiko; Kalvet, TarmoPublic procurement, innovation and policy : international perspectives2014 / p. 127-149 Euroopa Liidu tõukefondide perioodi 2007-2013 vahenditest rahastatud valdkondlike teadus- ja arendustegevuse programmide lõpphindamine : Lõpparuanne [Võrguteavik]Lember, Veiko; Ukrainski, Kadri; Mäekivi, Rauno; Hirv, Tanel; Lukason, Oliver; Kärg, Mihkel2018 Externalization of public services and the third sector : taking stock of the Estonian local governments' experiencesLember, VeikoImplementation of new public management tools : experiences from transition and emerging countries2015 / p. 193-204 Framework for analysis of the management and organization of e-participation initiativesRandma-Liiv, Tiina; Vooglaid, Kadi Maria; Lember, VeikoEngaging citizens in policy making : e-participation practices in Europe2022 / p. 11-24 : ill*est Halduskultuur [Võrguteavik] : the Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance2020*est Halduskultuur [Võrguteavik] : the Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance2021*est Halduskultuur [Võrguteavik] : the Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance2019*est Halduskultuur [Võrguteavik] : the Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance2019*est How governments support innovation through public procurement : comparing evidence from 11 countriesLember, Veiko; Kattel, Rainer; Kalvet, TarmoPublic procurement, innovation and policy : international perspectives2014 / p. 287-309 How governments support innovation through public procurement? : comparing evidence from 11 countries [Electronic resource]Lember, Veiko; Kattel, Rainer; Kalvet, Tarmo2013 How technology transfer is understood in the "field"? 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[Online resource]Tõnurist, Piret; Lember, Veiko; Kattel, Rainer2016 Kas Eesti Ülikool lahendab kõik probleemid?Kattel, Rainer; Karo, Erkki; Lember, VeikoSirp2015 / lk. 36-37 : fot Knowledge transfer for public administrations : the case of elections and cybersecurity = Haldusasutuste teadmussiire : valimiste ja küberturvalisuse juhtumSerrano-Iova, Radu-Antonio2024*est Kuidas konkursside ja auhindadega innovatsiooni hoogustada : maailma tervisesüsteemide õppetunnid Eestile [Võrguteavik]Lember, Veiko; Tõnurist, Piret; Karo, Erkki; Hanson, Raul; Mäekivi, Rauno2015 Kuidas soodustada uute tööstuste teket energiasektori näitel : lühianalüüs [Võrguteavik]Lember, Veiko; Karo, Erkki; Kärg, Mihkel; Tõnurist, Piret2016 La capacité technologique dans le secteur public : le cas de l’EstonieLember, Veiko; Kattel, Rainer; Tõnurist, PiretRevue internationale des sciences administratives2018 / p. 221-239 Management and organization of e-participation : synthesis from 15 European initiativesRandma-Liiv, Tiina; Lember, VeikoEngaging citizens in policy making : e-participation practices in Europe2022 / p. 260-279*est National context for PPPs – policy, regulation and supporting institutionsVerhoest, Koen; van den Hurk, Martijn; Carbonara, Nunzia; Lember, VeikoPublic private partnerships in transport : trends & theory : P3T3 : 2013 discussion papers. Part I, Country profiles2013 / p. xii-xxv : ill National contexts for PPPs in Europe : conclusions and policy recommendationsVerhoest, Koen; Petersen, Ole Helby; Lember, VeikoPublic private partnerships in transport : trends and theory2016 / p. 85-94 National varieties of public-private partnerships (PPPs) : a comparative analysis of PPP-supporting units in 19 European countriesvan den Hurk, Martijn; Brogaard, Lena; Lember, Veiko; Petersen, Ole Helby; Witz, PetrJournal of comparative policy analysis : research and practice2016 / p. 1-20 : tab Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Article at WOS Article at WOS New leisure class and conspicuous politics in urban regeneration initiatives [Online resource]Tõnurist, Piret; Kattel, Rainer; Lember, Veiko2015 Nutikas spetsialiseerumine : kas Eesti teadus-, arendus- ja innovatsioonipoliitika kuldvõtmeke aastail 2014-2020?Karo, Erkki; Kattel, Rainer; Lember, Veiko; Ukrainski, Kadri; Kanep, Hanna; Varblane, UrmasRiigikogu Toimetised2014 / lk. 116-136 : ill*est On importance of ex ante analysis in implementing contracting out : lesson from the Estonian emergency medical serviceLember, VeikoQuality of implementation in public sector2005 / ? p On importance of ex ante analysis in implementing contracting out : lessons from the Estonian emergency medical serviceLember, VeikoImplementation - the missing link in public administration2006 / p. 111-124 Online incorporation platforms in Estonia and beyond : how administrative spillover effects hamper international taxationYlönen, Matti; Drechsler, Wolfgang; Lember, VeikoTransnational corporations2023 / p. 79-101 Policy learning and policy transfer in policy environments with weak policy capacity : exploring processes and effects in the domains of fiscal and innovation policies = Poliitikate õppimis- ja ülevõtmisprotsess madala poliitikakujundamise võimekusega keskkondades : protsessid ja mõju fiskaal- ja innovatsioonipoliitika valdkonnasCepilovs, Aleksandrs2017*est Programmi RITA tegevuse 1 projekti „Masinõppe ja AI toega teenused“ lõpparuanneSolvak, Mihkel; Vilo, Jaak; Reisberg, Sulev; Tamm, Sirli; Oja, Marek; Ligi, Kadri; Unt, Taavi; Võrk, Andres; Leets, Peeter; Tammet, Tanel; Vaarandi, Risto; Nõmm, Sven; Lepik, Toomas; Lember, Veiko; Nõmmik, Steven; Noordt, Colin Pascal van; Kerikmäe, Tanel2022 Programmi RITA tegevuse 1 projekti „Masinõppe ja AI toega teenused“ lõpparuanne Public administration, technology and administrative capacity [Online resource]Lember, Veiko; Kattel, Rainer; Tõnurist, Piret2016 Public private partnerships in transport : trends & theory : P3T3 : 2013 discussion papers. 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Vol. 11, no. 22010 / p. 239-254*est Purchase-of-service contracting in EstoniaLember, Veiko; Kriz, Kenneth A.2nd International Public Procurement Conference 2006 : Rome, Italy 21-23.09.2006 : presented papers2006 / ? p Quo vadis public procurement of innovation?Lember, Veiko; Kattel, Rainer; Kalvet, TarmoInnovation : the European journal of social science research2015 / p. 403-421 : ill Reluctant co-producers of public services : understanding micro-level dynamics = Tõrksus avalike teenuste koosloomes : mikrotasandi dünaamikadSurva, Laidi2023*est Riigihanked ja innovatsioon Eestis : milleks kulutada 11 miljonit eurot päevas?Lember, Veiko; Kalvet, TarmoRiigikogu Toimetised2012 / lk. 110-126 : portr The role of private actors in public sector innovationPetersen, Ole Helby; Lember, Veiko; Scherrer, Walter; Agren, RobertEnhancing public innovation by transforming public governance2016 / p. 197-214 Smart city, technological capacity and public procurementLember, Veiko; Tõnurist, Piret; Kattel, RainerLocal governance in the age of technological transformation and global uncertainty2020 / p. xxxix−lxi Strategies to advance the dream of integrated digital public service delivery in inter-organizational collaboration networksWouters, Stijn; Janssen, Marijn; Lember, Veiko; Crompvoets, JoepGovernment information quarterly2023 / art. 101779, 14 p Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Technological capacity in the public sector : the case of EstoniaLember, Veiko; Kattel, Rainer; Tõnurist, PiretInternational review of administrative sciences2018 / p. 214-230 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Technological capacity in the public sector : the case of Estonia [Online resource]Lember, Veiko; Kattel, Rainer; Tõnurist, Piret2017 Technology transfer in economic periphery : emerging patterns and policy challengesKirs, Margit; Lember, Veiko; Karo, ErkkiReview of policy research2021 / p. 677−706 Journal metrics at Scopus Article at Scopus Journal metrics at WOS Article at WOS Territoriality and governance in the globalizing European Eastern peripheries2018*est The COVID-19-crisis and the information polity: An overview of responses and discussions in twenty-one countries from six continentsBannister, Frank; Bennett, Colin J.; Chen, Kaiping; Lember, VeikoInformation Polity2020 / p. 243-274 The dynamics of technology transfer in a catching-up innovation system : empirical evidence and actor perceptions from the Estonian biotechnology sector [Online resource]Kirs, Margit; Lember, Veiko; Karo, Erkki2017 The emergence of transport PPPs : context and driversDewulf, G.; Lember, VeikoCost action TU1001 public private partnerships in transport : trends & theory, 2011 discussion papers2012 / p. 138-150 The future of Estonia's development model : what will carry us forward? 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